On The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask]
if you want to read it anyway, you are welcome to do it.

Let's talk about another Zelda game *yaay*, well OK, recently I have been hearing about more about this specific game: Majora's Mask, and I can't deny that I would want to play it too. Along Orarina of Time, Majora's Mask is one good game to play, because of its unique kind of story and the similar gameplay and graphics than the previous and most popular one.
Nintendo 64 is the console of this game, translating the dynamic and story from the NES and SNES game into a tridimensional game to explore. This time it's not Hyrule but another world called Termina. Kinda interesting name for a land. The objective, as the description says, is to beat the game before the moon falls on three days.... I could tell that at first I thought that beating the game on 3 days would be difficult, or maybe not. But they refer to the game-lapse of time that make the challenge more interesting. That's why an special item was key for controlling time and that's the Ocarina of Time (quite clever to have it hehe). With that item, you can return to the first day as many times we want, or slow time or skip time at another time.
The gameplay is the same as the last game and you have temples, sub-quests, and lots of items. The interesting thing is using the masks because they make you get more items and pieces of heart. Specially three masks are important, the Deku, Goron and Zora masks. They will transform you into the bodies of those races and obtaining different abilities. With those abilities you can beat each temple and its enemies and bosses, and wake up the 4 giants.
One interesting part is when you get game overs on the game, you just restart from the last point, like for example the last temple entered. But then after the 3 days passed a special scene occurs, it could be game over but a very unusual one...
I could talk a little about the story. Link, in search for a friend, got the ocarina and Epona stolen by Evil Skull Kid, and after chasing him fell on a different world and transformed as a Deku. With the help of Tatl the Fairy, he went to Termina. With the help of the Mask Man he learned about that Skull Kid. Learning about its people, that resemble a lot from Hyrule people. Three days passed and somehow he found the Skull Kid and went to confront him. He got the Ocarina back and returned time. Then with the help of Tatl the fairy they will wake the 4 giants to prevent the power of the Majora's Mask. On each people's story, it express the concern and fear of the people that are preparing to face the end....
Now that I have told that, I can say a lot more things. More on detail. I want to remember the first time I played that game and the entire struggle I had to pass in order to beat the game. As always I avoid getting beat by monsters, but not too much than on other games, but still I was careful enough. Wandering around Termina field and see how you can be mostly everywhere. In a programmatic way, 3D worlds are amazing and you can see and explore everything. Only that here of course you have time upon you so, if you want to explore to see its beauty, you have a limited time. Of course the timing system is quite similar to Ocarina of Time only that on Majora's Mask, time is measured in a way, every people act on specific hours. That's a lot of detail!
I think the moment that was more time consuming is when trying to find all the Skulltula on 2 different places to obtain better equipment. Also the neat thing to do is obtaining all masks and most of them you obtain it by helping people! You have to go at certain times to meet the expectations of the people you want to help and a nice mark on a notebook was being placed. The Bomber's Notebook is good to remember the time you have to be at certain places. So it's like a very good side quests to do.
Time is a weird thing to manipulate, you need to use it wisely, especially on times you want the time to be slow, or normal, or when you want to go to a specific time. They are lots of ways to it. Only you have to be careful if you want to go further the time limit :P... (But really they don't let you do that)
Recently I have been playing a second run; I'm receiving a lot of comments about the Zelda Universe and specially things about this game. And from this time I can comprehend a lot more things about it. A story that started and ended with lots of friendship events. Well that's what I think...
Deep Meanings and Spoilers Ahead!!
, and they say weird stories and off-game theories that are implicit in the game. Like creepy stories of Ben, or like the dark and gloomy meanings in-game and theories about the Termina-Hyrule comparisons, how this dimensional world could exist or not exist and some thoughts comparing with Link's Awakening.... I saw Majora's Mask once in a let's Play, then Link's Awakening. I don't know if we can propose a deep meaning on a weird-type concept of LoZ games like the last mentioned, talking about friendships and departures and the concept of not wanting of growing up, avoiding facing nightmares, but the fact is they are games and they have something special in us when we played it. Now that some remake is on the way it could be awesome to see all those moments with better graphics and awesome animations.So, that's about it for a post, hoped you enjoyed some of what I thought while playing this game...
Erick: "And as a P.S. I was told the cake is a LIE! TwT"
Richie: "You were the one you didn't notice it wasn't true"
Erick: "But the remake trailer was awesome and quite believable"
Richie: "But it didn't happen. Just wait until they have better news"
Erick: "OK and by the way sorry I haven't invited you for some time"
Richie: "I see you were occupied on other things >_> "
Erick: "I'm a guy that needs its time to relax and reevaluate my values of space and time; its purpose was to make better things without supportive motion and maneuvers to counter it."
Richie: "It's kinda complex what you're saying, better comprehend what you can do about it."
Erick: "I'm trying to see it clearer than last occasions; it seems to be working by now."
Richie: "But you want to return to the previous...?"
Erick: "Not return to it, well, kinda return but with a gateway to go again easier to the world of social interactions and such things related."
Richie: "So you might want to play more here hehe"
Erick: "I want to play more videogames and drawing new things other see, so we can talk about it later on"
Richie: "A nice idea..."
Erick: "..., or only play game and see the ones I can see or find or obtain >///<"
Richie: "I want to understand you."
Erick: "You're kinda lonely here so I wanted to visit you..."
Richie: "Of course not! I'm having a neighborhood of blogs you haven't noticed. I usually talk to them"
Erick: "Oh really? O: I'm impressed and what are those blogs...?"
Richie: "I forget about them"
Erick: "O_o??"
Richie: "It's not that I don't care about others' blogs, but I have a designated place and the resources to have fun"
Erick: "I don't understand. Are you really lonely? ... >__< "
Richie: "I can handle myself the way you can handle yourself"
Erick: "Oh..., So do you want to play games then?"
Richie: "Sounds like a plan to me OwO"