We can't be happy all the time, but we can't be sad neither. Our search in this world is that happiness appears more in our life, with our effort done. Our happiness may depend on ourselves or may be managed by an event of life. It's more grateful that the first statement became true, so we can get into ourselves and live the struggles in our own path....
I don't know why, but in some situations I would become shy and reserved, maybe because I don't know what to do, or I can't find the right words to say it. Maybe it's not my shyness situation, maybe is that I don't want my voice could hurt someone's heart. Of course my expression will be "the good way", but even with that, it may happen. They just don't want to accept the situation.
"Taking the initiative", it's good you can copy-paste the title and put it at the begin of a paragraph, heheheh. But, why do they want to ignore the disruption of a broken path...? The clear barrier of space sure is threatening, but, what about time...? In fact, Time Barrier...? When barriers of Space becomes ignored because of easy communication, Time Barrier appears, in the moment people's "schedule" can't match, and when they are out of Time Range, in which the Ambiance of Action occurs....
Ok, back to the topic, as you can tell, I get the titles to find the right arguments, but events of life related at least a minimum of it make me tell it anyways.... Well, when you have nothing to lose, you can take the initiative of the activities you want to do. But also, when you have things a little risky, you can become something more.
But, when you are afraid of doing it, you may turn around the situation..., thoughts of excuses and explanations, only because you don't want to face what is to come. You don't even want to face the consequences of your actions, because you really don't know if what you are doing is rightful for other people's view. But then you can search an alternative, something that could torch a little of the real situation; a little action, movement or introductory dialog, may work as a first step on try to obtain the right objective.
I wonder, how do people get over normal shyness, over difficult situations, over fearful events and over rather embarrassing moments...? I don't get onto that. Rare occasions, only. Of course the first step is important, but when I feel the retribution is not responding as I wish, when would be the right time...? It may be silly, but even if with a glance of the situation it would show everything, it doesn't get fully clear until a feedback is done. Of course I could step back if the situation seems too much for me, because adverse situations of other people may not be good if the appropriate person doesn't come over, and I don't think I'm that person.... In the moment where a person gets angry or mad or sad or whatever unwanted feeling, It's better to view if he could calm down himself, then say some motivational words, and see if with that becomes better. When I'm no person to can resist those adversities (one thing I do if I enter the event and I could get emotionally affected too...), I only can act as a mediator and provider of motivation from a far point, in a indirect act only the person affected could take as his advantage. Only if the person chooses me as the right person to tell, then I could act as one. But that were almost null.... Still, I don't understand how they could get better after all the bad things done on themselves..., friendship sure is to powerful to overcome those events.
Then the other side, when I need the help of a person of the moment. How to find it? When is it appropriate? I'd need the power and will enough to express help and support and advise. In their own point of view they could provide their opinion of the situation. It may be a good feedback, and a token of appreciation for their help and care for the person asking it....
I'm kinda strange, because I think the things I want to do are not the things the other wants to do. I could tell something and they may find difficult to follow.... That's why my actions can't be compared easily..., or maybe I'm not demonstrating my friendship with everyone else, or maybe I don't know if my expressions are sufficient, or if I tell little things or not when I first met people... I don't know, they haven't told that, I can't tell by myself, all is a mystery. And just because I don't want to risk that increasing my limits, I won't tell by myself if what I'm doing is right....
But the last thing must be overcome, what if I tell them I'm a shy person? A strange person who says silly and awkward words and nobody understands? A timid person who can become emotional on a strong thought? What if I increase my interest on my friends? What if I go more often meeting friends of Common? What if I talk more without feeling nervous or silly or afraid, caring a little less of what would happen...? Maybe someone would understand that. I only hope that one is near the space of Action in the right time, if there are more than one, that would be great. I the once before would understand that too, I could appreciate that too!
"-The fact is, I need to take the initiative in order to maintain the friendship done and make a little more...."
"-Ok then, a little practice...!"
"-Eh? What are you going to do...?"
"-That's easy: tell me what you want for me..."
"-Ok, I'll..."
"-But imagine I'm your friend from the Real World, talking in real moment..."
"-In person!?"
"-Seeing trough my eyes..., eh? what I'm doing?, no, that's not necessary...."
[-Hello, heheh, can you answer my request...? I can be a dumb person only because I can't think as fast when I talk clearly, but, are you angry with me?, are we having problems because of the time-space action motion...? it's kinda difficult to tell that, because it's not of my business, or that's what I'm thinking...]
[Heheh *blush*, that's what I thought... it's not my problem, but It's kinda weird having strange events of undesirable disruption, just for your information, that...]
[I just wanted to say sorry, again, *kinda sad*, for not seeing well what's happening, I just can't tell everything with the pure sight, I may be the Observer of Life, but I can't explain everything only with that. It's not reliable...]
[*Quite nervous* Eh?? That's..., that's not right!! It's just... I j-just... I c-couldn't be... in... in a position I couldn't stand! It's not on my position....]
[*Calmed voice* Huh? I know, but changes... are changes so important...? It's just that... it was unexpected to me....]
[*Quite afraid* NO!, it's not like that, I'm sure, that's clearly... stupid to say that...! I-I'm really s-sorry for that...! * Emotionally broken...*]
[*Surprised* Huh? Are you..., are you sure? Oh, I only thought..., is just that... I didn't know that... *tried to cover sadness*]
[Did you know? Maybe that may be not of your interest, of if you have noticed that also.... It's just... I'm just a shy person, I can't get over that...., well, I have improved a lot, I think, but there're things my position can't resist. Heheh... I don't know why I'm doing this... *feeling awkward again...*]
[Huh? Do you still remember...? Oh, that's... *couldn't resist crying...*]
[Heheh... I know... but, if you could know it, you will understand it better...]
[Oh, thank you, I appreciate that much... *tearful smile*]
[I will, In fact..., something... Until the barrier is broken, we can be as the ones before, in the meantime, and until we could repair it, our bond will diminish the flow, to prevent excessive potential on the energy.... I won't stop it, but it's needed a repair, don't worry, if applied soon, it will be as good as new. Only I need to be stronger...!]
[Thank you can appreciate that, I'll return stronger.... I'm sure with that....]
............ }
"-Wow, that was amazing..."
"-*All Normal* You sure? It was only an action of emotional fast flow..."
"-Heheh, You can be 'All Normal', but of course something as powerful as that could affect a person's life"
"-Hmm, you think my emotional motivation motion can be as wealthy as the meaning of life..."
"-You have a great amount of energy reserved, things like this makes that energy develop and everything else moves forward that energy, even creativity..."
"-Heheheh, so what, ready for 'Art Explosion'...?"
"-You bet!, go on, prove yourself and everyone else you know you can make things better with your creativity and great imagination!"
"-OK!, then..., heheh, I'll be ready when Computing Issues' first post comes..."
"-Eh...? Haven't you got a first post...?"
"-Oh, yeah, but the other post will be the first will be at side of the other first... heheh."