Friday, March 16, 2012

Birthday Expectations…?

    Birthdays, how wonderful there are, having the ones that care for you the most, family, friends, some other known people and others from the Social Interaction. You have your own special day of the year, and maybe you can take the day before, the day after, the weekend after your birthday (or 4 days of celebrating your birthday with kinda-holidays! [-Huh?]) , so  it’s obvious that people get the attention to you.
    That’s the expectation to a birthday, celebrating with those people, right? We could think they would know your birthday and expect you to congratulate you for that day. Because it’s cool to hear from the people to say to you “Happy Birthday”, isn’t it? Or at least send you some card or greeting or something related to that day.
  But what if the people don’t know when is your birthday? At least you have to tell them when it’s your birthday to receive that retribution of greetings. And to do so, you have to talk to them, to remind them, at least tell them one day before that your birthday is tomorrow and then the next day they will give you that retribution.
The thing is, does it really worth it? Is it really important to tell them when it’s your birthday rather than those people ask you that? I received a weird experience towards those events. Maybe on school I wanted to get the people to know when my birthday is, so I tell them so they could at least sing the birthday song…, but that was when I was a child. But then they just got tired of my insistence and shut me up from saying that over and over again. Maybe that wasn’t very smart for my part, but that experience made me not tell everybody when my birthday is. Only when they asked for it. Anyhow at other schools they would know when my birthday is and do all the things necessary to at least being happy with it, but not too much.
Yeah, weird expectations, just because I wanted a little of their attention. Only a little. And then there was a time when classmates wanted my birthday like every day after one birthday that I had. So at class they would sing the song of Happy Birthday each day, just fun. It was kinda weird though.

[" -So Happy Birthday to the one who stands the position of the nick, StndNerdBoy11..."]*

"-That's me, isn't it?"
"-Yeah, that's you..."
" -When is your birthday?"
"-Huh? What are you talking about, I'm your Nerdy Part, I suppose I have the same birthday as you..."
"-In that case, Happy Birthday, Nerdy Part!!"
"-Eeeh? But that's not necessarily true, in fact, you tried to put character on me, but you are only losing time on things are not of the basic position!"
"-At least you can celebrate..."
"-Celebrate? It's already noon? What celebration?"
"-Your birthday! It's tomorrow!"
"-You can't be serious!! I don't want my birthday the day after yours...!"
"-At least you can get a present!"

* Stands for: the Nerdy Part has started the conversation, but at least the Main Part must finish it in order to get the conversation in a flow motion.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

In a world of aggressive motion…

In a world of aggressive motion…
    Hello, I’m here writing again, expressing ideas in order to continue to the Purpose of the Blog.
    You see, there is a lot of news happening, well, all the time they broadcast news about everything they like to put on television, or on the radio. Such a weird thing they put sometimes, but the “world” need to know it. It’s like you have to feel part of your community to know the problems nearby…. There is a lot of information about that, but the news always fades away when another comes up. In the end, only the things you care are the most important ones.
    Based on the title of this post, I wonder how the world is becoming. Not only because of the people, but of how fast events happen on a certain day that changes the opinion of people.  We live now in a fast paced world, where information gathering is essential for making important decisions and also because of its actions. Maybe is because of the people, wanting the activities done as fast as possible, not caring a lot for the ones that are doing it.  
    Why an aggressive world? I found it somewhere.  But I could tell why.  The people very often put their ideas as if were the most important ones, but its behavior shows the impact of those ideas, how they defend it, how they argue to be right about it. It’s all about discussions and debates of a single topic. An eternal interchange of ideas and nobody would agree to each. By aggressive I mean insistent ideas who want to make you agree with it. It’s all ideas of force.
    The thing is that the ones who can handle that kind of situation have techniques that can counter their ideas, whatever if it is just a justified counterargument, or only attacking the person itself with unsympathetic comments. Or maybe it’s just the media who wants his audience to debate as a form of altered wave, and ending on affirming one idea or other.
    Maybe the main reason on why I’m doing this post is this: they are situations in which you can handle it because it’s in your normal position. If someone would elevate the impact and emotion on that situation, a little adaptation is needed to stay in your position. For the sensitive motion, the situations start at higher emotional issues when it happens, and to adapt and control it a bunch of energy is needed to put still in position. Handle the situations, the people and the events of daily life, in the way it is, is difficult….
    Making a lot of experiences, one gets into knowledge that not everybody gets easily hurt when talking different to expectation. One needs to adapt to the way normal people do. There are different kinds of situations you can face, maybe one of those are new to you, so you need to gather courage to face it and maybe you can be very nervous about the new adventure, but when you can handle it, the things will be easy.
    I’m doing a lot of things to adapt easily to normal things normal people do, so when I want to apply to real life, I can do my best to express my ideas in a simple and easy way.  I thought this would be easy to explain, but I think I don’t have a clear idea of what to think about society. It’s just the instinct of the people who act how they feel better to do. What we know is that all people are different on personality, and in a way we need to learn to live together, whatever personality you have, whatever things it can affect you more….

"-By the way, with this post I have made to the 50th post *yay*"
"-Yeah, that's cool."
"-With that, I can do a little thing I wanted to do: I'm going to post an image to each post so it can have a little more of representation and attractiveness into my blog, heheh"
"- And then you can try to change interface or testing post with images, and see how it looks like."
"-That's right."
"-So, where's the cake."
"-Cake? I don't have cake..."
"-Oh? And how are you going to celebrate..."
"-I know how to celebrate it, doing things that will look better in the future..."
"-So. you can have celebrations without cake?"
"-It's possible, if you don't think about it."
"-I know you want cake."
"-Yeah, and also a card, a balloon, a present, and something to play on the weekend"
"-Heh, you can draw also..."
"It's possible too, it's fun to draw..."

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Internet Information Handling

Original Title: “The Game of the Information Handling: The reliability of the Internet Data and its influence in its users”

    Hello, time to get into serious business. Because I’m serious now. I don’t know why, but I just can’t stand in some introverted state of extroverted pointers towards the position of the Collective Information, only attributing nonsense.

    Of course, in my position motion, there is one thing called “State Objective of the Argument of Motion”, in which I will be the most reliable possible to account the arguments in a way to establish general statements towards how to handle the information received and given on Internet. Do you notice the things you are uploading for everyone to share?

Friday, March 9, 2012

Having Fun with little things...

    Hello again, heheheh, a little busy with organization of things, but not to hurry, because we know what things are needed to do to maintain the base of our objectives. I hope to still remember my duties as the contributor of the Position of the Nick….
    I like to do a lot of things, activities that will help me to improve myself, like writing and drawing, having fun with some programming issues and wandering around trying to understand better the world by each day. It’s kind of entertaining if you see it as it is. You can do a lot of things if you organize yourself.
    What happens when your time schedule makes you feel pressured on doing the things you like? For example, School, you have to attend to homework and other issues you need to complete. I could feel, when you have homework, you cannot think in something else to do. You know you have to do it if you want to advance further. Thinking in making homework and playing videogames or viewing anime can lose you some time; you want to do your homework (or made you do it…), but you want to play videogames too or at least make homework later….
    The thing is, when working on schedule, you have to reserve some time to do the things you have planned to do. I think that I want to do a lot of thing, but there’s something in me that is called “Laziness”, who blocks me from doing the things I want to do. And also, it’s difficult to measure how many hours I’m going to spend on one single activity…, it would be useful to know it the moment you start the activity.
    So, like every other human, following a schedule is difficult if you are not accustomed to do it.
    Have you got immersed on a single thing and looked at it for a good moment? A flower on the street? Marks on the wall? The least place that you have been on your house? The form of the water waves? The edge of a room? Other things that you usually don’t see but because you don’t have a rightful moment to think about living and worrying on other things you just put your eyes on that?
    It feels weird but awesome at the same time. If you have curiosity on the little things, you can obtain certain information on what’s happening at that specific place. Of course each thing can change its shape, its form, its behavior, its color, maybe its use, maybe its main function, maybe its meaning…, being curious on the little things makes you think better, because you want to apply observation in order to see its behavior, how it changes over time, how each thing has its own way to live. That could remind us we are living in a nature world…. :D
    OK, I have done a lot for today (*yay*?), writing can be fun but you have to express yourself in a way someone could understand it.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Harry Potter as a Nerd by Appearance...

   After some readings on the first book on Harry Potter, I see why some tell he is just a Nerd, just because of the appearance the book describes. Here is one opinion on how this kind of statement seems to fade away with the growing personality of this character. If you have read the books, you'll notice that Harry is not quite a quiet person, just that in his first years he might had little opportunity to be with others. In the ambiance he lived with his relatives, the Dursleys, a hidden Harry stays there until the great news of being a wizard. That's when he gets along with the wizarding world, willing to learn everything about it, just to be away from the reality he was facing before.
    In the first book, Harry is described as a skinny boy with round glasses covered with tape, kind of small for his age, with a distinction of having green eyes and black hair difficult to handle. The first chapters tell that Harry was unfortunate to be living in his aunt's house, being treated as if he didn't exist, as if he is just another to maintain, like they didn't agreed with that. But of course they didn't have other option, caring a person who is going to be a wizard in the time being. They just knew it, and by long experience they took care of the situation the way they considered better....
    The thing was those first chapters that showed that boy who is simply put away, as if he didn't fit the world he was in. It wasn't his place, that was for sure. The strange events that revolve over Harry made things worse, and because nobody said why of those events, it was a strange mystery. Seems like Harry didn't care too much about it, but is just simply sad to see some person having that position, and he didn't have something that can help against that situation.
    Anyway, his look can perceive another personality on him, but he was only limited on his house. The day of his 11th birthday was where things completely changed. Now that he was ready to face the wizarding world by himself, those limitations were broken. His thoughts and ideas were another and that's when we see a Harry that likes to take risks even if everything was against it, facing new circumstances as he stays in Hogwarts, and revealing the mysteries of Magic that tries to stand against him. Even so, his personality most of the time overcame his appearance, and by every adventure taken from each year, he obtains more about his past. From being in a place no one cares for him to being in a place everyone knows him, Harry Potter as character turns to be a interesting one, who in his real him resembles what many people desires: a world in which everything can be possible with a swing of a wand, or maybe with a firm objective and decided and risky action, and a bunch of resources.

"From one world to another, I wonder how he handled all this...."
"If you ask, I would tell you he sure has a curious mind..."
"...and amazing friends too, all the circumstances met to continue their adventure."
"And you are still thinking how in the first book Harry was prone to challenging proposals..."
"Yeah, not very common, but it was part of his thinking, trying to do things against the rules..."
"Much of it involves him, and also his way of revealing the mystery (not that he would think of breaking rules...)"
"It is..., it just amazing the secrets hidden told in those books, and all the plot..."
"Don't analyze it as if you wanna find something else from the books. You'll find it easier if you think the conditions were presented at the right moment and solved at that moment. He just needed to survive and he was the best resource to make it possible."
"Ok, heheh, Dumbledore had it all planned for sure."