Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Childish Ideas, and Joyful Memorandums

Sorry if I talked about this before, but I didn't find on my other posts something similar to this. (Hope I don't repeat it)
And another sorry if it gets a little gloomy on my way to talk, not too harsh but not a happy thing too.

     April 30th, here in Mexico, is Children's Day.  Expectations on why this day is unknown. But well, just figures.
     I had a bunch of ideas as I child. Those were kinda decisive on the way I am now. The thing is, I'm not the child I was, in terms of, my personality on when I was a child has been in a lower state, but not in terms of actions and events or happy things, but because of some personality I had. 

     I was the guy I can do lots of things at School, like any other child, I would play ball at recess, be in a certain spot with other classmates, having fun while playing tag or when hiding. But also I had that belief of being good in class. I got very good in class. In fact I felt different from others. I knew I was the best in the class. I knew I had to prove it to everyone.

     Third grade, some new guy enters school, one of the first challenges was to overcome him in grades, he was good too. I got focused on him. Until 6th grade, he was a challenging opponent. People would technically notice that ambiance, mostly because me shouting at things. 

     Third grade, again. Some guy again, I was fooled by some magic trick he made on first grade. A challenging guy but I didn't made a proper trace, they say he was a genius but nothing else, I got him unnoticed. 

     Fourth grade, I knew who were the best, boys and girls, and who was the people that were being behind.  I felt the everyday challenge to be serious, even at home I made that possible. 

     Fifth and sixth grade, the start of a change, still unnoticed by that. My best friend, even if at home was a great companion, at school, he was a different person. I wouldn't care, I mostly spent my recess alone, with other people, playing at the most unusual places at school, I didn't talk at school, and somehow I got hated by people, my own classmates, because of my personality, who wouldn't stop telling my expertise of action, and because of my lack of caring. I wouldn't care, their talking were uncomfortable to me, I didn't like it. 

Their games was the only thing I got. 

I had friends 2 years before elementary school ending. And then everything would change....

     Weird experiences as a child, such as unexpected kissing (regardless who they were... o.o), tickle fight of death (hehe), handslap resistance (I don't know how I did like that at 6th grade, it was one day), lots of rejection, lots of crying, and lots of misunderstanding, from my parents, from my classmates, from my teachers, and from my friends.

     Little they know if they let me go on my own, I wouldn't continue the same way, and that's what I thought as a child.

     And my little brother brought a couple of friends home. They brought games, Smash Bros Brawl, Zelda, Mario Party and others. I got beaten at one match, but as he see is as a nice victory, I just say, it was just the controller...

    Then I showed them Pokemon X, one friend was good telling which pokemon were, but he also needs to know whose type are super effective/not very effective against other pokemon.

     That's one of the things I can share on people they still to know about life, my brother being different from myself, doing a great job. I hope he gets better.

     Some notification reminded me around this month about something I just forgot. There is something I want to tell, I don't know if the title can be the proper one, oh wait, I had one. 

"The one who Introduced me to the Internet World"

It's a rather off-topic title, with a nice meaning. I just need to do it...
And tomorrow, "A Nerd's Adventure" hits it's Third Anniversary.

I don't know if three years are a lot but I think it is. :)