Month's Title: "Another Day More"
Ok, I was thinking for this post recently, not just because it is a special day, but when I really thought about it, I didn't realize how to say what we call in Spanish “Año Bisiesto” in English. But I ask you, do you really say “leap year” or “leap day”, or just say it’s only February the 29th? Just for the English improvement (by the way I still need to improve, heheheh)
They say Feb 29th is to compensate the Earth’s translation around the Sun to make a slight start towards the initial point, which is when summer arrives. I would think that’s why the solstice of summer changes its day each year. The day the sun appears most of the time in a day is measured that specific day, and they have their measurements and also their predictions.
Mentioning a little about Astronomy, if you really try to research how all those predictions are made, you will be surprised on all the calculations that they made and the position of most of the things that surrounds our planet. Its beginnings were centuries ago, proposing theoretic figures of movement like the circle, the ellipse, and then when technology have been growing, they made the calculations more precisely, as the ones made at old times.
It has come to my mind of a person who used the sun rays as a base to make a measurement of the Earth’s circumference. Using the angle of the rays at solstice of summer on two different points on the Earth, and measuring the distance between them, he made a relation in which obtained mathematically that circumference; quite amazing just using simple geometric measurements.
Getting to the main point of the day, how do you feel when you live that day, Feb/29th? Sure it would be nothing, just another day, or do you believe something wonderful/awful/awesome/dangerous/etc will happen?
I really don’t care a lot about it, maybe I don’t consider it as great as the other days, but it is sure interesting to notice that extra day we have. It’s like you have to wait another day of the year to your next birthday, and maybe if it wasn't for that Leap Day thing, in your birthday it might occur something amazing. The good news it’s on Friday *yay*
“So I put this thing starting the day, so I can say: enjoy your day, because there will be no other day like this in four years…”
“yay… whohoo…, amazing enough for state an irony, right?”
“Eh? It was a random post, and I think this would be fine on Month’s ending Day. And it just happens that day is now.”
“And today nothing more special than this in general happens. It’s a weird day.”
“Sure thing, because you will be special if you born on that day, which it would be weird. Having a birthday on a day it doesn't appear like any other days…”
“But it’s indeed awesome, right?”
“Another point to state that time is sure relative…”
“Time moments on the history of the Universe, and its own way to see it based on a reference point…, heheh”
[By the way, Time Facts: this is the day when you have the tedious work to push a bunch of buttons in order to be Feb 28th/Mar 1st, just because your digital hand watch only has 365 days...(-Oh, what a drag~)(-But it is...)]
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Computer Experiences of the past

Yeah, that sounds weird, because, if you have been using the computer for a long time, it’s obvious that you won’t remember exactly when it happened: if you have seen it when you were too young, or if you have used it for school for the first time. In this time where technology is getting useful things for daily life, you might not wonder how everything started, because maybe you don’t realize the change made.
So, I first saw a computer when I was a little boy. And I could remember it was those computers where it only has two colors, black and green. I remember a little of startup, the programs, and the way it prints… Someone had another one in which it has a game of falling letters, quite fascinating, in terms of programming. Maybe at that time, more sophisticated operating systems appeared, and only we had the ones from years ago.
Then when we had a chance of another computer, it was the one in which it had Paint as a program. It was my favorite program to use, because you can do a lot of things to draw. You could remember how odd it was then you mixed the colors, they looked like it was the combination of the two of them. I liked play games, some PC game that I used to play was simple. I don’t know why, but for some reason I made my computer to crash, because I think I erased some vital files for the OS. But I didn’t know what happened. Blue screens and other weird black things….
When I felt the need of working on the computer (for School Homework…), another computer was brought to our house. It was quite good (it was Windows XP!), and I have done a lot of things, playing some games and working on Word and Excel and Power Point (basic for data processing) Then we kinda did some programming because of the school, it was Pascal, but it was quite odd, and it wasn’t like they want someone to really learn that language. It was cool to make computer programs.
After Internet came, it was another cool thing. It wasn’t as fast as everyone else, but it was helpful. Then we had to deal with virus and other creepy things that infected our computer, it made our computer slower. I think we solved that problem. But one day our computer simply didn’t loaded the OS, and when we tried to repair, it looks that its hard drive was damaged or else. So then after a while, we had another one. At that time, it was awful, because it erased some important files…
Talking about lost things, I had a USB Memory once, in which something very strange happened unexpectedly. It seems to work fine before, but when I plugged in the memory, it didn’t respond. What a drag, I feel like I lost someone important, because it contained very important files for some school projects, and other things. Maybe because I feel the need to start again the project made me feel sad about it.
But those experiences make you learn about the world of computers and how to use it efficiently. I know how to make things possible, because each day I learn something new. I search on the Internet and on other things similar problems they might surge from others, and its possible solutions. And of course I know a lot of things that makes you take a little caution sometimes when things are not good to apply. As you can see, you have to be careful of what you click on web pages, and other requests on e-mail. Also, to be careful of what you see, of what you visit, or what you upload. In all places where information is public, when it gets uploaded, it stays as a public location. For those who know very well the structure of networking, things that you share to a most kind of populations is for that purpose.
We need to have a little bit of intuition on how our data is getting managed, in our computer devices and on internet. And to avoid software problems such as virus and other malware, we need to trust first and review what things we are downloading….
Computer Talk
Sunday, February 26, 2012
About the MOTHER Series
Hello, heheh, I’m feeling like writing and drawing at the same time, with lots of inspiration and a lot of energy to do it. Yeah, doing it at night is kind of exhausting and a with all the sleep you have, you only think in finish it fast and going to sleep, but this time, I’m doing the things right.
Ok, this time, I should continue on expressing my favorite things I do, and my favorite games also. This time I’m going to talk about a game that is considered unique in the terms that it is not known and it was not viewed to so many games as a cool game. I’m talking about the MOTHER Series, that showed its notable thing when Super Smash Bros. appeared. That’s when I first saw it.
When Super Smash Bros. was released for the Nintendo 64, a lot of followers of the game were increasing. Of course who would imagine a match between Mario, Pikachu, Link and Kirby in a parallel world? My friend at that time had it, and then I would have it also. There were quite a cast of characters in there, but also the four hidden ones. Among them, Ness, the most difficult character to obtain, and also he was a strong opponent with his psychic attacks.
Later, I saw on a magazine an article about that series, among other of Evangelion. (I want to see it again, and it seems that I cannot find it again :S) They were talking about Japanese games, in which MOTHER , MOTHER 2 / Earthbound and Earthbound 64 appeared. And on a later time, I related that article and the game of Smash Bros (now Meele), and in a search of finding something of it, I found something related to the game. Then I feel like playing it.
In the position of a state of time, I started playing Earthbound, for the SNES, I wouldn’t mind if it was quite weird, but it was entertaining enough, at least for an RPG game. So then I followed the flow of the game, seeing a lot of funny things, funny talking and weird graphics, in which it was amazing. Nearly at the end of the game things got a lot harder to beat, but it was good to clear the game and seeing the ending (really emotive ending…)
Then the other two, MOTHER, and MOTHER 3 at the moment it appeared. Maybe their story might not be as great and as coherent as others, but maybe what are really important are the world in which the characters wander, and its battle style. Even so, what I like of the story is our powers that have everyone to change someone’s life, and the game’s events can resemble someone’s life. Because the world of MOTHER is like our real world, a strong fate is put on the power of the kids in each one of the 3 games.
I became fan of those games, because I saw other fans of the game that give their position on the internet expressing it with their fan art, which in a way I liked it too. I think it was a time when I was searching also for Harry Potter fan art, heheheh. In fact, when I discovered Ness in Super Smash Bros. and later in Melee, I used that character as my favorite one to battle; a normal personality and a great power to send other players out of the platform.
I have favorite characters, Ness and Jeff for MOTHER 2 and Loid for MOTHER. Actually I was starting to draw fan art of the series, so I’m sure we still maintain the position of the ones who like those games. I was constantly viewing the site of, and now I’m following the posts of . Of course I view most of the cool drawings at, and other things related to the series.
There’s a lot to say about the series, how I perceive the games, and how some of the things mentioned gave a meaning to my actual personality. I’m sure I can express how much I liked the development of the characters and its simple but significant personality in a real-like world.
"So that's another thing I like..."
"Which you don't know how did you make a good fan of those series..."
"Maybe because of the characters."
"And by that your friends know you use that same boy when playing Smash Bros."
"Well, because he is cool and makes good moves."
"Anybody can say that with their favorites..."
"Of course, that's affirming why we like those characters."
Monday, February 20, 2012
You hear “overwhelmed” and you think…
… in something someone said to you.

I could relate the meaning with the moment of first hearing the word. Its definition recalls to a deep emotion that covers the mind; a lot of ideas and external events that wander your mind and make you feel pressured or gloomy. Then I could give the context of the meaning. Might he know of my deep ideas or things that easily make my emotions hesitate? What would it be if I really understood that meaning? I remember he explained that to me, but it was still a mystery, because of his English skills and my lack of understanding at that time…
But being overwhelmed…, I know if a lot events happen in life I may feel pressured, or if the ambiance is kind of weird, I feel uncomfortable, even if it is my room…, they don’t feel the position they put when trying to pass by…, when I am in a space in which a lot of people scattered there talking their own business, specially small rooms, and nobody pays attention in their busy talking, I feel like not being part of their group, as if what they say is not of my relevance. The thing is that feeling of overwhelming emotions.
Maybe that’s part of my different reactions when being with people, the people I didn't labeled as friends, or reliable classmates. Generally, those who I want to meet and those who talk to me about actions not taken lineally in the state of School, maybe with those I can be a little shy, because it’s not the main course, the comfortable course. As if I were to meet them at the middle of the course…, but who knows what would happen, if I give them a little level up of a friendship motion, and try to talk to him as if I knew him time ago, as if he were my friend.
Heheheh, I know acting as an extroverted person would be fun, if my behavior of shyness and fear weren't present. But I get afraid of the topics I wouldn't know. I have Computer Issues and other related things, and Nerd-Type Issues in a first level, and other general things. Maybe the thing is, I may fear of the lack of either of the two statements, and not doing anything.
But of course there is the introverted position, the easiest one for me, maybe I’m too accustomed to that position, maybe I shouldn't do something about going outside. But the main thing is what do my classmates do on weekends, if they go out playing games with other people or playing cards or trading them or going party, or maybe they spend the weekend standing in front of a computer and putting likes to almost everything they find.
Maybe the right answer to those arguments are that, if you have a friend, planning going outside on weekends, or planning going to one house, or planning staying at your house and talking to him, are those things you can do if you willing to do it. I know if you do your work well, you will have time to think of your friends and having a good day doing things friends like to do!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Friendship is...
Ok, for the occasion, just because Friendship indeed is important for me...
What's Friendship? I talk a lot about it, but why I give so much importance for a thing that is only eventful and seems to be not everyday's event? Maybe because my weird misconception of the meaning of friendship. Or maybe because weird experiences of life that made me feel I need a constant search of the Friend of the Moment. After all those searches, I found my Introversion motion, and my only need to not to be lonely in a world of social interaction. Imagine yourself around all those people, and seeing them talk to others, you feel the need to do the same, to "adapt to society..." (deep thoughts..., heheheh) My motivation generator can make things possible, but outside you feel overwhelmed with all those interactions, and you being the weird one.
The things I know about friendship is the interaction of people in activities, conversations, good laughs and sharing experiences. Feeling the great need of a friend in special moments is what gives an important change in life. But even if those friends are far away from you, there's no deny of the grateful experiences or events you have spent with them.
Maybe I'm too simple on friendship motion. I always think they expect so much from me, because they may think I don't say something interesting, or say nothing. I don't know if my sensitive feeling perceives them if they are not in a mood to talk. But that's maybe other option, I may don't feel the need to talk or I don't have the right thing to share or to express myself. Maybe I'm slow on maintaining a conversation, they get boring.... That's why I like to write and to draw. There's no need to hurry on expressing your ideas.
So, friendship is, giving part of your time with another person for sharing activities:
What I remember, a good friendship, when you know his house, comes over yours and start playing games, most kind of games. Pokemon Cards, videogames, soccer, typical childish games, more videogames, a little walking around your neighborhood, visiting your friends house, and having a great time. You know you have a friend because, even if he makes you cry or if he makes you feel anxious or disappointed about many things, he always has the look of concern and try to cheer you. That's when you feel better and forget what happened at this time.
There's no need to talk about other things, even if the world needs to step up the level of Friendship of the Conversation Motion. They want to hear it from their own ears. But maybe if you try too harder, the obvious notice of others makes you feel shy about it. They know when you talk more often and say more logical things. But maybe you don't know if they want or objective ideas or awkward ideas. Their bubble of friendship grows stronger among them..., but you feel very shy to send them again another letter insisting on their friendship motion and how they are important to you. You may had a few..., but everything is confusing. Changing friends, being with new people and experiencing new things. Everything happens so fast, the moment of getting one it changes again.
From the view of the Discrete Emotive Attribution, the actions made have a great deal of emotion and affection of the friend motion. Not that can became something else, but always want to express that great thing to be friends with others..., nobody said anything bad about my actions, so for the time being, I will continue. I know if the space is not possible, I should be doing alternative things to maintain the bond...
I may be shy, but I know I can be a good friend.
I may not say a thing, but I know I can express very good things from me.
I may be weird, but I know there's nothing to lose to understand a little.
I may be socially awkward..., but I know those things won't matter if you believe in true friendship.
Maybe I don't convince you, but that's ok if you are that way. I'm not so much from the indirect warnings, but direct expressions are not my thing...
Even if I feel like giving up on all this of friendship, because I get ideas around me without getting it clear, I won't.
"Only because I know that's a good thing, and you know it too. Only because I can give a lot for a good friendship, and video games are good too. (heheh)"
Monday, February 13, 2012
Wander the World with Google Earth
Hello, after quite a time of a little adaptation Motion, I'm here to continue on my always entertaining journey to being better, I suppose I'm doing it right, nobody said something against it. School things are on, but that's doesn't mean that I would forget my duty on writing when I have inspiration, or writing for a constant pace of time. So with that said, let's go then.
In this post I will talk about how Google Earth has become in something super handy for a lot of needs. First, maps. It is interesting to know that we live in a sphere-like place where if you travel around it in straight direction, you will end where you have started. Besides that, there is always a need of know where do we live and in what point of the world we are. Where we where children, we get to know were do we live and point our mark on a globe, generally it was a representation of our planet Earth. Then you get to know streets nearby and other names that make a direction of a certain place. At that time I liked to draw maps around my house: wandering my neighborhood, I could know how many streets there are from my house towards north, south, east and west. Luckily enough, my school was near there, so I also draw my school, how many buildings there are, the corridors, the playground, all the perimeter or school. Details are a good notion from me, and my maps proved that. It seems that I like to draw school areas.
Way before Google Earth, they were map books. I have one or two. They represent all the construction and streets they have made and showed important locations and other points. Its good to look once in a while those maps. Then on computer programs, they showed the globe in good detail, they showed all streets in one place, most of the streets....
Then, Google Earth appeared, one teacher told us about that program. The great different from other programs is that you can see those maps as if you were seeing it from above. It is amazing to view those places and all the detail on the streets and other places. Photos taken on space, and a great amount of space adjustment were the things that make a good view on that program. The cool thing is that those photos are updating showing on a later time space modifications (like new streets or house improvements).
Since the day of launch, Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Street View, and other things relating the space of Earth have appeared in order to make a representation in a more realistic way to our planet we live. Map applications and related programs that helps on localization, traveling, marking events, and others.
I was using the webpage, Google Maps, and then I saw all of Google Street View. When I looked upon where I live and it was quite cool..., but imagine what things you could do with that. With all that, you could feel you are traveling around the world!
I once did a traveling research. I pointed my destination on Japan, I just wanted to see how it is to be there. I pointed at one place, and started "walking", of course it was all on Google Street. I have made several points. The Tokyo Tower was one, as you travel all the streets, you can see how tall it is. And also with an application, you can see a lot of photos regarding that building (awesome thing the way they show the photos from the street view). Then, a Japanese Leaning Institute, then a shopping street, a train station, and some lesser streets, where you can see different types of homes, and other amazing things.
It is sure interesting to get to know more about this world as you are in your home. Of course the experience is different when you are actually there, the interaction of people and the feeling of the place's ambiance. But getting to know at first glance makes that interest of travel and visit there to grow more.
So, if you have time, and if you feel that sensation of meeting new cultures, prepare your computers and get amazed on all new things you can do, on Google Street View, from Google Maps.
"-Why a Google application...? Because it's awesome to see new things!!"
"-Yeah, you won't know how boring it is to see the same thing every day..."
"-If you know there's a HUGE amount of information to know and it's all on your computer to be searched."
"-I know that, only that there're times where you only want to insist on close your mind and be a dumb person..."
"-Huh? I don't know what are you referring..."
"-Simple, different activities..."
"Eh? That's the things I may have to talk on a later time."
"And also I'm getting used again with your talking... weird talking. And adjusting the state of our missions."
"Heheheh, ok, I get it. But let's hurry, because other projects may come as quickly as you think"
"Ok then."
Computer Talk
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Harry Potter, and the 1st Year PC Game

When the book became a movie, it was obvious that my family wanted to watch that movie, and also because it has some magic. In fact, I like it because of the magic, it was sort of a fantasy book in a hidden world inside a real world. But then I would obtain after the movie the books that were available. But when the time it was getting famous, there was a game on the PC that my parents bought to me. We were on a K-Mart store, I should guess, when I saw the CD of Harry Potter. I don't know if the case was a simple CD case or if that was inside one bigger.... Well the fact is that after we returned, we installed the game on the computer(it was Windows ME if I remember well...) and then started the game.
OK, it was simple, but entertaining, because there were parts you can go inside the castle of Hogwarts, and then there was those collectible cards from famous people of the Wizarding World. The thing of the story of the game is that on start you get on your classes, and then you learn magic spells, and after that you need to explore the castle to test the spells. And also you gain points from well done tasks. After some classes you start to get the interesting parts. After then you visit Hagrid and you need to go through a weird jungle to get to his home. And then do another tasks, and other things. I really don't want to tell everything, not the point, but for some reason the things turned difficult to obtain after that....
The real point, after the discovery of the Networking Collective Information, I came across with the game I bought last time, so I installed it again (this time it was Windows XP), but then there were things that I haven't done yet. But just then I came to the idea to find out how to clear the game. That's the time when I found there are some codes you can input to do awesome things. Because you were curious to know what, you tried some of them. One useful code made Harry jump higher and reach more places. Then there was another in which you can have the life bar recovered (by the way I think if you eat chocolate on the game, you can refill your life bar), and another I think you can make Harry to knockout himself, I don't know why..., and others that fill up beans, stars and house points.
The most interesting one was the debug mode (oh my a debug mode!), heheheh, at that time I didn't know what debug stands for, but when I saw it I understood what things can do. You can do ANYTHING (or mostly anything), you can travel chapters, you can travel between different scenes and different places at one time. I think you can change the camera angle.... The screen has full of state of each action of the game, giving a look of what would happen one thing at a time. I like when traveling, the camera just travels in a certain way. You are for example on the main entrance of the castle, and then you go to some other place, let's say near Gryffindor common room, you appear there, but the camera stays from the last point, so the camera justs go trough the walls in order to reach Harry. Also when you can pass trough walls yourself and see the black space and what it seems to be the other places inside the castle.
What I can conclude with that is when you go to inside the castle, one wall of it disappears in order to the camera to point well at Harry, imagine if it wasn't done, there could be a point in witch you can't see anything because of that wall. It was a common technique when working on 3D games. In fact, I may learn a lot from the game if I do more research on the debug mode, there are things that I haven't tried that may be very useful on working on plot and character movements and scenes and everything else. Even if the game can be 2D, there are things in the software that can be debugged. I think in most of the games there are has its debug mode, in witch maybe an unused thing is there somewhere.
So, that may be my first experience on viewing a game from another perspective, even if I was followed by the instructions on how to input each code.
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