Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Nerd in the Actual World

   Hello there, I should take this blog into consideration and try to make updates a little faster, just to apply new attributions and in order to feel well for the next things to come *super yay*. My motivations are always in a way I can express myself clearly and without any misunderstandings, but also applying a little bit of metaphorical expressions of a specific idea. That’s the way I like to tell who I am, and who I want to be.
   Let’s say I like who I am, and I like the things I do, and I like the experiences I’m having in this life, whatever things they come to me, good and bad things, they are enjoyable, as long as it lets me to continue on this world,  heheh. As I always say: they are situations in which the expression of a Title of the Blog becomes unique. I can feel to write something according to the Title obviously, but applying to a thing or two of recent experiences towards that.
   Ok, that’s enough for an introduction. Let’s go for the Attribution of the Title. Nerdy things, I have once used the word ‘Nerd’ as part of a Title of one Post. But why Nerd? Why StndNerdBoy11? I think I would explain with detail each of the question in other posts. I can tell for now that the choice of the Nickname was because my personality was more of a Socially Inept Person, whose social experience wasn’t as good as many others, and based on the main Definition of the Word, I thought that Nickname was appropriate, also because I do a lot of activities related to the Nerd Kind….
    Now, Nerd in the Actual World…, there has been an increasing number of people who is into the Nerdy Stuff, you know, Videogames of most types and Trading Card Games, Comic Books and Role-playing, Super Heroes and Characters’ Figures, a little bit of Math and Science Issues, and a little bit of LAN Parties, Computer and Tech Issues, and a little bit of appearance stuff. Maybe because of a lot of series on the TV, and also because of the Internet, new Technologies like Smart Phones and Tablets and cool Tech Gears and Accessories. It shouldn’t be surprising…, but of course one thing is declaring the Statement and another thing is doing activities related to the Statement in a daily basis.
   Again, we are dealing within the essence of a Stereotype, so if we move a little bit sideways we could get into offensive arguments. I try to be calm about it, because it’s not my intension to hurt, and also because I’m into trying to view different points. On that line of arguments, depending on the use of the word, we could use it without hurting anyone. Of course whatever thing we don’t know of the person we are taking might be offensive in a certain percentage; talking about things that person finds offensive is common, because we didn’t know that to the person. So we are using the word assuming the person can be open with the word stating it might not be offensive if we use it well, in the terms of the activities of the Nerdy Stuff. And of course it has many words related to ‘nerd’.
     Applying all of this to myself, first at all, when I knew the meaning of the word [Nerd], I could relate to the things that happened on experience. There was a time where that word was so sounded in my mind, because others who occasionally used it, and because of the Media Imposition using it on its normal Exaggerating Motion, that eventually the word went deeper in my mind. I did my research into see how people use it, on different places, and how they give different meanings depending on the situation; how they use it just to justify useless Media…, and how to use it to state a more outstanding position.
   Seems that here I’ll justify the first question a little bit: Why Nerd? Because of Social Attribution, that means, because others just called me that.  Within that I have developed a series of ideas revolving [Nerd]. In a certain way I can’t acclaim myself nerd, because I don’t want to be specifically the Stereotype, because the word as it is resembles an element of a list of Stereotypes. I have only used the Nickname because of the position it can give me to increase my Expression.
    I could say there is a variety of people who follow Nerdy Things, and it can be a pleasure to meet them, so to know and share a lot of things.

"A Nerd in the Actual World is someone who can overcome from its definition, experiences he had and talents obtained, so he can apply them to all kinds of Nerdy Stuff and be part of groups of the Nerdy Kind"

[The "Nerdy Kind" includes all activities mentioned above,  that the person does  as its time-consuming but enjoyable hobbies]