Original Title: “Great sudden events not always end as
you expected…”

I heard of that concert, and it
would be exclusive for some people, but they decided to give free tickets also
to the others at School. So with that I had the opportunity to go. The thought
of not going to a concert was present, and I thought how that opportunity is
there to be taken. I knew it was something interesting not to lose it.
So I
went to School and saw my companions and friends, and so classes began. It wasn’t
too long and then it finished. I feel that was short. So until the time of the
concert I waited some time, playing games and wandering about. When the time
came, my friends and I were ready to go to the place of the concert. I didn’t
know the place was quite big and wide, all people gathering here walking around
until the time of the concert begins. My friends and I entered with the tickets
given. And the first thing I saw were vending stands of food and souvenirs.
That was weird, that wasn’t on my mind that they could sell those things. After
some time we gather around in front of the main stage, and that’s when all
first they were playing some invited band until the great band appears, only to
get the admiration of fans and people there to wait more anxiously. And so
after a few songs, and after some minutes, the great band appeared on stage and
started to play.
I was really amazed about the concert: the instruments, the lights, the
effects, the smoke that was illuminated with the colorful lights, and of course
the ones who play the instruments, and the rhythm and the lyrics of the song.
An amazing show that I saw with both of my eyes. Although I was small enough to
not to get to see completely the stage, the music and the show was great to
something happened after the show, I didn't think I was making somebody to wait for
me. Make long story short, there it was in the car. Yeah, I feel strange at
that moment, so I would fill this paragraph into nonsense to start another one
properly about how strange I felt at that moment when I got into the car. The
lights and all the fun we had there were amazing, and they sang and danced and
throw toilet paper on the air… Ok, next paragraph.
felt strange when we were returning home, like ashamed of what I did, but at
the same time amazed from what I saw on stage, and at the same time, I didn’t
care about both of them. I just wanted to return home and spend the night and
that’s it. Well, I wanted to save those special things that happened last night
sending apart the moment after that. Because it would be awful to remember the
failure if I still thinking about the concert. But of course it has a relation,
but it wouldn’t affect me.
I wouldn’t receive something awful, crying was expected. So I waited for the
right moment. That kind of emotion seems to be unavoidable, if something like
making somebody worries about you and can’t communicate with him could make a
strong emotion. For the moment I was there in the living room, I forgot what
happened, as my regret became sadness and my sensation of guiltiness became tears...
the perspective of my personality, maybe I didn’t contemplate everything, but
of course it was unexpected what happened, and of course I would make
consideration next time I get the will to go again…
-“And so, there’re goes another adventure from this young boy...”
-“Who made an odd decision and went to the nowhere...”
-“It wasn’t…”
-“… and thought everything was going to be on plan…”
-“But I thought…”
-“… that of course it wasn’t planned on first place,…”
-“I know, but…”
-“…but ended unexpectedly. Seems normal to me.”
-“Oh…, I…”
-“Yeah, it was a good try for the first time, but you
could do better.”
-“..., still, I will get only the good moments of that!”