Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Let me tell you about HomeStuck"

Hello there! Well, this was a good week for me I guess, work finished from school and other funny things to do. I was doing my weekend research for the Nerd-Type Status, when some image reminded me of what I left behind from one webcomic I was following since April of this year. As the title says, it’s about HomeStuck.

       I would start telling you how I began viewing this. At that time searching images in I came across one image of a boy with glasses and another one who was seeing him like he was a nerd. When I got into the description of the image, I saw the source of what this image came from. The image was a fan art of that page, [Refer to the Image Source to go to the page]. I was amazed a fan art get inspirations from that web page. So was my curiosity that I clicked on the link and came across to the page. At first it shows the start of a comic, with a .gif image of the boy with the glasses. I didn't want to lose time, so I clicked some pages they showed on the recent posts of the story.  It was the part when they got something big inside a planet and gets out of there. My attention grew when at one point whey showed a Flash-animated scene with something funny on it. At that moment I thought this would be a good idea to follow that story. So I began reading from start.
                Of course I must give my time reading all those pages. Well, stared  the comic with a boy named John, who was in his house and was about to play a game. Well the thing is that everything on this webcomic was determined by users’ commands, like we were giving the path the character would follow. The one who manages all those commands, Andrew Hussie, chooses the most appropriate one (or the first one) to continue on the story. That’s why it’s an interactive webcomic.
                Giving the idea of what you are going to see on this web comic is: game-like ambiance, programming data structures, chat-like conversations, good animations (when it’s necessary) and also a long amount of trolling, weird but awesome mind-blowing stuff and others things you’d think this is out of this planet....
Image Source: MSPaintAdventures-HomeStuck [2009-2011]
                The pages and have their own fan artists who had made this comic get to know to all those people. It is cool something awesome like that get promoted by all those fan art. Because it has simple well-made and clear images, and with all the Flash animation, it guides you to a world into the game, who turns out to be a quest for discovery and amazing moves.
                I don’t want at first to tell you everything, neither spoilers (not now),

HomeStuck Kinda Last Information (If you really want to start without a single idea of this)

but I can tell you one thing that made me want to write this post before.
At the end of October, the webcomic concluded one Episode more, with a very good and planned animation. One image made me think that I have to get updated to the last part. Seems like after some more pages came to the last updated page where that animation appeared. Simply outstanding n_n. So,

I would really recommend you go read this webcomic (if you HAVE free time) and go and get updated to get the opportunity, because they will continue the webcomic starting November 11th. You have chance to get amazed by the stuff that happens there. So have fun. Later I may do another post about it. This is so amazing I can't leave this as the only one. Maybe I could tell my vision of that comic...

-“Yeah for John! I know you will like it too!”
-“Yeah, seems interesting to me. The words and the animation…”
-“I just got amazed for the last updated page. So amazing. But it got me by surprise”
-“Why so?”
-“It’s just that after that I thought it would continue, but, oh well. I got again into that again n_n”

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Adventures in the World of RO

After so much time not playing this game, some event made me install it again. Ragnarok Online (or RO), is the multiplayer RPG online game that has gotten my attention since I started to play. Some friend invited me to play with him, and I thought it would be interesting to play and so I got into installing it.

                The installation of the game and server was long (about an hour, my 1GB of RAM and my processor wasn't fast enough...) but after that, the sign in and the creation of the character. I saw that when you entered you start as Novice and if you choose your stats well, you can become a specific Job and training getting specific items for the character. I liked the Mage types, so I aimed to be a Wizard and throw magic to enemies. Even if that Job is a little difficult to train, I was patient getting into the right enemy to destroy and not getting defeated. But of course, many times I got defeated and, then you'll have to go again to the training site.

                The World of RO was quite good. The character is sprite-like, but the background was 3D, in a way it could match the character and enemies (most of it sprite-like). At certain times, enemies appear in the map. Each enemy has specific stats similar to the players.

                One you get to a certain level, you could go fight tougher enemies, but in my case, my Wizard can attack effectively enemies that don’t attack fast and strong, also the ones who are very slow and the ones who don't attack in wide range. I like getting items on Toy Factory because certain enemy throws a Blue Box containing various things, and valuable things.

                Right now, I have a Wizard lv 90, with a good Magic Attack Power and quite a fast casting. But you can improve your stats refining your weapons en equipping, and adding cards into them.

                The game is quite addictive, but when you know well your time, it couldn't be a problem. I like when you can know someone to play with and get party and gaining exp together, and at parties or 10+, defeat powerful enemies.

-"Vacations are a good thing to get some time to play..."
-"Why do you say it? You're playing it now."
-"Yeah, but right now I can't get full into that, I have other things..."
-"So, why are you playing?"
-"Only relax a little, I don't want someone invite me to something and not be present because of the normal activities."
-"I see..."
-"Need to get important things first *smiles*"

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A little talk about Pokémon!

Once again with my Nerdy Issues, well, you can't get tired of that, right? As you can see for the title, it's Pokémon time! Yeah, I wanted to do a Pokémon post. I could tell so many things about what things Pokémon made me a joyful boy in my childhood and how amazing Pokémon was at that age (and it's still awesome).

                Now, what things can you expect from Pokémon? It's a game, it's a cartoon, it's a collectible Card game, they have all kind of stuff with Pokémon on it, and it's one of the most representative things of the Nerdy Kind. Why? Because of all the things that came into our minds when we saw those things in our life and made changes that are now part of our personality, I guess....

                Who wouldn't want to catch a Pokémon in real life, become a Pokémon Trainer, explore new worlds, get amazed at all these little creatures on forests, on deserts, on rivers, or on trees? Also it was cool battling other trainers, gain badges and getting in a competition where you could beat your rival at the final battle and get your name at the Hall of Fame with your trained Pokémon and become a Pokémon Master...!

                And then do it again for the next games and getting fun training it and beating trainers. All the fun was for winning battles and feel you made an effort training Pokémon *quite a good smile :D *.

                But yeah, even if the sound of the repetitive action of throwing Poke balls and hearing the Evolution Song and other similar things might sound boring, that's not true. You could get the fun for it. Most of all, you'll get the fun at the next level when friends know when you talk about Pokémon they immediately get the point.

                I know friends that use attack moves to refer to something in their conversations, quite good thing they know it very well. In fact, they know more about Pokémon than I (but I can get into the conversation and understand it also, so no worries...). It's fun because it's part of our personality. Even if new Pokémon appeared got the attention of a fewer ones, the First Generations will be remembered for the ones who got influenced on those games and cartoons and other stuff.

-“So Pokémon, It’s my duty to like you every day!”
-“So true.”
-“Next time, what would be the best thing to talk in the Pokemon topic?”
-“Well, you can tell them how good you are at  Pokémon…”
-“Not quite as others, but I can do my best…”
-“Or how about how many collections you have in your room…”
-“I have a Pikachu, and a book of Pokémon,…”
-“Or how many games have you played…”
-“Yeah, yeah, those are good ideas. Maybe I can get another post for that….”

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Great events...

Original Title: “Great sudden events not always end as you expected…”

                One Friday night, after finishing our classes, went to some sort of a concert near there. That day was interesting, because we didn’t have too many classes, but our free time we had spend it on preparing to that concert.  My mind was exciting, because it was the first time going to a massive concert (or maybe not too massive). Also I was amazed because it was an opportunity given to me, because the tickets were given to me free.

I heard of that concert, and it would be exclusive for some people, but they decided to give free tickets also to the others at School. So with that I had the opportunity to go. The thought of not going to a concert was present, and I thought how that opportunity is there to be taken. I knew it was something interesting not to lose it.

                So I went to School and saw my companions and friends, and so classes began. It wasn’t too long and then it finished. I feel that was short. So until the time of the concert I waited some time, playing games and wandering about. When the time came, my friends and I were ready to go to the place of the concert. I didn’t know the place was quite big and wide, all people gathering here walking around until the time of the concert begins. My friends and I entered with the tickets given. And the first thing I saw were vending stands of food and souvenirs. That was weird, that wasn’t on my mind that they could sell those things. After some time we gather around in front of the main stage, and that’s when all started.

                Well, first they were playing some invited band until the great band appears, only to get the admiration of fans and people there to wait more anxiously. And so after a few songs, and after some minutes, the great band appeared on stage and started to play.

                Wow, I was really amazed about the concert: the instruments, the lights, the effects, the smoke that was illuminated with the colorful lights, and of course the ones who play the instruments, and the rhythm and the lyrics of the song. An amazing show that I saw with both of my eyes. Although I was small enough to not to get to see completely the stage, the music and the show was great to enjoy.

                But something happened after the show, I didn't think I was making somebody to wait for me. Make long story short, there it was in the car. Yeah, I feel strange at that moment, so I would fill this paragraph into nonsense to start another one properly about how strange I felt at that moment when I got into the car. The lights and all the fun we had there were amazing, and they sang and danced and throw toilet paper on the air… Ok, next paragraph.

                I felt strange when we were returning home, like ashamed of what I did, but at the same time amazed from what I saw on stage, and at the same time, I didn’t care about both of them. I just wanted to return home and spend the night and that’s it. Well, I wanted to save those special things that happened last night sending apart the moment after that. Because it would be awful to remember the failure if I still thinking about the concert. But of course it has a relation, but it wouldn’t affect me.

                Although I wouldn’t receive something awful, crying was expected. So I waited for the right moment. That kind of emotion seems to be unavoidable, if something like making somebody worries about you and can’t communicate with him could make a strong emotion. For the moment I was there in the living room, I forgot what happened, as my regret became sadness and my sensation of guiltiness became tears...

                From the perspective of my personality, maybe I didn’t contemplate everything, but of course it was unexpected what happened, and of course I would make consideration next time I get the will to go again…

-“And so, there’re goes another adventure from this young boy...”
-“Who made an odd decision and went to the nowhere...”
-“It wasn’t…”
-“… and thought everything was going to be on plan…”
-“But I thought…”
-“… that of course it wasn’t planned on first place,…”
-“I know, but…”
-“…but ended unexpectedly. Seems normal to me.”
-“Oh…, I…”
-“Yeah, it was a good try for the first time, but you could do better.”
-“..., still, I will get only the good moments of that!”