Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Nerd’s Potential

                Hello everyone. Hope you like the design of this blog. I’ll do my best to stay in time with my entries. Although it’s kind of difficult try to update this page, this is going to be one awesome blog to share to you reader. If you read this, thanks for visiting my page. Hope to get another vision of the world written by me (hehe).
               Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. This time I will show you awesomeness in many forms. But those awesome things I have were hidden by my only lack of medium of expression, so you’ll see that everyone has something to share. Here I go:

                When I was a child, I have a passion over videogames. I liked them because it was entertaining see some red pixelated thing jumping over tubes and smashing mushroom-type enemies and turtles.  Oh how entertaining memories playing Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System (or NES in short). Seems that when I had one year playing the NES, the Nintendo 64 have been lunched on the market. But still I was unaware of those consoles. Curious that I had more NES games than other cartridges in other consoles (I wonder if there were given as a present…), but there were classics like Mike Tyson’s Punch Out! , Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT), Rad Racer 2, Robocop, Super Contra, and ones whose name weren’t important at that time like Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball. Also games like Zelda “Link’s Adventure”, and some F1 racing game in which you have to build to win races..., with the catchy song starting the game (hehe). 

                Then Super Nintendo, with Mario All-Stars, Mario World, Megaman X, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong Country, TMNT Turtles in Time and two of Batman’s games, and then the Game Boy with Pokemon Blue and Final Fantasy Adventure (those two are so amazing! ) . Also when the Nintendo 64 came to my house, I was excited to see Donkey Kong move along the area (I don’t recall if I have seen the difference in the graphics, only I say that was awesome). Also with Super Smash Bros, and the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Well, I didn’t have so many videogames, but I was delightful with the ones I had...

 [I hope later on to specify in another entry some of my favorite games and experiences]

                Then I had the Game Cube, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, some PlayStation 2 with some raccoon robbing for a “good cause…”, and the Wii (which it was a gift…). As you can see, I CAN SAY I LOVE VIDEOGAMES SO MUCH I STILL PLAY IT!,… aaand, they are useful to clear your mind and have some fun. Role-Playing Games are my favorite, because of the stories they have, following the action games and one or another strategy/puzzle game.

                I think it was my first approach to the world of awesome things, having the notion of a gamer who simply likes to play games. Then the computer and the internet have other things to play also…

                Now, for "The Nerd's Potential" Title Value: says I'm a Nerd King.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!

That's right!, I have my love in math things and computer issues, not so fan of history and neither read so many classical books, I have my notions of science fiction, and I show a little of awkwardness.

“-Yay! I like how this blog is becoming so far…”
“-Yeah! It’s so blue, I like it too.”
“-Now for more idea development. My vision of this Standard Attribute will make them more aware of the Situation...”

Monday, June 20, 2011

An Inspiration to Write

    Well, I have thought so much about my concept of this blog, and visualized a lot of ideas in which I can use to make more entries. Each time something comes up to my mind and then I try to express it in words and sentences. After a certain base is made, I develop some fundamental ideas that cover the selected title and, based on my experience and researches, I detail the entry so, it can communicate some meaning.

    So, my inspiration to write… what makes me write is quite simple. I have always wanted that my ideas can go out of my mind. Is a good thing having an active mind and also a good imagination, but when an idea comes by and returns like a spiral, it’s for sure that idea wants to go outside, to wander in everyplace possible, and then return to my mind richer in concepts, result from the opinion of others, or my own conclusions.

     How can somebody think of that? It’s just a concept that can symbolize idea development, one of the many ways to find answers of many questions. Maybe it can be a little strange to mention those statements, but most people might think of this, or some day they will question simple things that mean a lot for one person. Maybe it’s just only for the purpose to writing expression. [-Seems he's saying nonsense,  hehe...]     [<-- >.<]

    Yeah, that’s one of the main topics I feel conformable to talk about. There’re only simple topics to start a good blogging adventure, and also to fulfill the last mentioned purposes on this. I can’t deny my shyness and my eagerness of say something valuable and important to others. There’re so many things I want to talk, but a limitation of several issues that can negate my expression. There’re also many to share (in terms of expression), but a lack of someone who can receive them. It’s a mixture of confused ideas that are constantly in my active mind. [-Just don't do this too often, might not want to see your gloomy you :S...] 

     But if I made this space is because I want to have my ideas to visit many places and return richer, so this place can be full of different ideas from others and to share some part of me that wants to be known. It’s like an overcoming [expressive] shyness and personal-type blog in which each entry the progress of my expression can facilitate doing more meaningful and attractive ones. It’s like a good purpose to follow, and a challenge that can make me less bashful to express an opinion that others can understand it.

-“I can understand the affliction of those who can’t easily amplify their voices and can’t break their own barrier.”
-“Wow, that’s a thoughtful statement. I’m sure what you are doing is gonna help you a lot.”
-“Yeah, I hope to get some comments of this blog…”
-“So they can tell you how dedicated is your effort to write something neat, right…?”
-“Hey! I know I can do better than this, so I can talk more awesome things, but support is important….”

[for you to know: blog editing is different than Word editing. I have discovered this right now :D]

Saturday, June 4, 2011

There's not an Absolute Introversion...

...nor there can be an Absolute Extroversion.

     I was thinking of that idea when I was trying to conclude certain thoughts. The idea came when something in my mind said that it would be cool to have some more friends to share your opinion of what you like, so they can share to you the same. Of course no one would expect someone who is too shy to express himself as a friend (because they might expect something from you...), but the fact is that everyone is in need of another person who can be considered as a support when you feel down. We have both parts, one more important than another.

     Considering that, I thought "What would it be to have a little more of an Extroverted Motion who helps me to have fun with real friends? What things to say to them? And, what would I expect more from them?" If I go with going around of my house, searching for that thing, I might get it. But then comes another idea."Time has the relation between moments of Introversion and moments of Extroversion, so those are dependent of Time". If you dedicate more time for Extroversion you will lose time of Introversion.

     Making the sacrifice of that last statement is kind of difficult, especially if you are not so accustomed to think much of going outside quite often on your daytime. But  when it comes to employ time at School, activities like wandering around the streets are uncommon. Maybe my Introversion is too far to get to an Absolute one [-But if you said there was not...] , only with the tiny portion of time getting along with parents and classmates and one or another friend. Maybe my Introversion needs the portion of contribution of my friendship relation; in particular with the ones I have affirmed there are my friends.

     So, Internet who sees it all, you are like a portal acting as a mediator, and heard the laments of a timid boy who desires the courage to at least utilize his nickname (StndNerdBoy11) as his gateway to the collective information of the World Wide Web. Although my position is mostly Introverted, I know that the benefits of an social relationship, using it well can make you feel glad (Of course, sharing the activities you like with others ).

-"With this position, it will be fun surfing the Internet"
-"But even with using Internet you were afraid to do something awkward and not audacious..."
-"I can learn from the best..."
-"...and regarding comments, will you accept those comments...?"
-"..., I-I am prepared for that! *determined face* "
-"...because they may wonder what image you will use and..."
-" I don't mind either! (As if my position were not exposed to the public more than once...)"