Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Random post of the month

Month's Title: "Another Day More"
 Ok, I was thinking for this post recently, not just because it is a special day, but when I really thought about it, I didn't realize how to say what we call in Spanish “Año Bisiesto” in English. But I ask you, do you really say “leap year” or “leap day”, or just say it’s only February the 29th? Just for the English improvement (by the way I still need to improve, heheheh)
    They say Feb 29th is to compensate the Earth’s translation around the Sun to make a slight start towards the initial point, which is when summer arrives. I would think that’s why the solstice of summer changes its day each year. The day the sun appears most of the time in a day is measured that specific day, and they have their measurements and also their predictions.
    Mentioning a little about Astronomy, if you really try to research how all those predictions are made, you will be surprised on all the calculations that they made and the position of most of the things that surrounds our planet. Its beginnings were centuries ago, proposing theoretic figures of movement like the circle, the ellipse, and then when technology have been growing, they made the calculations more precisely, as the ones made at old times.
    It has come to my mind of a person who used the sun rays as a base to make a measurement of the Earth’s circumference. Using the angle of the rays at solstice of summer on two different points on the Earth, and measuring the distance between them, he made a relation in which obtained mathematically that circumference; quite amazing just using simple geometric measurements.
    Getting to the main point of the day, how do you feel when you live that day, Feb/29th? Sure it would be nothing, just another day, or do you believe something wonderful/awful/awesome/dangerous/etc will happen?
    I really don’t care a lot about it, maybe I don’t consider it as great as the other days, but it is sure interesting to notice that extra day we have. It’s like you have to wait another day of the year to your next birthday, and maybe if it wasn't for that Leap Day thing, in your birthday it might occur something amazing. The good news it’s on Friday *yay*

“So I put this thing starting the day, so I can say: enjoy your day, because there will be no other day like this in four years…”
“yay… whohoo…, amazing enough for state an irony, right?”
“Eh? It was a random post, and I think this would be fine on Month’s ending Day. And it just happens that day is now.”
“And today nothing more special than this in general happens. It’s a weird day.”
“Sure thing, because you will be special if you born on that day, which it would be weird. Having a birthday on a day it doesn't appear like any other days…
“But it’s indeed awesome, right?”
“Another point to state that time is sure relative…”
“Time moments on the history of the Universe, and its own way to see it based on a reference point…, heheh”
[By the way, Time Facts: this is the day when you have the tedious work to push a bunch of buttons in order to be Feb 28th/Mar 1st, just because your digital hand watch only has 365 days...(-Oh, what a drag~)(-But it is...)]