Thursday, January 17, 2013

Random Post of the Month

    Hello, here again for some writing posts of the day. I know it’s difficult to maintain updated on the latest messages I have on different sites and I have to dedicate my time on each of them. I know you have to feel the same, or maybe you just use only one favorite one. Depending of the meaning you give to each post is the way you like more or less one site, and also depending on the content or users-relation you have (in form of friends, followers, watchers, etc.)
    Right now, I’m trying different styles of expression. I know I’m not a Native English Speaker. I know also I need to improve my vocabulary and I know that I need to practice better grammar. But also I want to express my feelings towards certain topics it could be difficult to understand at first, but in a way you have the patience to analyze despite your emotions, and express a meaningful idea.
    Also, I need to keep my pace on giving at least 10 posts a day, with the same quality as every post made. When I get a nice idea of what to say, I’ll try to make a post about it.
    I could say my next posts, or what I plan to post. Some of the first: quality of statistics on a user’s page or site, depending on which site you are, has a certain amount of value, regarding the concurrency of users and posts. Another would be: thinking you are a person of few words, that you don’t have anything to say, not knowing how this person’s life it is. Other posts would be of some funny things and others about series or computer issues, regarding information publishing and talking about specific situations.
    I would want that people follow this post because at least I would know the people to whom I would make those posts. I would search then posts on blogspot to follow too... hehehe....

Erick: "And Richie comes again here"
Richie: "Yay, you didn't forget me"
Erick: "Of course I won’t do that..."
Richie: "I knew you were about to post without me getting into your conversation, but you reconsidered...."
Erick: "The fact is that I have you so to have something special on each post, even on random posts of the Month"
Richie: "Ok..., I take that into consideration...."
Erick: "And what’s your opinion about getting followers on this isolated blog...."
Richie: "At last! I was very lonely because not a lot of people come here to visit... Guarding an isolated blog is boring, and you didn't think about it!"
Erick: "Wow... I think I can’t be in everything having to visit each of you, but you’ll have more visits from me. I’m sure of that."
Richie: "Ok, you can start making a 2013 background, and color redesign"
Erick: "Oh, making another background...?"
Richie: "Also a new front cover..."
Erick: "Eh? But those objects are cool and nice, and I don’t know what new things to draw..."
Richie: "There isn't have to be objects, it can be people, or nature, or something nice...."
Erick: "I don’t know..., I’ll think of it later...."
Richie: "Ok, just hurry up until the new month comes ok?"