So, in this day I will get on my motivation got from nowhere [-Wrong, you got it because something has come to you and said motivational words...], to talk again about friendship. It's my favorite topic so maybe it could be quite unusual when I want to talk about it, but, when this post is completed, I'll make sure motivation is still on my side.
There is a thing called a bond of friendship that we have to the other person when we establish common thing between them. Social Relation has all types of bonds or points of relation. The Graphical Representation of the Mind of the Bond of Friendship establishes that the connection of the relation is like a line, rope, string, thread, something that can connect two points.
The strength of the Bond can be viewed by current flow of energy transmitted by the thread, or by the strength applied to the rope, the more tight is the rope, the more resistant it is, the more the more fluent the demand of transmission needs.
If we imagine ourselves with a bunch of threads around our body tied on it, we could see a lot of bonds that we have with the other person. Classmates, friends, family, work buddies, other relations, each has a different bond, with different demands of our attention. The flow of energy depends of the strength of each bond. So, there can be certain bonds dropped in a certain way. Not used, but quite difficult to take off.
To satisfy the demand of the flow, a constant contact of the friendship is needed to maintain that bond. It is done by communication, activities and other things... The constant flow of the energy applied to feed the bond of friendship is quite important, and it's quite easy to do it. In the great definition that comes with the word "Friend", the bond is used to protect the friendship from gossip voices and confusing conclusions when things aren't good to perceive. The bond represents confidence and a point of motivation, a guard of emotions and a notion of hope when you need to get back on the adversities to jump again....
Why people can't make this happen? I'm no expert of that, only a observer of experiences, like everyone else, I suppose. Barriers are a good thing to block a bond of friendship. But when that bond is affected by the barrier is because it's vulnerable to that. I don't think bonds make barriers to block other bonds. That's not the function. So, where the barrier comes from? Good things make the bond go stronger, bad things make the barrier go stronger. It's up to us to make more good things on the friendship relation, so the barriers can be ignored and the flow can maintain the same.
Relation types cannot interfere neither on each bond, so that can't block the flow. But we can have another situation, when the flow of one bond is applicable to a specific one rather than other. Bond flow is constantly in movement, so time is considered to talk about the movement of state motivations of a friendship. Therefore, there can be times when the flow of some friendship is greater than another. It is also normal, that the flow can be slowed. It's fine if the bond is strong enough to stand by itself when it is needed. But then the bond has less and less flow, its strength might go down, and make the flow be limited by the strength supported within the bond. In other words, friendship when is not attended, can be a waste of time..., why support on a friendship when it can't supply my demands of relation?(Remember people, we are social entities, so we need relation in order to survive)
When we feel that, that's when we have doubts and a plethora of thoughts, dominating our mind trying to understand what happened. But there we have two options, right to use and good to apply. One is try to diminish to a minimum the flow but trying to make understand the other person the situation. If the bond was once strong, the understanding can be acceptable, otherwise it could end to suffering. But temporary suspend the flow of friendship may be difficult, but the options of searching new bonds of friendship can be applicable anytime, and if you have enough energy to make flow the new bonds. the other option is, again to talk again to the person and ask for a better flow of energy to make the flow stronger. If once the bond was strong, it could be understandable and make again the attention onto your point, otherwise, if it is ignored, it could break the bond on a strange pattern, difficult to repair to make it work again...
Yeah, Friendship Bonds are interesting. But it's difficult making them. Time is a variable, effort is another, state of contact is a important one, and confidence of guarding emotions and sharing important things the most important one. (Another of my silly programming things... like the Formula of Love... oh my... why I'm talking about that!...)
-"Someone has told me a Friendship Motivation, that's cool isn't it?"
-"Why you said so? You know what they say...."
-"That 'Not everybody would say that word that easily because it's not needed, just you need to decipher yourself'?"
-"Something like that. You have an awful demand of energy flow..., that's quite not good."
-"Hmm, it's still difficult...."
-"Even if you make the demand applicable, maintaining it for a long time would be uneventful...."
-"I know, and also that pointing my positions of flow onto a bond will be risky..."
-"You got the idea from the arguments given, that's good."
-"Only a problem, when do I expect the flow from someone to be lower than before? how to make new bonds to make even the flow potential...?"
-"You mean, making a stronger bond on other people...?"
-"Hmm, searching in an strange Space of Action for new Bonds is not my specialty...."
-"You need to learn how to do it, it can be useful when try to re encounter old friends..."
-"I hope so, with the experiences that I got, I may expand a little more my horizons, and make a little walk out of my Comfort Zone.... "