Sunday, May 15, 2011

A gaming conversation...

Well, I have things to do at school, like projects and homework concerning computers. When it comes into programming, I love making games, and then playing it later. It’s like a hobby to me: thinking in something amazing to play and then planning all the stuff I need to create a game.
Well, also I think how I’m going to program and in what platform I’m going to use. Although there’s a lot of things you have to specify (like movement and shooting and lives, and high scores…), it’s fun learning and see funny effects that you don’t expect but happens somehow.
In addition you have to be patient when you see so many errors. If you search well in your code and play with it a little, in the end the result will be the desired one. And then you jump out of your chair and dance all around repeating with an exited voice: “It works!” (Also your program can appear this message if it really worked. Only have to make sure it was in the correct line… n_n).
                Detail is what makes the difference between one game and another. You can notice that some game has better graphics and movement than other when you’re playing it. Also the quality of sound and the effects of the game are important. The complexity of the game depends on what things you have considered it would have. Therefore, it could take months to make something plausible to the user.
                And then there are other programming and computer projects to make. Well, it will be a long day doing those (without counting tests and reports and other stuff… u_u  ) 

-“But having fun with programming may get me motivated into studying better” 
-“Hope you won’t be too engrossed into one gaming project only! ”
-“But, that’s what is making me happy… (but you’re right…) u_u

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Expressing Introversion out of your known space...

Having fun doing the things you like is a good thing. But it’s better to share what you do with other people. As a reserved person, I was always playing videogames alone, and staying in the computer not always chatting with other people. But when I discovered the great world of good playing and awkward moments, I was delightful to have friends who I could talk about videogames and stuff.

There are many activities that you can share with others, like playing trading card games, RPG games, watching a good movie, especially if it is a superhero movie of a sci-fi or fantasy one. Other than that, the most awesome activity you can share with others is going to conventions of comics and videogames and Japanese manga. 

When I was first invited to go into one of my local conventions (I didn’t want to go alone before…), I was so impressed of how many people was into all the stuff of “cosplaying”  their favorite character, and playing card games and also videogames. Also, there was quite a variety of items like clothes or bag packs and accessories of one character. Also I liked that some people weren’t afraid to sing their favorite songs and express to so many people their good costume they made.

There were other conventions I went (not quite a few but not all of the ones they prepared) and their focus were to known modern Japanese anime, a few of comics and videogames (and also digital design). It’s a good thing having those events, so you can know people to trade cards with of just to have a good time. But well, I don’t have awesome cards to ‘duel’ with some powerful deck, nor have the skills to win to someone who knows all the skills of their favorite fighting characters, and win easily.

Although I have little time involved into “Expression of Introversion”, I have played many games and quite seen some anime series. But my motivation is to know more about how people like to gather comics of every kind, how famous franchises like Star Wars, and how games like World of Warcraft are so awesome. Maybe is just the “Cultural Vision” of what everyone else sees about us the ones who likes things like that. Of course those kinds of passion for those series are the reason that everyone gathers to share it. But it seems that is up to the place you live and the things you do who determine the way you like all those things.

It’s confusing that I have to relate ‘nerdy things’ to some specific series and associated material (because I’ve seen on the Internet that it’s a fact, but it's not always a rule...), and also to have somewhat a large collection of items. But I think expression is not always having the most valuable things into your room. It could be enough knowing what you are talking about is awesome and the other agrees with great enthusiasm (if they not, Internet has all kinds of group to admire a single character…). 

But that’s when adventures begin, getting the ambiance to state idea into active motion, apply learned things and having more fun with it. With school activities and such, there can be a time when you can enjoy doing what you most like. Because of course, the "Standard Motion of your Personality" knows that all has to be in balance (so does school, so you can get better things *hehe*).

-“Yay! We’re going on adventure!”
-“Well, so you are now going to show what you are capable of…”
-“And soon, things are going to be so easy!”

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hello World! (Not simply a beginner's program...)

Hello! Well... welcome to my page.

I hope you reader visit this page once on your free time. I thought of this for a long time, so here it is. This is an expression of some person who wants something different in his life. Well, I have gotten into so many pages on the Internet, and gone through many experiences around the use of this awesome bank of information, that I didn’t want to go behind those who have expressed also their ideas.

I’m the one who stands for the nick of “Standard Nerd Boy” (or StndNerdBoy, the number is only for decoration…). It was tough to select one nick to comply with my likes, so I ended using this as my ‘ticket’ to enter completely into the realm of collective information around de World Wide Web.
My purpose of this blog is to be something more than an introverted and reserved type of person, but I don’t know if someone else would be also doing the same and doesn’t think so much about it.

I’m new about this, but I like to write, so whatever thing I have in mind it will be understandable (in a certain way…) . Seems I’m putting some effort with this *hehe* , but my entries will be so in order to facilitate the reading and having a pleasant time reading it. Of course if you got something interesting, an idea to follow, I guess you will continue reading it regardless how pretty is the blog or how annoying the page is to scroll down...

But most of all, I’m excited that I will use all my power and knowledge of this language to express something that normally it's used with another language…  (so any misunderstanding of language is because of grammar issues… I’m always willing to learn something new *hehe*).

Well, so much for a beginning, so anything else will be in the profile, but there will be other things to write about later...

-"My expressions will be so cool, you will end believing it."
-"But you are only starting this"
-"Yeah, I know! Just let me enjoy this moment of awesomeness for a while. Then we're going into action!"