Original Title: “The Game of the Information Handling: The reliability of the Internet Data and its influence in its users”

Of course, in my position motion, there is one thing called “State Objective of the Argument of Motion”, in which I will be the most reliable possible to account the arguments in a way to establish general statements towards how to handle the information received and given on Internet. Do you notice the things you are uploading for everyone to share?
Huge amount of Information
I’ll start. Data Handling, it’s that difficult? In a daily basis obtaining information comes from people, living things that we can see in front of us. There is other data gathering, like television, radio, newspaper, and also here, on Internet. They state Internet can be the least reliable in which we can investigate for data into one place. Being the most reliable the things we hear from the ones we care the most, and we know it wouldn't be a single thing his/her position won’t change over a little time.
When Internet became famous because of its easy view of information, people now tends to easily grab his smart phone or his laptop and connect to the Internet to review his favorite topics. You can visit almost everything from around the world, and also you can chat with almost every user on forums, chats, community services and social networks. In actual days, it’s almost impossible not to make a conversation with everyone! (Unless you are shy as me, and can’t comment a single reply to someone…!)(-Don’t be harsh with yourself, you will comment on deviantart once you have something useful to say…)
But the thing is the Internet is a bunch of information, a great amount of information, a HUGE amount of information!! Basically, what I’m trying to express, is: you don’t have a SINGLE IDEA of what you can find when you put a word on a search engine (like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc). Also, when you visit some link, it automatically gives you another link you can visit too. So you are traveling throughout all the links without viewing some end! You can’t simply leave behind your computer without leaving behind all this information....
Web sites of specific topics
Another issue is, finding specific topics in which you can’t be a 100% sure if it is true or not. You can look upon one web site with information, and then you can find another web site with another type of information on the same topic, and then you can find another web site, but with the same information as the other visited before. Just to tell you, information on topics can be repeated onto a lot of web sites (as if they didn’t have the time to express it with its own words…!) So, what do you believe? It’s like you have homework with specific content and then you need to find it on the internet, but you looked at everyplace and you can’t get the right information related to the homework. The only option is to analyze the information and view it in a way you can be objective (also view different points of view, ALWAYS works).
Comments on those topics
But there is more: You find the topic, or the issue to talk about, and you find comments from everybody who made his/her OPINION about the topic. There can be good opinion, there can be bad ones, there can be opinions that are unrelated to the actual topic, and there are comments that simply are made to make you get into your attention. The information on opinions on topics has lower reliability than the topic itself. Maybe if we can count the amount of comments versus the amounts of reliable and useful topics, the comments would go way up. Only questions, replies, compliments, trolling, raging and mean comments, and little of a good criticism. That’s how Internet has become: in a weird world in which the real world is practically now in it.
Users and people
Talking about the ones who made the comments, they are considered as users. If you try to examine better, they are only a bunch of data saved on a server, having different attributes, like a nickname, user name, some personal data, and the content of the user depending on the website he is into. In the point of view of us, they are people who make an account to that web page and became a user, and he is the one responsible to the position of his nickname. An upgraded position of the user is viewed on social networking, in which the user is more dependable of the person in terms of personal data and other situations in life. But users around the world can be anything; you can’t imagine how he can act.
Because of that, even if behind users are people, we need to be careful of what giving all our position in a single time. You don’t know the way he could act in favor or against you. So it’s better to first state our position of the nick in a way establish a Far Friendship Position of the Internet Motion, that is, as long as we interact with our usernames (and may not possibly become real), we can be in sort of a way friends, or pen pals, or user friends, if we declare that our position will not try to access the person behind the nickname to affect badly that person. It’s like a protection of identity.
Of course, we need to be careful to express wrong ideas in the wrong place, if that’s what you don’t want to happen. Even if you try to be aggressive or easygoing with everybody, a lot of people would react as it is, not in the position of the nick, but in the form of their real selves. Trying to concede that position to an unknown user gives the opportunity to counter that position and really affect you in the way he wants.
With that, two statements: don’t take the comments personally and try to fight against harsh comments, because that’s what the other really wants, to provoke you. Ok, you want followers and friends to talk and a lot of fun on the Internet, but you can’t treat a user the same way you treat your friends, neither on Internet you treat that way to your friends. Also don´t try to give everything of you if you don't know how people react towards your person. In here you are dealing with a population of ages around 16 and up, you need to be more cautious, and it's better not to show your real you, if you're below that age..., if you know what I mean.
And, you just can’t go to into the Internet to be irrational, to really not know how the Internet really works. Because you are into the Collective Information, means that you have a full capacity of comprehension on the area of Handling Information, in a normal basis, also you have to know the risks when you get too involved as an user, also if your user resembles the position of the real you. In other words, if you don’t know how to use the Internet, better go out of here and be prepared until you really want to be a user of the Collective Information. Because, once you are there, the thing you publish will be public to the world, and it will be likely those data will be related to you. Be careful of what you upload. Remember Ferb’s words (You can search it on internet!), but of course, it's not that you fear using Internet as part of it, just you need to be clear on the type of comments you put according to the website, and face well the actions on others when you add your ideas. ( That's mostly what they say about Internet and risks of identity and person showing...)
Internet as a form of escaping from the real world.
Another thing: it’s not good to depend of the Internet because you want to go out of the real world and don’t want to know a thing. I may not know your problems, but if you want help from people, you need to state well your sentences and try to understand again how to use the Internet. I know it because I really know it, trying to make a state of not suffering of the world, because of times of lack of bonds of friendship, I relied on the position of Internet, but that was the time I understood how to act and how not to act. Well, in fact, my extreme shyness made me not become a user of the Collective Information, I was unable to establish a connection. I only wanted information, not exchange of opinions. It's easy to state that you are not feeling well talking about strong emotional issues, but that doesn't justify how you react towards others; there is a thing called "Thinking before commenting", especially when trying to comment harsh opinions and direct recalls on some user. Also it's not that you only lose time in here posting nonsense to everybody you see...
Analysis of Internet in its most general form.
Now that I have researched in a way the behavior of the Internet position, I could finally stand upon it as a user, giving the position of the nick a lot of presence on my part. My position in a way of mediator of the idea sees all users as people, stating that you can’t give a bunch of harsh comments because of its behavior on internet, neither to reply those things. Troll comments are better to be ignored. I suggest you do the same and because you want activity, affect the emotion of someone who doesn’t follow the rules of Internet, and a lot more....
Reactions towards Imposition Motion and Surprising News Feeding
It’s difficult to stand upon the communication from Internet users, but if you read well what I have put on this post, you’ll decide well if you are capable of being into the Internet Motion. Don’t put your life here, literally and emotionally. That’s not good. What I give you is the general position that will stand on all my further opinions and other criteria regarding the use of Internet, how bad they use to information spreading without giving a good reason or without analyzing before comment. Always the instinct of be heard no matter what it costs. If you believe in some biased information, you will end becoming one of those ideas. Get informed, don’t waste time thinking how furious you are against something, with that time you could clarify the topic and have better opinions on that. Think before you act, but not too much, sufficient in order to make an objective and useful action about your position of the nick.
Maybe you don’t know it, but the Social Media Imposition gives its all to reach you, and he knows that giving a little of impact and with the right unexpected place to find, he will surprise you and you will give him the exact reaction he expects to receive. Then with that emotion that you got, obey to their expectations and do what a lot of people instinctually do: spread the information to other people to repeat the same cycle. It’s a cycle, has a great impact, and can multiply exponentially. It may be good, but we are not an antenna of repeating information only. At least give your opinion too.
What is published on Internet…
Finally, some important thing you must have in mind: whatever you publish on the Internet, images, video, music, text, messages, comments, replies, journals, blog posts, and everything that it put out to the public, mostly is because you are sharing it to them, and they are likely to obtain it easily. If you don’t want something important to be published, don’t do it. Or just make it the least accessible possible from users.
You have to understand that your files are saved on a server different from your place, and give the value they need according your position. Even if, it’s only a combination of 0’s and 1’s saved by electric impulse, give relation to the things you want to be related. You think you know about computers, but there is a deeper thing most of the people don’t know about his computer. So making your files dependable on a distant computer server is a great responsibility only you know the propagation of the information based on your own work.
I wouldn't care a lot of my nick position depending on my personality, even though I use it as a helpful motion of overcoming shyness, but I know the statements of the nick are structured, and I follow those rules the rightful way, not giving more of what I can offer, and having a nice way to talk to people. Because that’s what it is, to follow the good position of sharing the information the good way and always decide on which information on the Internet is better (I may have not talked about how information affect us, but information is for not taking it personally...)
Be happy surfing the internet!