Hi, just a quick note on here, because I want to.
I don't know who really likes to see what I post, I don't mind if there are a lot of people seeing it or not. It has no importance whatsoever. But if you kindly want to tell me you like what I do, I truly appreciate it. Also your suggestions are important too. It's truly helpful to make this blog nice for all.
Now a quick story:
There is this guy who wanted to go one day alone. Have a walk to the street, maybe to the park, and maybe to get an ice cream and stay there beside the grass and under the tree. Then return home and take a shower and then go to sleep.
But then the next day he was walking to the street again and went to the park again, got another ice cream, and sit beside the grass under the tree. But he didn't returned. What he saw in front of him. Another boy. It was not like him, it was not him. It was a different guy. Around his age, wearing glasses like him, kinda different clothes but of similar composition. That guy was looking at him. Both looks got crossed, passed through the glasses, and reached the eyes of the other. They were both silent, they stared at each other for around 2 minutes. It was an intense stare.
But between that moment, he saw it, the eyes of the boy, and all what it has behind. Somehow a crack in his world, a little hole that can be seen. The thoughts of that boy were seen.
It was an idea after an idea after an idea. The thing was, it didn't seem to be his idea. What he saw was incredible, he was thinking how other people are doing right at this moment! Lot's of people, lots of idea, lots of action, lots of worries, lots of suffering, lots of happiness, lots of despair.
Lots of ideas that happens at the same time, and seeing it that much at the same time could be confusing...
At some blink, he snapped out of it. And like a signal , the boy just jumped surprised. He looked at you worried, and then tears came out pouring, but no change of his face was shown. Before you could do anything, the boy stepped out and ran away.
After that he returned home and took a shower and then went to sleep.
Thinking for a while, he thought only about this boy, what would be doing at that moment. He guessed the boy was thinking about how people were thinking before they are sleeping.
Maybe the boy was thinking about him. Maybe the boy think he was already asleep....
I shouldn't think about it too often, it's like... I don't know. It's weird.
Thinking about someone else....
I worry sometimes...
And sometimes, I shouldn't worry.
I want to think, he can be alright....
I want to think, he can do his best....
I want to think, he is thinking about me...
I want to think, also he may be asleep...
Will he know I'm thinking about him? Maybe the best thing he would say is. Go to sleep, tomorrow will be a new day. Don't worry if you don't think about it. I'm fine. Because I know the moment we're here, I know you're there.
When I'm asleep, I'm alone, but that's alright, because it has to be that way.
When I wake up, that's the time to think to I want to care the most....