Monday, December 31, 2012

Hello, 96th post!

So, this is a post to make an acknowledge for the post and statistics made in this year:
"A Nerd's Adventure", started on May 1st 2011 has completed with this, 96 posts, talking about lots of issues of life and other daily lives that seems normal for some people, but special for me. My expectations are expressing all those special emotions on those normal activities. Since then, my User-type Motion and my confidence have increased since then, leading toward new adventures in the Internet Space like DeviantArt, tumblr, some forums and some other games, standing upon the nickname of  the "Standard Nerd Boy"
On this year I have increased my number of stories made by 2, making it 3, then I have made some random posts, some Nerd Issues and Life Issues, and even though this blog is quite unattended for some, it has been like my point of motivation in maintain it anyway, because at least it makes me feel like I can share at least a little of who I am. So it's up to you to follow it....  heheheh.

Up to now, we have received 1251 visits to the blog (minus the 322 of the last year... :P ) Competing with the overall posts, the most clicked post was on "Expressing Introversion out of your known space..."(a post of 2011), followed by "Friendship is..."(a post of 2012), so this last post was the most selected on the time it was published

I feel weird that this year ends, because I have made lots of things on this year, that it will have a difference the moment I made something on the next year. But it's a thing we all have to face. Seeing on the last post of 2011 and then the starting drawings on my notebook. I'm sure I have increased my skills and made lots of changes, now for the 2013 I will search for the level up as soon as possible to make an evolution and have new and fresh ideas to make presentation.

So, hope you have a good day :D

Random Post of the month

A random post for the end of December. I don't think people would say the ending days of December, because after that month ends, a new year comes. By now several celebrations are being held in all around the world. And the Great Impulse of the TimeLine that passes over the sky traveling towards west is always in movement.
You'll see that new things are to come this year. I wonder, how people would like this moment of the year most than other times of the year of the same level as the New Year Celebration? Because 11/11/11 was a day, 12/12/12 was another day, and still then people made something about it. Of course it's a day, we could make a good celebration, but we all are having classes or staying at home, at work, at school, it's not like we're going to make a party everyday because of something little. If we're having a New Year Celebration is because we are grateful to live another year more, because a year has a lots of things to talk about.
If I were to propose something for the next year, it could be that I can be a little less shy, but a little bit more into myself. That the things that I think on that year could make it true and that no adverse Ideas could interfere on what I really want. Something special in order to have an increase in my levels of confidence and sympathy. Just having fun and share good moments with you.
So, let's hope for the best in this year :D

Sunday, December 30, 2012

December Forecasted Crying...

(my hands are trembling and I can’t properly write....)
I cried because of anxious ideas, lost opportunities, fake reasons, weird unhandlable support towards others, some sad music, some normal music that I make them meaningful, some games, and games that they just don’t want that I can win all the time ><
I just was a little down. That’s all. But of course I was happy for lots of things that happened. It’s just that sometimes when you don’t consider that, you get down on the ideas. And because of that you can be sad.
Or maybe because I can’t handle all the info, or I can’t handle being alone all the time, or because I can’t handle other things that seems to be easy. User-type has to deal with this, so instead of being dependant on the User-type, you can have a meetup with your friends.
So your vacations have a lot of adventure, and because it’s cool to have one.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Asking for Christmas Presents...

Well, I didn't receive some presents this Christmas.... I don’t care that anyway, but at least we had the chance of having a good time that day. I think this will be a short post, I don’t know if I can develop more than I can....
I’m not accustomed to receiving lots of Christmas gifts, I used to have when I was a child, and now I only can have one thing at a year, or at Christmas, but it was worth it. I’m glad that at least I have something to play or to entertain myself, with some music or some video game, but it’s not also that I would always want something.
Now, the thing is, having presents for me is not as bad as it looks, maybe some friend would have sent me some letter or something super special.... But the thing is: something weird isn't getting me clear.
Why buy something to have, if you can’t make a good sharing with the ones you care the most? How do the things I buy would affect them? If I buy some clothes different from my style, they would likely to be surprised and they would have a different perspective of me. If I buy certain video games  certain t-shirt, certain accessories, certain movies or certain devices, they would see me different.
That maybe doesn't make sense, but sometimes people tend to change, but people tend to see the others as if they were the same all the time, they won’t want them to change.... They want to be the same so they can be together because of that similar thought they had that made them start their friendship....
So, I don’t know..., maybe there’s something special on gifts and because of that people seems to be happy to it. Because they think that with that gesture of gratitude they think others care for them.
Don’t worry if you didn't receive a present. Sometimes we think we should receive something cool. The thing cool would be support and friendship and other more important things....
I’m just confused, I can’t continue with this.... It’s only a motion of the general idea of not taking things too seriously, and live the present. This post is an example.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Worldwide User-Type Christmas Celebration

    Hello there. So, Christmas technically has arrived now, and in all around the world by each hour people are having all kinds of special dinners and a good family reunion.
    It is the time where they spend more on gifts and food and wish lists to be completed. Millions of kids have the illusion of something or someone who grants them a very nice toy (or a sophisticated device...?). And other people are wishing that someone special, or at least some close parent to give them presents, just because they feel the need to be cared.... Some people are unlikely to celebrate Christmas, and some others don’t know what Christmas essentially means....
    I saw how people are hasty in buying gifts and food and everything they need. Lots of car lines waiting to park into some shopping center and then enter and see lines of people waiting to get some cake, some prepared food, something done just to return home and wait for the great day to come. Of course we had to make something special too; otherwise I wouldn't have seen the people and their rush of the family reunion.
    I know something different would come in those holiday celebrations, but I can’t blame something I haven’t done before, just because other people usually have that tradition of family gathering. At night is when we celebrate the dinner with something very delicious and with music and other cool stuff. And then wait until 12 o’clock to see that Christmas indeed has arrived and we wait a little longer until we return to our rooms and rest for the morning. Just by then we would search for some gifts to us, and maybe to some special one (a friend maybe, I know, my lack of targets for gifts are very low.... u_u)

    I could want to receive gifts at this day, but it’s not very necessary. I could also spend the time with friends and other persons, but maybe friends are spending their time with their families making a greater party, or maybe with someone very special... (which I don’t have any of those..., wait, did I dare to say that...?). People would be very delightful to have a great time with friends and boyfriends or girlfriends or whatever, thinking less of everything else. Me who can’t have all of those so easily, because it could be difficult, with friends I can’t elevate to the third level, or even spending the time outside my house (look my unwilling desire of not going out because I don’t know what would happen and it could lead me in an uncomfortable situation.... >//< ).
    I know I haven’t experienced something extraordinary yet, and my life, even with my personal breakdowns, is less suffering that others’ life..., which made me reconsider sometimes, but that doesn't mean I wouldn’t want to receive some love from people [Love referring as an essential definition of charity and affection, natural from whatever social relation: parents, friends, lovers, general people....], I know my natural personality demands attention more than any other average people, even with my reserved and quiet personality, but I think it would be very wonderful to experience the sharing laughs and the sharing activities and chatting, something that makes me forget going to the dark side of my thoughts... :P
    But, making a resume of all this, (and seeing the time left I have... hehe) I think that even if we have negative thoughts, we must try at least remind of something good so we can feel right with us, and so we can enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day :)
    Meanwhile, and because I can, I could send lots of messages with my friends, classmates, users and people that might need a little motivation from us. I hope that you like my Specific Motivation Point.
 Have a nice holiday :D

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Nerd’s Holiday Moment of Daily Chores

    Holidays are here now, all last December starting at the middle of the month, and people are hasty to make the usual preparation and family reunion to make lots of celebration. Of course it’s a great chance to make something with a special meaning.
    And this is the time where I take the chance to spend the free time I have to make something I haven’t done days before. That is daily chores of the house. The usual thing I do is making the bed and even having a little order in my room, but since last days, I can have the chance of do a little makeover to my room, something little nothing big. But somewhat I have to make more daily chores than others usually do. Things like washing dishes and some dirty clothes, and brush the dust out of our rooms, something simple to do.
    It has a meaning though, if I can learn better how to do those kinds of activities, I could be more confident the time I could live on my own, I believe. Knowing the maintenance of the house and the cautions of each room and each tool to use is going to be useful later on.
    I could think also in making some last-minute decorations maybe in my room, so I can have space for something nice to have. I haven’t decided yet if I would place a poster, or some funny plush toy, I don’t know, something I could think that I’m having a good time on this holidays.
    Usually I get up and turn on the computer, so some important stuff or having a nice anime or movie to watch, something to spend the time. Actually I have lots of activities to do, file archiving and some cleaning. Although my holidays would be something different, I think I’m starting to accustom those changes....
    So, another post was made, I think I would end this year with 100 posts, or at least with 96, last year I have made 32, this year I would double that number. So, have a nice week! I hope to write another post tomorrow.... so see you Christmas Eve :D

Friday, December 21, 2012

Great Support Gathering Motion

"Great Support Gathering Motion" is about to begin.
I need your help.
It's just a matter of a minute or two of your attention in order to  obtain valuable motivational words of wisdom from you. There are some points of my life that were left behind unfinished, some rupture between all a timeline that were corrupted and never repaired. Some points that I have been carrying all the time that weren't useful to make new changes. I'm trying to repair all of them.
Also the motivational wisdom will be able to unlock most of the blocked memories and inhibitions so the light on the Position can shine brighter like the time before all those weird things happened around me. If I couldn't get on you the same way you do on others, it's because of some blocked motion.
I know I can't tell everything in order to make attention, and I know I wouldn't use my experiences so I can get something, but it is just a moment of attention that I lacked sometimes... I didn't want to say it, but sometimes I feel that loneliness covers around me, and I feel kinda sad about it. I know that I can recover from it whatever I want, but I just don't want to live that way if I know I can be more than what I am right now.
I know also that I don't demand friendship a lot, even if people seems to be the ones who want to be heard, caring less to others. I know if I keep this is because I can live with that, but I know that it will be one time that I would not stand upon that living.
I don't know what to obtain from all this, I just know I'm different from all the people, and that if I have to do those kind of actions in order to make an attention to everyone, just to make a great repair, is because I'm just a different person, who lived different things, and thought different ideas...
I just want to do the things better, but resources seems to lack on me, I just couldn't get all the info to make a good sharing, so maybe I'm not the best on all this. I know people care. I know people are social. I know I can overcome all this, and then renew myself.
So yeah. I can give you motivations, like this: Just be happy and do what you need to do!
I feel my shyness is getting less prominent, even though is nice to act awkward to silly moments. Maybe I don't care less of what I do, people seems to consider my way of life, I guess..., so after I feel from the wisdom of you that I'm just in the right direction, a little change and be clear to be a better person. And so make a great consideration to you, like you do to other people.
Have a nice day!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Between trips to the mall and holiday posadas

    Lots of things to do and so little time..! >////< I hope you have some holiday season and give a good meaning on those last days of the year, hehehe....
    Ok, writing session of today. It’s mid-December!! D: And I haven’t got presents, or gifs, or something to share, or some experience to tell as always >.< ....
    Ok no, I had some, last time I had the courage to do something on my own. I went to the mall.... [Centro Comercial in English is shopping center/mall ,so.... shopping center.... hehe] It was like, I have some money to spend, but, what do I need the most right now, I thought. I needed how I was going to spend it.
    It was a normal Saturday morning, my usual user Motion update characterization on the computer and my usual and calm playing. I think I was willing to buy something but I didn't want anyone to prevent me from doing it, or looking at me with poor eyes.... I know I would buy something from them, but not now.... But in the afternoon, I went to a near shopping center to buy something special. I was aiming for some earphones, some cool earphones so I could hear with all clear frequencies the music, and maybe something else.
    I hear the palpitations of my heart with each step into the shopping mall; it was quite long with lots of stores and restaurants. I went around the mall and then I entered some electronic American shop. I saw instantly the earphones section, and with some searching I saw the ones I could pay for. But I got out of the store to look for other choices. Into the shopping center there was a big Christmas tree. I think since the start of the month that tree was there. Of course it’s holiday season.... Then other shops, some movie theater, a games shop, another electronic specific shop, some clothing shops and some grocery store.
    After I saw all options, there was no other than the earphones that I saw first. So I returned to claim the price and then I bought it. And then I returned home and when I tried it, the sound was awesome, so I like it.
    Then I was invited to some party, what we call "Posada" It’s just another party, but it has a meaning too, whatever they want to put it.... But the essence is the reminder of gratitude and good wishes, we all want good things to happen....
    Normal things, I just have known most of the people invited, so I wasn't as uncomfortable..., it was a good time, I suppose... hehe.
    So, as I said, lots of things to do >///<. I’ll do my best to end this year, even if I have to make everything in a rush :I

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thoughts from last days - A time to talk about problems

    Hello, this is the time where I worry about my writing blog and start to make a great use of my creativity to make good posts and make as much as possible. So let’s get started now.

    I took a little time break to focus on some important issues to attend, and now that we are on December I’m glad that I can do lots of other things, but it seems like I have miscalculated the time I would really have that time. I can wait until mid December, but I need to make some adjustments so I can increase little by little the normal activities under my nickname (StndNerdBoy11).

    This is just an acknowledge point for this blog so you don’t be worried of myself, hehe. It’s just like lately I’m having one of those moments in my life where you feel like lost, like you don’t know what to do, like you don’t know why are you’re doing the things you have done until that day. I think that’s a normal thing, even though I don’t have a lot of energy to overcome more on that so I don’t fall again.

    Maybe it’s just because I don’t know if my life is normal enough to follow it or maybe it’s just because I don’t want to make a lot of effort..., because, It’s like you have some resources to talk to anyone, and you don’t do it.... You want some people talk only to you and you want some people to make a good conversation.... And also when you feel like going somewhere but you don’t have courage to go because you want to go with someone, or when you want to overcome something you can’t do it, but the ambiance is not enough so you can talk about it, something like that.... It’s seems like it’s like something normal.

    Because, if people don’t think that’s a problem, they shouldn't worry too much about it, because they know what to do. And it’s easy for them to do it, because when they know your problems they tell you that’s easy and that it’s only a matter of doing it. But what they can’t realize it’s your life and you have different problems that usually make a different obstacle, and that your comfort zone would yell if you step away from that zone....

    Maybe that’s my excuse of not doing it, maybe I have mislabeled in a different way or maybe they have mislabeled me wrongly. I may follow the label for some reason, but not completely. The problem with labels is that the moment they put one on you the most probable thing to happen is believe in that label, yourself, your parents, your friends, everyone. People in general tend to follow other people’s labels, and people tend to think fast and make attributions out of analysis. So if some event happened the labeled person would attribute his problems with what he has, but doing nothing about solving it. It’s a form of selfishness, thinking the others must do something about your problems....

    And so on, I would end one night or two feeling anxious about it, but it just passes away. I can’t blame about it, but it’s a reminder that I have to take a chance of getting up and make the try again, even if I fall again.

    I hope in another day to fix the things left behind and make my position active again. Just wait for it >///<.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

When I'm not into a good mood....

    Well, I don't know, it's like if I want to get things done and it doesn't get there, I kinda react weird about it. Maybe it just happens.

    But well, today was one of those days, where only by the single touch of some event; a great development of ideas would make you feel uncomfortable.... I don't get it, it's like your entire body is feeling weird (even if you have taken a bath...); every external action is a little annoying and distracts you from your focus. Whatever little thing they do is enough to make me feel anxious. It’s like I wanted to solve something important and then my possibilities are not enough to solve it, no matter how I see it. I desperately want to find some answers, and it just doesn't appear!

    Then I get to the real world, weird breathing, I know I’m fine, a weird headache, from all the generated ideas, a weird sensation, lots of blushing, embarrassment, clumsy actions, a constant movement from the lack of calm, lots of egocentric antisocial behavior, and a tendency to break out when nobody sees me. People normally won’t recognize this. Why would they? I’m not likely to show this type of emotions....

    Then at home I feel like I can’t stay still; I can’t stay calm, nothing can make me change my behavior easily. I take out my glasses, I put it on again, my sweater is making me feel warm inside, but when I take it out, I feel cold; at least some blanket would suffice. But then the blanket is so heavy to have me around my shoulders, I return to my sweater again. I play a game, thinking it would make me stress out from anger, but it just surprises me more, thinking I can win, but keep on losing, and make me feel sad....

    And then at night, a lot of movement, a lot of lightning, lots of weird voices, a lot of complaining and one or two little rant with myself. Then when it seems like my desperation would come to a limit, it just simply stops. I don’t know why, but it does. I feel like I’m getting peaceful and with no negative sensations to feel or negative ideas to hear inside my mind. It just fades away.

    I want to explain why it happened, but know that I’m calm, there’s nothing to explain, only to think that the eventful moment of anxiousness was only something I've experienced across the day. No one witnessed my accelerated day you had, because I could feel my heart pumping faster than normal, I could feel my hasty movements, my precipitated behavior, and also my endless need of letting out all that emotion, but it just can’t.

    But now it has stopped, there’s no need now. Now I want to be that way for the rest of the night, and think about tomorrow, hoping this won’t happen again, although I’m not sure if I could make it true....

    But oh well, hehe, nothing to worry about, it was just a day, everyone must have had one of those days, but that’s alright, because you can expect a better day, you can expect you can make good objectives, you can expect you can be good with people....

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Random Post of the Month

    It’s been a while that I visit here, in fact, it’s like not everybody I know would visit here..., even if I’m still making promotions and stuff. But still I like to write, just that my emotional thoughts and my everyday activities made me not doing it. So here are some random thoughts of today:
    I know that I’m not as good as everybody; I haven’t experienced the things other people had. I have seen it on their post they make every day here and in their photos and their own thoughts, of course it’s not like I have the time with all the things I have to do on a single day..., or that’s what I always think....
    Anyway, I could see how people are talking in a curious way I get amazed by it. I would want to compare it with all the other male people I have seen, starting with the clothing. Extroverted people like to dress in a fashioned way, so they can show a physical appearance and a very good look in their faces. They also like to make comments about the things that happen in the world and other things. It’s common here to have behaviors and thinking in relation to people of the world, or in other words, globalization has made a great influence in this place. Of course it’s my country, near other great country with a relative mindful range of opinions that make surprises to everyone else and make influences on them too; I also was affected with that.
    Internet and the American culture inscribed in it, there’s no deny I would want to feel the modern cultural actions and events they usually have. I know people that feel the same, but the difference is that I have discovered by myself; therefore I’m in this alone, for now.
    I’m not worried, even though I have made lots of instances of my position with nobody taking the chance to it, maybe because I’m not in reality immersed in it, for now. I know I have done some things a globalized person would do, having blogs and pages other than the Great Social Network. Also I have been into other pages with forums, even though I haven’t entered fully as a user, and saw lots of videos, heard good music and played good games.
    The fact is even if I’m not a person whose roots are of the American culture, the influence here is extremely high; you could hear the voices across the board (because our country is like his brother... hehehe). So it’s obvious that we would want to be like our brother and live peacefully. I can think that we could share lots of good things. And also it would be awesome to be friends with some native person living in the USA, even if direct roots wouldn't appoint to someone living there. And also it would be cool if one of the people I know that knows a lot about Globalized culture would share things to me that I haven’t experienced a lot about it.
    The influence of that culture is great and even so I would not want to lose mine, in fact I don’t want all the influence. I have my culture and traditions we gladly celebrate. Also its political, economical and social ideas, especially social ideas are quite something. Everything with the relationship and other weird things you could find if you search well, seems to be as normal if you can see it from the Internet perspective, which I could think in reality some things are quite reserved, but still normal. I can’t really tell it because, I haven’t experienced it yet.
    Of course I have read all of these, of course I have seen their positions and of course I may have one or two in a direct or indirect position. Even if they may have a point, I can’t really tell it until I find the right direction to make it viable into my real position, and until I could find a relatable thing near the Place of Action.
    >///< I’m still confused..., I think. I don’t really want to develop more and dissociate some points of what I can say in this Position of the Nick. Only I can say I want to talk to whatever people who want to share his time with me, or at least wants to make me a good comment and make me feel happy at that day, regardless of whoever he is.
    I know for sure my position is against topics that could aggrieve severely to someone’s living. I know everyone is deserved to live and make a good contribution to the world, the two great things we are designed to be here. Live and share your gift to the world. Sharing our gift is making others to be happy in difficult times, whatever his situation is. The thing that is at our hands is quite enough to make it happen.
    So, yeah, I don’t know yet. I’m just a boy who is still studying for something in order to get an income and be part of this society. Everything else is in stand-by, but I’m making my best to change that and be a very happy boy. I’m happy to know that, but in whatever situation I may encounter later, to whomever people, I know I can be good at it.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Against Mistreatment

     There is some sort of Awareness that in some objective essence says no make fun of the ones they are not like you, or don’t treat others in a way they feel inferior. The position of Motion stands against that kind of mistreatment, because it’s just a flow of not controlled emotions.
    In the Normal Position that stands with the Position of the Nick, I’m kind of a sensitive person, so I feel the pain and suffering inscribed on the messages of the users and on people too. It’s difficult to handle this but it seems that for them it’s easy to make a direct appointment of what they have gotten into, those kinda harsh moments in their life that in a way they made them feel low. When I hear and see those kinds of comments, I feel a little sad about it, because in a way I can relate to that. My position on School wasn’t as pleasant as normally it could be, but my focus on life was different and I just coped with the situation I was into. Nothing severe or dangerous.
    Of course I had my moments of despair and confusion about my situation. Thinking how could they wouldn't pay attention to my person and how most of people seems to take advantage of my kindness and shyness at that time to put me into situations I wasn't comfortable to hear, especially when you enter a different world where you don’t know anybody and you have to do all by yourself to gain some friend or two. At that time, it was hardly possible to make that possible.
    Furthermore, my shyness and my tendency to cry over things I wasn't capable to handle impeded me more to make expression of my feelings and likes to most of the people, it was kind of a barrier I was put to protect me from showing my real me, I would think. At least I would be too much of a center of attention.
    The thing is, how did I survive all the rejection from the people they don’t seem to care a lot for you? I feel sad when I hear things kind of worse than my own situation, because I can’t really visualize well how it feels like being really picked on by a group of people, and hearing that it just makes me feel sad, because of the flow motion they left behind, the emotions they charge, the impact they send. That’s why I don’t like to talk a lot about those things, it just brings attention in the way it’s not suitable.
    Because I have seen it, someone needs some affection in a post and discharges all the potential of negative thoughts, and of course the development of those ideas can increase in a way it could be believable. And making the discharge transmits the impact on others and makes the relation sending comments of stories or cheering up that person.
    I don’t have something against it, even though it would always affect those kinds of comments, because it’s awful to see the user that is trying to have a good life. I can relate to it because my childhood and some of my teen years weren't as great as a normal person, the thing I would see it as normal it was another thing, maybe that’s why I don’t care a lot about it.
    But then, I could find my comfort on making the motivation to those who needs somebody to tell his problems and ideas, someone who can be the position of listener who can share some time of his life making a good response if he wants to hear one. At the time I was lonely, it was my purpose: to be friends of those other people wouldn't want to be friends with. Maybe with that we could be the best of the friends.
    Unfortunately, I have tried, and ended in disruption because of single events that I couldn't handle. I thought my position of friendship was being corrupted by their silly thoughts and the influence of new kids that ended up being with the good guys of the school, making the separation being worse and making me to be lonely again. I wouldn't have been suffered a lot if I had only maintained that friendship…
    Yeah, as you can see, I can make the development of negative ideas, but I refrain to show them directly. If I ever want to tell something like this, my position must be as Objective to be able to stand upon the ideas I really want to express, and not to end in an emotional nonsense that only shows direct events and altering the emotional status of people. If I don’t like that something affect me negatively in emotion, I wouldn't do the same with my ideas…
    And as you can see, the Objective Essence that show the status day Awareness makes me feel like writing this. I know not lot of people would come and read this, if I ever do a great promotion of great motivation and share those kinds of stories…, but maybe that’s because my always present feeling of something that’s missing in my Actual Life and in my daily activities (and my reasons on why I’m standing as a User because of filling in that lack of satisfaction on my life…) makes me always feel sad about those situations.
    But if I ever can do is Motivation in Adversity, a supportive point of making things lighter. It’s up to ourselves and into the search of what we are and the support of everybody and the understanding of ourselves in order to make a stand against what it’s treating against ourselves.
    I’ll continue on my user supporting on the DeviantArt page, but try not to think always negative, even if it seems to be that way, even if they provoke you to feel that way. It’s better to feel somewhat happy or try to think in some happy start to develop positive ideas.

    [Yeah I know, I’m like the ones that want attention by receiving comments and making replies on that, but it’s easier to receive comments than making them. I have to be the one to make comments and do it all by myself. I would hope I can find someone who is likely to start a conversation to me the same way and in the same frequency as I can start a conversation…]
    [And yeah, two posts in a day, because this day is about to end…]

Drawing Impressions

 Hello, lots of things to tell on this month, and lots of things to make something useful to update the position of space of my web pages. This time, a Drawing Talk.
    I have been practicing a lot of drawing and then publishing some art on the DeviantArt and tumblr page. Lately I have entered some drawing contest and on last week I spent my time making a cool drawing for that contest. The cool thing was the printing in a 17" x 11" paper that drawing, which it was the first time.
    I was so excited to enter and that my drawing would be there among other drawings, so I have made some development and started some sketches on my notebook. Usually my school notebook is sometimes my sketch notebook… hehehe
    After some sketches, I decided on selecting one of them. One boy walking on the street, going to school with some backpack on his shoulders and a happy face. Also a nice background. I spent hours trying to make a neat lineart and making my drawing look special. I spent my weekend making that effort of making lines and color and shade the image. After all that work, my special drawing was done, and I was very happy with the results.
    The day of the printed hand in, I didn't have any idea where to print my image, at first, because I needed to find some copy shop near where I was. I thought of one, but I have wondered if they could print with the specifications I wanted. Luckily they had that kind of paper and that kind of size. So I hurried on printing and handing in the work to the ones that made the contest.
    After that, it was time of making the exposition of the work of everybody that has entered the contest. It was today. I told some of my friends and classmates to come and see my work, and some of them know that I draw and wanted to see that work. So in the afternoon, one hour after noon exactly, we visited those drawings. I was a little shy to see my work alone, because it would be there along with the others’ work. It was at some festival of languages (supposed that the ones who made the contest make the appointment to the Japanese language… because the style was manga styled)
    The time I handed in my work, I thought it may be a few of drawings (only like three or four), but when I went to see it all, it was like about fifteen.  Different anime style, different techniques (traditional drawing, digital drawing…), and different focus. Most of the drawings were about some original character they have made. A close up of those characters. One was like a manga page, pretty amazing. Other ones have a single background but they used well their colors. One traditional image was pretty amazing because of the technique of colors, and it was a close-up too. My drawing was placed very high, beside some other drawing with two characters.
    What I see different my drawing from the others is that my character wasn't as big as the others, but the compensation was the background, and because most of the images were close-ups, and because they were placed near to the eye to see, it was more impressing. But still my drawing was amazing. If I do a close-up like any other picture, it would be amazing as the others!
    Even so my classmates and friends say that I have the talent of making those drawings and I’m proud they have considered that. Also I’m happy they saw my drawing. Maybe if I have the chance I’ll make the price of making another print…. hehehe

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Random Post of the Month

Hello! How are you? I’m fine and you? Fine, fine, thanks…
Did you know? What?

    There’s a lot of stuff in my mind to talk about, but it’s only a matter of the one who starts the conversation with one topic?
    And what about the one who doesn’t want to talk about anything? Or what if both don’t want to start the conversation with one topic and that? That’s because they don’t know what to talk?
    And if they don’t know what to talk, isn’t that better to start knowing each other what they like? I suppose that’s a good start, but they are so busy, or they don’t have time because they have fulfilled their needs of Belonging on Friendship, so there’s no need for them to worry about that…
    But it’s not bad to try to tell your need of Belonging, maybe he cannot be the one, but maybe he can redirect you to someone else whose time can match yours…
    Or maybe you can still adventure the Online Mode and try to meet some new friends. Practicing conversation and stuff, try to share something to someone, of course try not to overdo your practicing or try to not to think you can’t talk to anybody and overlooking a lot in your mind, and not doing something productive…
    Maybe when I feel I need to talk to someone I should do so. But the thing is what to talk, and also I don’t know if talking about Emotional Issues would help… Maybe that’s because I may not get up to the expectation to the other person… I don’t know.
    One thing is finishing your work and another thing is having time with your friends. That’s how it is.
    The moment you have a more scheduled life, you’ll know you can dedicate some valuable time in each place you are. Your moment is now School and Home, so you can be happy either in both of them. They say to be you.  So I’ll be me. And whatever weird thing I feel it would happen, I should be cautious about it.
    I’m just impressed on how people talk to others and say things that in my opinion or I wouldn’t say it or I would think that’s not the way to say it because it may be jealous or angry or something, but the one who receives it acts like nothing happened. Maybe that’s because they know each other very well and how they really behave, and they don’t seem to be bothered.
    Because, you know, if you have something to say, just say it. You know it right?
    Yeah I know. I should be meeting the one who can talk with me most of the time and have great idea of dialogue development.
    Ok, I should be fine about it. And not feel like being ignored if you are not caring about others too.
    I just need to rearrange my position and try again…

Saturday, September 15, 2012

You are an inspiration to others

    Let’s start straight away. You are walking or standing on whatever place (maybe your room) and you start to think about things that happened to you around your life, experiences you have faced and moments of life you might not be entirely proud of.

    But also you think about the people that was there the moment those experiences occurred.  That person that was beside you the moment you needed the most, or that person whose daily life is so wonderful to follow or at least to learn something from it.

    Those are people of inspiration, the ones who have a thing or two that other people want to have or want to experience. You may have known them, or maybe not. But you know from some info or other, that their lives have influenced in the lives of other people, and helped them to improve their work and their way to live.

    I may be referring specifically towards the people of your group that you know that has lots of cool things and experiences you want to have, and the people of the Internet Collective Information, whose activity and their appointed daily life has things that they are reliable to do.

    First, the people I know. In my own experience, I know that I don’t have lots of experience regarding friendship, gathering of fast data, oral expression, progressive information and talking in-moment, which is having conversations about the most recent things, and make relation about past events (in which I don’t have a lot either…) But in the position I am now I could tell that lots of rich information was not developed as properly as you can see.

    In fact I could talk about things I have know of the General Position such as Normal Friendship, Emotional Issues, some other issues I have recently developed on my own mind, and things that I like. I would not likely to develop things I heard from other people, unless their info is relevant to my continuous improvement. I could talk about School Issues and my experiences , but I don’t have much to say. So maybe I could tell about past stages of School and my Experiences, but compared to the experience to others, mine has very few, and then lots of other experiences are not relevant to other, because of reasons. So the least stage of School appeared, but I think those experiences are too childish for the advanced conversations of others…

    But I know that the rest of the people somewhat has a very experienced Motion of Conversation and Experience Database, but also to those who has the same likes as I have. Those kind of people have useful information to talk about, and with all that and my lack of development or lack of practice of conversation development, and the things I have researched myself, I could have a proper conversation. I consider those people who have those experiences as an inspiration. So, I want to be one of them.

    The other issue is from people that are not into my Far Range of Action (by meaning “Far” is from the people I can’t get applying your Current Position), the ones from the Internet, regarding things that are applied on pages and social network and community pages and forums. Posting things and having lots of interests on different things. The inspiration comes when you have people you want to appoint their attribution of their work, but the person is so awesome you could feel ashamed of what words you’ll use to make sure you want a better kind of contact, and improved User Relation in which the appointing towards your user becomes more frequent. Also, their daily actions and activities can be applicable to the Normal.

    Now then, do you ever know someone else has seen you as their inspiration of life? Do your actions have inspired lots of people? Have you ever known them personally? Maybe you won’t know, but there can be lots of people who look at you and admire you the way you are, but maybe they are not brave enough to make you notice that. And also the other way, you admire lots of people you know from Near, but the Range of Action is too far to make a noticeable retribution, and once you are there, your anxiousness may block your responses of talking…, but at least he’s still awesome.

    You can apply what you have learned from those inspirational people, and do it at your own style with the ones you know the most. Maybe those people who you have labeled them as your inspiration may share something special.

“-The thing is when all of those Near people I want to know are on Social Networking, but you are afraid to press the ‘Be a Friend Button…”

[Coming back to “A Nerd’s Adventure”, the Nerdy One!]

“-But it’s only a matter to press the button, and that’s it...”
“-It’s not that easy! Maybe that’s why I don’t get different results, but imagine all the things I would have to control into my hand, and not be able to handle it…”
“-Hey, it’s Social Network, it’s only a matter of making some appointments towards their post data and make single comments, that’s how online friendship starts!”
“-Maybe, but knowing then on a real and near plane of space would mean that if I see the person and he would see me, he probably would test my conversation skills….”
“-Meh. You are still afraid about what would happen. Remember what they say, if there’re not supportive enough to make an attribution of your actions, he can’t be established as a Friend of Moment….”
“-The thing is… I have only weekend chances to make things possible, but there’re some circumstances that prevent me from doing it, and that’s when I get annoyed about it…”
“-One thing: Just ask them!”
“-Ok! I’ll do it then…”

[This post should have been a Convention Adventure, but I’ll reserve it for later…”]

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A little bit late [A Story]

    One day at School, where normal things happen, a little bit of a time calculation mistake (and a clear misuse of the alarm clock) made me stay at the entrance office. Sitting near one of the windows, but far from the door, I was waiting some time, reading some book I had inside my backpack. The place was quiet; the secretaries were doing their own job. They seem not to notice me sitting, neither have they asked me for some paper that they give to you when you’re late to class, so you can go inside the classroom. 

    I was still reading, the wonders of a squirrel over a single armored person were an intriguing situation to see. I was in a way hooked to the story. Besides, it was only 30 minutes before the start of the next period of class. I didn’t care a lot to stay here, even if it was the first time I was late, event that made me a little frustrated. I don’t know…, getting late to School was unexpected. I could tell I was almost caught once because I was a little late, but for some reason didn’t get that attention remark. But this time I wasn’t too lucky.

    There was a little movement outside the playground. Lots of students were playing basketball, Physical Education class, I guess. I just didn’t want to enter to class, because I know I’ll be blamed for getting late, and my classmate probably will be surprised about it. I can imagine it all their faces and thoughts, and what they’re going to say: “That’s not possible, Henry getting late? Unbelievable!”, and “Look, here comes Henry, how can he arrive this late at School?” sort of that. I simply don’t want to be the center of attention because of a simple thing like this.

    Of course I arrived late at School, but I just wanted to wait until the next period, so when the teacher leaves the classroom I would enter unnoticed by everyone. I’m not popular anyways, so they wouldn’t care if I enter without someone’s presentation….

    Someone was calling my name. And I stopped reading and looked up. A blonde girl approached to me, smiling.

“Ah, Hello Tiffany!”

“Hello. Oh, what are you doing here?”


“Waiting? For what?”

“The next Period.”

“Oh, have you arrived late?”

“Maybe, I guess…” I let out a little smile. She wasn’t on the same class as me, although we were both on 7th grade.

“I see. I was just delivering some papers here, if you were trying to ask. And then I saw you. I thought you were sent here because of something bad…”

“Eh? No, no, no… I wouldn’t do something stupid to make me sent here.” I stated, because it would be a dumb thing to make it happen. “I’m just didn’t entered class.”

“So, you’re skipping classes then.”

I blushed. 
“W-what? I-I don’t consider it as “skipping classes”. It’s just that I don’t want to hear someone saying I’m late.”

She smiled at me.
“Ok, ok, it’s understandable, I think”, she said. “We have our next class in a few minutes.”

“Yeah, that’s right…”

We looked at each other for a little while, as if we were waiting for the other to tell something. And then Tiffany told me:

“I have to return to the classroom. See you then.”

“Okay” I answered. And then she left the office.

    I first looked at my watch, just 5 minutes before the next class. So I put my book in my backpack and prepared to leave the entrance office. This time I won’t make the mistake of time miscalculation. When the time seemed right, I left.

    Some minutes passed, and the ring for the next class was heard. I looked far away from my classroom as the teacher from first period was leaving. I just hurried and, without the notice of the teacher, I entered. As I expected, my classmates were talking each other. Very occupied they were, so I just took a seat and got out my notebook, waiting for the next class.

    Of course they wondered of me that I skipped first period, but that was forgotten. Tiffany would remind me later on of me that skipped a class, and then I would then act awkward about it....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nerd by Social Attribution

    Hey what’s up hehe. I’m here again with another blog post. This time I’m going to talk about something general but important to me and to the position of the Nick that redirects to myself.
    I have referred on another post [A Nerd in the Actual World]  that I have been catalogued by the people they knew me as a Nerd. I would call that designation as a Social one, because in some way the groups in which I have been into have thought that designation to my person. It seems like a typical stereotype named because of normal cataloging of types of people. I was into that kind of people, the Nerdy Kind, the one they only care about School, and not other ‘normal’ social relationships. That kind of designation is quite weird and mostly lame, because people just make their expectations on a wrong point of view or of a false perspective of other people.
    The Social Attribution was achieved by many events occurred. Once or twice on a simple class party, I have been chosen as the most Nerd in the class, rather than being Smart or being Quiet. Other minor events were:
Studying at recess which it was rather unnecessary, at some times. The thing is I have been quite lazy in some aspects and studying a bit was to gather the information as fast as I could. Of course other would tell I was still studying thinking I have done so at home.
Talking about School Issues, it was most of the time. I had other interesting topic to talk, but those weren’t interesting to them. It was difficult to talk because the conversations of other people were too hard to follow.
Because of the last, the typical social ineptitude of talking to others, it’s difficult to talk to other people, especially if you haven’t known it yet by talking, especially if that person was someone you consider special, you didn’t know how to approach in fear he can reject you with something….
And other things like appearance and behavior. Wearing glasses, acting very awkward and thinking a lot of things, some weird ideas and basically misunderstand, basically, things that I may not know that others think that only Nerds can do that.
    Stating that they say Nerd as the person who can’t handle Social Issues well, and is very good at some specific area, the Standard position rises when the labeled person is someone who can do the work done, and can team up with other with a same purpose, and may express what he thinks.
    So, in the way I was labeled as such, and trying to aim the Standard Position (in which I am, even though I’m only reaching a little bit of the Standard and always changing between the Shy Position and the Standard Position), a nickname was emerged.
    Analyzing my life and my experiences, and all the odd things around me, I chose to put my nickname in the position of a “Standard Nerd Boy”, the one who wants to achieve great things in life trying to socialize when needed, and also when knowing other people of the same kind.
    I know they are the Self-Proclaimed Nerds that out of the sudden they become one because of collections and appearances. I don’t reach that position because experiences can attest my Nerd Position ,even without knowing that word, and even if I can deny the Position stating stereotypes are just closed-minded thinking of people.
    Yeah, it’s kind of difficult for everyone to make nicknames, but I tried to make one that resembles most of my personality. If I don’t act clearly as a Nerd, maybe because I’m not trying too much to be one (shyness, I guess...?), but for some reason that word came up to my mind for weeks after hearing that, done lots of searching and how most people uses it. I go for the Normal Definition of the Word, so it fits in more than 50% (cool that not in everything) of the definition.
    I just hope you like my explanation, I don’t know if people care a lot about nicknames but I think what it’s most important is the content you have with the sign of your nickname. And is also for fun and for making online friends so yeah, I hope to have more friends to chat and share awesome things.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Expressing what you like

    "There is one moment of life where you go outside your normal daily life to discover new places you have never discovered. There is one moment of life where you go outside dress very causal in a way you have never done. There is one moment of life where you go outside to express to everyone the things you like so that they know what things do you like, what things you do, what things you have."

    "There is one moment in life where everything changes and you have to start again, one moment where the things you have obtained are now lost in time, and you’ll need to start again."  

    "One of the things you need to overcome is the fear of what everybody things about you. There are actions you can do to obtain that objective. There can be soft actions, there can be extreme actions. The result will vary depending of the completion of either difficulty. You have to be fine, not to show extreme shyness or being too notorious about the anxiousness you may face."

    Here’s some story, it may be considered as one of the missions of the Objective of the Blog. Nerd’s Adventures are cool to follow sometimes, even if nobody notices it, even if nobody cares, even if your actions are not shown to the right people, it’s still a cool thing to do.

    One day of School, a Summer Day, some morning trip and some other to School. A backpack with things of School, some notebooks, pencil and pen, some folders and my Always Reliable, adding with that, some pins: one was Cirno from Touhou, then Marissa too, then the face of Jake the Dog and then, Finn the Human (Adventure Time).

    That trip was on taxi, but from the starting point I was walking with those pins attached on my backpack, I just walked and walked, as if I didn’t care of anything. Took one bus, I sit down, all the people going normal. Then I took a taxi, in middle of some students going to School too. Nothing special about it. I don’t know them anyway, so I didn’t care either. Then off the taxi, and walked inside School, passing lots of students, everyone in their own business, stumbled upon a person, said Hi and some other words, we said good-bye and continued on my walking.

    My position was elevating by each step to counter a little bit about the weird thing I think I was doing, because I didn’t see others with the same position as I was. Some were wearing T-Shirts of Legend of Zelda, some other a black T-Shirt with some amazing image in it, and some others they have some cool outfit, but no one with the position as childish as I was showing. Even so, I didn’t care. I entered my classroom, my classmates were there. Nothing special, I think, nobody said anything. I took one seat, classes have started.

    A lot of normal things after, outside the classroom, a little talk before I return home. I did the same route of return before getting a taxi and make my returning routine to home. Before the final change, lots of students from other schools are waiting too. I moderated my position, so I looked less awkward, no special thing happened, but a long wait was a lot. I managed to return home fine anyways.

    Even that what I did was a little too unexpected and weird, on other times I saw different situations that seems to have the same value as I did. One person having a Pokeball on his backpack, other with trading cards, other with Dragon Ball image, other with 8-bit games.  But as I said, everything went normal, nothing unexpected, nothing extraordinary.

    So there goes another Adventure of overcoming shyness, I didn’t feel anything weird, but I don’t know why I did want something special would occur. Still lots of things to do to be noticed....

[Yeah, I know, "A Nerd's Adventure" needs more posts like this, hehehe]

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Friendship and First Days of School

I don't mind being alone, but when you see a person sharing things you like, that’s another thing.

    That's what happens when you enter a world in which lots of people are gathered in one place, no matter how big or small the place it is, to share some moment of their life, to share something you have on your main ambiance. Some family events, normal things of television, music, series, games, main events of life, some recommendations, things to increase their friendship, and an invitation to continue the bond application outside the place.
    They say School is a great friendship starting point. On the first days, you know your classmates and start to talk with each other, to see which ones are the most likely to share the same interest. You see the fun on some of them and how they spend their time on cool things. At the end of a week or two, most of the people must have had at least one friend to spend on the free time, on recess, or after school time, or at least at the time you can reach him/her at the classroom.
    Some classmates started School with friends they have met on previous occasions, and add one or two to the group of friends, previously presented and approved to be part of that group. In that day that everybody decide who will be the ones they want to spend time, little modifications may occur: someone would want to increase in some skill or in some hobby, so he changes his friendship position, a normal change, maybe thanking the previous for being part of their friendship, maybe encounter them on another occasion, and after that he joins the other group, or after some time being absent in some group, he rejoins the previous with new ideas to share and lots of awesome things to do.
    So, after the starting point of meeting each other, how they behave and how to handle each other, they are ready to spend the time together on recess time.
    The main point is that after the closure of the friendship invitation, future entering of other’s group is way more difficult, especially if you’re one of the very few people that spend recess mostly alone, with a few friends to follow or with groups that you follow, so you don’t feel completely lonely. You follow those groups, because in some way they say something interesting to hear, something interesting to know. You are actually not part of their group of their friendship, but in order to have something to do; you tend to imitate other’s idea of talking, of friendship.
    When it comes to recess on a scheduled time on a specified place, the term of the following is applicable, but when it comes to free time on a defined time in a wider scheduled one on a wider place, you only see the people, but not what they are doing, so after the established time, if you haven’t got into a group, it’s more likely to be alone, and feel the pressure of others talking about the things they share.
    Now, in that kind of situations, I don’t mind being alone, but when you know someone who in a group talks about the things you like, that’s what things change. You can’t be comfortable knowing that you are in a place where the most common thing to do outside the classroom is socialize with other people and making friends. But lots of generations of lots of different specialties are there into one place. And all that chatting and laughing overwhelms me a lot, especially on the first days. When I’m on that ambiance again after a good time vacations, I feel weird. A lot of people of different behaviors and personalities, all gathered again to spend the time there. I do have my time of being a good friend, but the amount of awesomeness of those whose friendship has awesome things is too high for me to handle, because I’ll know I don’t have lots of resources to change their strong-based bubble of friendship, neither the time to maybe spend the time with them properly if I actually had. I wish I could have those….
    I have always into other things, because I haven’t really experienced true friendship in its maximum motion. For me, it’s when you spend lots of time with friends in a place far away from other groups, doing what their like, and having lots of fun and laughs, you feel true happiness inside, and you think by yourself, even if it’s too hasty, that you had some of your most amazing things in life. I wish that happens too….
    Disruption of Motion and lots of start over, loss of fear of shyness and lots of awesome conversation to do. Double the effort to be at the level of their expectations of friendship. I know I would finish saying that I would like to be alone all the time and care less for them, but the School shock of making friends and not feeling alone knowing they have fun but you, makes me do additional effort to caring for them.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Motivational Point – National Inspiration

    For those people who think that our culture won’t let us reach higher positions, and for those who compare us for other people and in an attempt of saying we should be better, they want to deviate the information.
    This may be a day to remember for all of us that saw how some game match would leave a message of motivation. In fact, all events from the Olympic Games make some unique remembrance. Seeing those who have made lots of effort and dedication to compete on different games that requires the strength and demand
    Those who have made lots of effort and dedication were the ones who could compete on different games. The strength and demand of those games allows us to see the quality of the athletes. For each one, a story of success can tell us their dreams, their aspirations, their goals, and all the suffering, failure and bad experiences from the past can tell us they are humans after all.
    Those who searched the way of sports, becoming an Olympic Athlete and fought against others for the dignified medal were the ones who can be part of inspiration to all of us who has a normal life, seeing that effort, discipline and dedication are key points to make our planned objectives possible.
    The fact that our country send their athletes to compete at the Olympic Games is a great achievement, but it is more delightful to see people from our country win medals, and celebrate with them. It’s a point of achievement, well deserved to them. The thing is: we should learn something from them.
    Along with other great people that made our country proud, we must too make our country proud. The personal achievement that all of us must do some day of our life will help us understand the reality of the situation of our country. Understanding this will make us see that we don’t need to feel bad about news of achievements never succeeded, because we will know we haven’t achieved that yet, but the dedication are for those who can make it possible. Our personal achievement in a way can teach others to spread the message of effort to being better.
    No demand or complaint would help on our personal goals, we know we can make the effort if we make some sacrifices of time, we know if we need a better society, is teaching the value of dedication and effort, instead of inform them of making a void-result function of tracing.
    Learning from the ones who won Olympic medals, let’s learn to make the effort done, and feel the same kind of achievement when we have succeeded it, so we can celebrate with a great meaning and support to all the ones who make things possible.

[I think we have made some great goal today, putting aside the bad things of discussion, it's a matter of impulse and great knowledge of information handling....]

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Game that became Legend

    Let’s get going with lots of cool things and weird nonsense I may write, and talk about some game that, even if it is a very classic game, it is well known for most of the people, and it has cool game play.
    So, why is another talk of the Legend of Zelda here into this world of Internet? Because that series of games has always something you can talk, you can comment, you can argue, you can discuss. Well, other games can do that, but, this is kind of special, because of its origins since the start of the Nintendo Console, and so on, and because of certain games that gamers were fascinated.
    So let’s get started (before I lose inspiration, hehe). Since a child I have known the series, it was a favorite one to play. I remember I first got to see the first two games from the NES Console (the very first one, and the Adventure of Link). Both games were hard to beat, or at least I considered that. Thinking of those games as a very classic game is feeling special you have seen those games as a child.
    Then, A Link to the Past, for the SNES, played a little bit. Then Ocarina of Time appeared, for Nintendo 64. I have told a little weird event on my other post “Game Over, and Fear of Trying”, my experience with zombies, undead creatures, and my eternal trauma of losing a game. But overall a very good experience one I started to play that game. They said the Water Temple was a very difficult one. But it has its difficulty and all, lots of hours of play, it was awesome the animation and the story.
    Then, the Game Boy Advance games, played one or two, the Game Cube game, and then, Twilight Princess, a cool game, very cool graphics and gameplay, even though it’s the same Classic story, but with lots of variants. One fan gamer has to love the good details of some game or other, and let away the bad things.
    Now I’m just to play Skyward Sword, but nobody wants to lend their game (nor their Wii D: ) to start playing it. It’s my wish to play it.
    Now for the game play, having lots of dungeons, castles and other weird places. Minigames were a lot, and Heart Containers were the prize, or better equipment. Lots of weapon and cool sword techniques, and lots of creatures.
    It’s difficult to say a lot of things, because you can research easily from other sources, only my purpose of this blog is to say how awesome was for me those games.
    I could tell with more detail other things from the game, maybe. Once I can play a little of some Zelda games, hehe

Monday, July 30, 2012

Always the same outcome…

    Hello, well, I was still arranging some issues of my mind, vacations aren’t going to be very long, so I need to prepare some final adjustments.
    There are some kinds of quotes that in a way have a meaning: “If you do the same thing, you’ll obtain the same result”, “If you follow the same path, your objective will be the same”, “If you don’t change your point of view, you won’t really see the change in your ambiance”…, things like those. The phrase, “Always the same outcome…”, in fact was taken because of someone saying it, making the statement he always do the same thing, and he could win anyway. Like his skill is so powerful or strong, it could “creep” him out himself (afraid of his own power…?)
    I would take the two meanings into consideration for this post. The first one, doing the same thing over and over, like a daily routine, but without purpose, without ideal, without guidance. The feeling of nothing had changed, still the same person, even when you do a little more effort than the last time, just to reconsider the fact you haven’t changed at all, neither your point of view nor your mind. Change is a little thing every people don’t want to do, when they have realized their life is not what they have expected to be. Taking into consideration that every effort done is at the same intensity, same strength, same level of will, the minimum required to ignite the motor, the minimum required to walk towards the objective. When you know you can do things better, and when you have the will and dedication to maintain the constant about all you wish you want to do, a change of mind is needed, in sort of a way. Some different direction to consider, some different orientation, some different kind of points of view, even if those opinions are not directly aimed to you. Maybe if you wanted some help, a little bit of self-encouragement will work to fill your energy. Sometimes I feel like this, where you don’t know why you are still doing the same foolish things that there are not leading to anything beneficial. Although I could make a deviation of knowledge and if I am objective enough I would say those actions were done as a try to see what would happen. An experimental resource. But doing it lots of times won’t help you enough. That’s why a varied number of events must be done to be calm with you.
    Now for the other meaning. Have you ever feel that you are doing something but you actually don’t feel like doing it? Like you have no idea what are you doing, but you know you are doing it right. That could happen when you look with a different perspective, a more clear vision on your actions. Sometimes you are doing whatever activity as if you knew how to do it, then it comes a moment when you fully realize what are you doing, and you thought how you are doing that activity…. Also, saying the result would be the same in that aspect is because you know in a way you can put all your effort and do the most of you. It’s not healthy to do more activities than you can’t handle. Also you need to test what is the most you can do. If you can measure that, I’m sure something wonderful is going to happen, because that’s when you realize your full potential, and all the awesome things you can do.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nations of the World

Hello!, here with a quick post, because I want it so.

    So Space  Synchronization is almost over, so I have made most of the retribution I needed to make a cool proposal of space and enjoyment for all of you.

Meh, sleepy face is sleepy.... OK I'm not going to start saying nonsense, that's why is a thing call Attribution of Nonsense, where the mind can do whatever thing it is needed.

    Ok, getting into the topic, this is a cool opportunity to talk about what's happening right now. The main topic of most of the thing is the Olympic Games in London. Quite a cool event to be considered, here all countries send athletes to compete in different games, and give their all on all they know of their abilities. It could be athleticism, gymnastics, swimming, team sports, boxing, cycling, other normal sports and other sports.

    Of course the support is who whatever country you live. I'm in Mexico, so I support Mexican athletes, hehe.

Let's go Mexico! Hope you'll return with some cool medal or something interesting.

(I'll continue on my scheduled topics. I'll need to analyze each, so hope to finish soon.)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Space Synchronization

StndNerdBoy11: Level Up!
    Hello, well, as the title says, I’m doing a State of Space Synchronization. This section is for the blog “A Nerd’s Adventure”
    Things are getting interesting here, because now I have a cool design for my blog, it’s like my 4th layout design I have made. I just added labels for all post I have made, and I needed to show the most important ones on one place, so I put a gadget there but I needed a new layout, so the result somewhat is cool.
    And then the header of the blog, which there are cool objects I usually have or I like (or I would like to have).
    My precious USB, it’s very handy on translating lot of things from computer to computer and from computer to virtual machine, things that I need in other OS for testing and other stuff, and cool stuff friends and classmates send it to me.
    My Nintendo DS, as you can appreciate, it’s the first generation of NDS, I still have one. Why? Because I like it. Well, that is a NDS that some awesome friend sells it to me for a cheap prize. I like to play my NDS game here, heheh.
    Some glasses, resembling that I have one, supposedly I can’t see far places, the view is too blur to me…,  but on other things I could see fine. I like to wear them because I can see better the letters from y computer and not approaching too near to it. That would be uncomfortable…
    A Rubik Cube, I like to play it sometimes, when I have the time to do it, I know it can be easy to solve it if you know how to do it, but it is an awesome object to have.
    A laptop, well, it kind of resembles mine, the one I use to make awesome things, like drawing, writing stories, programming lots of things (which I would start soon doing some coding), playing some games and other awesome things.
    A book, I like to write and read cool things. Also I tend to analyze lot information, opinions, arguments, other data from lots of topics, I have a wide range of state of point of view; they call it an open mind. But having an open mind means I respect the opinion if it is well said and with respect too. With that position, I’m willing to express in that way, and try to make data easy to assimilate.
    A piece of code, in a paper; a Java Programming Class. I like that kind of programming, Object Oriented. Making abstractions and lots of code representations, functions and variables. I show a simple Class code, enough to fit in a printed paper, a real class has more than the one I’m showing here.
    The StndNerdBoy11 Symbol Representation, the little Round Blue-Cyan beside the title, it’s my signature for all drawings.
    And a Pokeball, if it was real, and if Pokemon exist, I would love to catch one, heheh. I like Pokemon a lot, so the Pokeball, a representation of my type of videogames.
    Wow, those things I have described have so much meaning to me. And also, on the background, the two characters that are into the space of my blog writings. One is me, the one of the white shirt. As you can see, it’s an “Adventure Time” style me. That style is cool for resembling cool simple things, not to difficult to draw, just the important thing is to make well the lineart and have simple coloring, and lots of imagination. The other character is what I want to call, the “Nerdy Part”, or the “Nerdy One”, if you can see the end of lots of my posts; I tend to have a conversation with him, which is a more confident and less shy representation of my personality. With that character I tend to point out important things on a post to take it into consideration on real life and apply it. They don’t have proper names yet, because it’s difficult to make one when trying to express your personality on those characters without being actually yourself. I’m still searching for the right one that I could put as a nickname or something. If everything fails, I just have to use my name, which is putting a very well written permission to override the name imposition. But if I need to open up a little on that way, I think the name isn’t important. It’s gonna be a Mexican-Spanish name on either way. And for the Nerdy One it can be any name.

    Well, enough for this one. I hope to still update, and continue my constant position. Also to denote that this post was synchronized with other two posts so you can see it here on DeviantArt ( 
See you later then!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pokemon Favorites and Battles

    Ok, I’ll keep my pace, even though it seems a little unsynchronized, heheh....
    This is a post where I should do my self-awareness about how awesome is Pokémon and how awesome are the Pokémon, kind of a same thing, but there’s a lot of variety.
    Pikachu is a cute little Electric Pokémon, generally is in a wild forest among some forest on the Kanto region, well, in  fact you can locate it on Virdirian Forest, kind of a rare find in here, but you can catch him. This Pokémon is famous because of the Anime, because Ash’s first Pokémon was that little cute Pokémon. And they all like Pikachu because of that cuteness, heheh....
    When someone asks who are their favorite Pokémon, many would answer that Pokémon as their favorites. Depending on what do they like about their favorite creature. Maybe because of their body form or maybe because of its type. I like Psychic and Electric Pokémon, cool types, especially Psychic. One of my favorite Pokémon is Kadabra, he has cool Psychic moves.  Also I have a little likeness to Jolteon, fast speed and cool moves also. And then Magnemite, and also Mew the legendary Pokémon. 
    When it comes to battles, which would choose, the ones who likes the most, or the ones whose Pokémon are the more adept to your strategy? It’s kind of difficult, but if you choose your favorites because of the battles, it comes easy. Weird thing is when it comes too strategic, but hey, they have done it, it seems like a Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game card deck strategy: you’ll need the right Pokemons to train and give them the moves you want. In any case, it’s a Pokemon Battle you can win, or you can lose.
    Man, it seems like when finding something to battle, or they know too much in technical moves, or I just keep losing to them. I should know it too, heheh, I’ll do my quick research, I’m a quick learner, heheh, just give me what to do and I’ll do it, oh yeah, heheh.

    I’m talking nonsense again....
    Anyway, I’ll do more Pokémon post and stuff, and I’ll try to keep into the upgrading level. Change the layout, editing labels, do a new main banner, make a new color design for the page, get more pageviews, some comments, some more links to my other pages, a lot of thing to do.

    Better be planning this. Happy Pokemon Battles, and let not the confusion psyche you out, you are doing it fine, if you show your love, they will understand it. They are wild and tame, but they can trust you, you have seen it on the movies, even Mew approves it. Isn’t that great?

"There are a lot of Pokemon Generations, it's difficult to make a Pikachu Fever, because there are still a lot of more cute Electric Pokemon...!"

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Motivational Point – Inspirational People

For those who feel your actions have a lack of worth….

    “We as people have the same kind of feelings, some more emotional than others, some a little bit less concerned of his emotions. We all laugh, we all cry, we all can be angry, we all can be depressed, we all can be amazed, we all can feel fear. It’s part of us.”

    “We all wish, want or desire some goal, some objective, something worth our effort, something that could be recognized by everyone and by us too. But sometimes we feel we cannot reach the position other people have reached. We feel we have people of a higher position having the things we wished to have for us. We think how they made that position, and then we think of ourselves, trying to understand why….”

    “But the thing we may not know if how much effort other people have made to reach a considerable position in which they are now. We cannot see it easily, because the things they do are just actions of personal achievement. It’s difficult to notice when a person have a change in his life referring to what he did to make that change. We all know that he made that change, but their personal decisions are not as visible to see.”

    “But if we think about it, it only took a change of view and a clear position of will and initiative to make that change possible. Their actions they have made and all the planned activities and goals made to achieve their objectives and obtain a well deserved result, are good enough to make an inspiration to all people who want to achieve something good in their lives”

    “The inspiration from other people, their struggle on making a good success, all the will and determination and a body full of energy, those things can be the essential things to consider in order to reach an objective. The support from everybody you have and the thought of other people that at the same time they are making a good effort to continue their lives with lots of energy.”

    “If you think we are like millions of people around the Earth, you could think beyond your mind and try to imagine what activities they do other people, what are their efforts and what are their results obtained.”

    “We could think of a person who wants to be in shape and in order to have a healthy body he does lots of exercise and lots of physical work to make it. We could think of a woman practicing drawing skills, and in order to have a cool style for her she looks around every reference, drawing lots of sketches and finding the most suitable for her style and then draws her concepts on a single picture and she puts lots of effort to make it look cool and awesome. We could think of a child who wants to ride a bicycle, so in order to master it he goes each morning practicing getting in balance with the bicycle, and even if he could fall one or two times, the vision of finally riding a bicycle will be enough to continue practicing until he can ride it properly”

    “So as you can see, at all ages and at all skills and talents, in order to make it possible, we could think ourselves doing that effort on what we want to do, and imagine doing that effort, we can also imagine ourselves mastering that skill and achieving the planned goal. We all learn new things at every phase of our lives, and effort is made in order to achieve that knowledge”

    “We cannot deny effort can be against our impulses, our defects, our positions or our ambiance, but with the will of ourselves, along with the support of people, the inspiration of everybody and a single step into the road, we can embark the journey and walk step by step, each time being better”
    “Of course remember, if something resulted wrong, the important thing is what you have learned, so the next time you can do it in a better way”

    “Keep moving on; let’s not stop our mission of life. Because all living things are moving, so you should too!” 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Events that happen on a single day

[NOTE: Just for you to know, it has Homestuck Up-to-Date Information Statements]

    Hello, despite the contraposition of certain actions of mischievousness, I’ll continue the marked pace I proposed for the other half of the year. It would be more or less, but with this pace you will expect something new within a certain amount of time. Let’s go then.

    Yesterday was a warm day; I had to wake up early (7 o’clock) to do some daily activities, kinda fun and challenging stuff. In a normal basis I don’t accustom to wake up at that time, and sleep late. I could be sleepy if I do unexpected things like that. Well I can establish whatever if I can stay awake in the morning or on the afternoon. On yesterday, I felt sleepy at noon, I wasn’t on my full potential and feel weird, all and the warm days of summer. Why I choose to do so? I don’t know…, but where things are need to be done, you’ll have to do it at an appropriate moment.  :(

    Well, still a little sleepy, I was asked to do some research on certain topics I need to continue on time on my activities, so there I was, searching on the computer and lean down the head and closing my eyes whatever chance I have. It was odd that I would feel that way, on the weekend I have slept like more than 10 hours, and by the time of yesterday I only had slept 6 or 5 hours. I think it was weird because I got a little sick and my I was sneezing a little, not too much, but I think with that I felt a little down.

    Research still ongoing, some social media and reviewing some pages on deviantart and on other important pages, doing some examples, reviewing proposals. I saw when after noon (I think) the so expected Homestuck update appeared as a “Strong Update”…. Not the moment, I said, so I ignored that….

     After some time, when I was on a position more comfortable to begin my hobbies and activities, I was more relaxed to continue, but I was still sleepy. I said more comfortable, but not at all. Television on, some chatting, series I was hearing from everybody, I wasn’t on my real position, my room, the internet wasn’t strong enough to reach it (but today I moved in another position a little bit, and now it works well :D)

    I was about to see the drawings again, when on messages everybody appointing to something I was forgotten to do. Then with fast clicks I reached MSPaint Adventures page and saw the update of Homestuck…. At first I was cool with it, then I reached the middle part, I was confused, but still more clicks going on. My download speed isn’t as fast enough to fasten the things. I had the emotion of confusion from the first Flash movie, and like 10 more or less pages until the other Flash movie. I was following the pace of the music, because I had heard it a while ago, and with the split (oh…), of the movie, I was expecting the other part of the music sound.

    But the expectation grew as the progress number of downloading the second part was increasing too. Then like out of the nowhere, music resumes and the awesome thing continued. But on each Flash movie I didn’t expected the short time, but a lot of information, including the info in between the Flash part…. It was amazing, because, well, imagine you have some sort of flying rocket-type device, and with the help of other amazing devices, you do an extraordinary travel across time and space! It was amazing, it was a lot of events happen around 10 minutes, and I was still sleepy, sick, and I was eating, and then everyone else around….

    I prevented some kinda spoiler, but I was about to lose the State Relation from the comments I just saw with a glimpse of my eyes. I could tell the update was unexpected in some way to me, because I didn’t know what would happen. I could tell however, that I could expect the actions done after I saw the first Flash. It says “Synchronization” so I thought of a chain of Rise Up’s: Two chains were about to be made on the first Flash, one succeeded, another on the merge of succeeding. Three out of four were involved on that chain. The third one would chain to the remaining one, and that remaining one would have to make a chain to the one who started it…. Kinda of an expectation, but just a thought….

[Why I’m talking that kind of metaphorical awkwardness… >///<]

    But the thing was an alternative plan was made in order to make everyone be still on the game ("Unite"). And then I analyzed why it happened that way.  The cross chain though was cool, I guess…?

   Anyway, with that rambling of information on my head, the coolness of my skills on techniques of data gathering and unexpected discoveries, the ambiance of not being in my room and being sick, sleepy and very eager because of all the exciting emotion I received, my mind went weird again and, like everyone could say, I got my mind “blown” by all the ideas I had to understand.

    I just closed the computer, went to my room and stayed on my bed, waiting to calm down, and continued working….


“Wow, almost a thousand words from this….”
“Yeah, you know now you have an interesting life worth a thousand words a day”
“Oh, you’re here, heheh, how was your day?”
“Well, what if I say it was not as interesting as what you just have written here.”
“Yeah, when you have things you can share, you can write and say everything”
“That’s true, but you’re writing in this blog as a general statement. Only the ones interested would find this as amazing…”
“Hmmm, so what? If I get accustomed to this again, I would write more amazing things and share it to everybody, regardless their judgment”
“I hope we can reach that point you’re talking about. I’ll do a smile for your success, hehehe”
“And I smile to you to keep me company for the next posts, OK?”

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Rambling of the Media Imposition

     Things of diverse variety happens on a daily life, you know, news that get into our attention when it reaches us. Depending on our beliefs and our reactions towards certain topics, it would convince us or it would make us think this is nonsense…

  My purpose of this post is like the extension on other posts I have made, like Dramatic Media Imposition, where certain scenes on massive media makes the reality looks far realistic from what we usually live, the weird fact is if everybody would follow that kind of life…

  What everyone calls as a Dramatic Series, or Drama, that usually for whatever reason they exaggerate the scene, making it more emotional and lively, I think for entertaining and emotional charming purposes….

    The thing is, why is this a program most of people follow? Well some culture follows that because they feel identified with that kind of characterization, and because they made them express an opinion on those series and episodes, or make because there’s not another interesting program to see…

   In fact, I think that’s what people want, and that’s what free shows offer to them. But then another topic, it’s not because massive media, TV, radio, other, but with another media it comes into you as a imposition of making that you believe certain thing in order to follow that idea. That is maybe the weird thing, because, why would somebody wants you to immediately chance certain position on your mind? Because, little by little, things have been changing for the benefit of a better life. The engulfment of each belief on each society make a whole and then it becomes a pressure to the ones who don't fully follow that idea.

  I don't know if my arguments can reach an average person living an average life, or a certain person into a well defined group or social status. But maybe it the thought of saying we have traits that other people don't have, or that we have different activities, different personalities, different points of view. The imposition of the media can be a closed mind position, and makes everyone who is touched by those words to be closed-minded. When it comes to those kind of idea, the key of evade its consequences is thinking a little bit before consider the position on that argument, idea, or belief. 
    There are a lot of topic that actually some people tries to increase it's voice or to block them, their ideas affect the ones who have a certain defect on hearing it and without thinking it they become part of their group of followers. As long as they can manage others' positions, their position would be acceptable, only if they can express their ideas in a kind and respectful way.
    Controversial topic we already know, beliefs that makes the doubt of everybody who has not heard of, and social groups and organizations that target others to create confusion among the people. Managing the information is quite delicate, depending of the reliability of the position that is sending the information and the people who re-send that information. Depending on who would follow it, the information will maintain intact and depending on who would defend those ideas, counter ideas may not bring down those kind of information.
    What I consider to be the bad thing, is that all those ideas can be applicable for one specific group of ideology or from another. What I have in clear is that there are good things and bad things coming from a certain group, because a group is integrated with people, and people can be good or bad, we make good things, and we make mistakes. The thing is that the good things overcome the bad things, and the bad things won't affect greatly or mortally to another person or thing.

     The imposition of the media will continue to exist, no deny it. So we need to be prepared ourselves to receive the data coming from all parts, good things and bad things, and not fall down from those, we need to touch the ground of reality and apply only the things they would benefit to us and with the ones we continuously live together.

"Specific things may be talked, but it's not like I want myself to impose a position and then later on would be hearing weird replies about it...."