Monday, August 22, 2011

Remembering the first entries 001

               Hello everyone. I hope you like the entries I write for the world [heheheh]. Well, I thought I could show you the entries I wrote since I started, and give you some reason why you need to go visit that entry. It will be fun, motivational, and with a bit of silly things.
1.       Hello World! (Not simply a beginner's program...)  My first entry of the blog, explaining a little bit of my purposes and also who I am.
2.       Expressing Introversion out of your known space...  When I talked about the discovery of anime and comics convention of the local region, much of the things that I wanted to be and in constant searching
3.       A gaming conversation... That the time when I had a project of programming to resolve and finish, and my motivations on continuing it and the details we want to consider.
4.       There's not an Absolute Introversion... Talking about relation between being alone and being with friends or other people, and my shy side mostly appears on those cases…
5.       An Inspiration to Write Explaining more about the blog and my true reasons to blogging and expressing ideas
6.       The Nerd’s Potential A anxious attempt on putting something for the Main Purpose and getting attention of what I like the most
7.       Expression of Nonsense What I always do when I get out of ideas, talk nonsense!
8.       Motivational Point - Don't be afraid Starting Motivational Point
9.       Motivational Point - A Friend's Voice Continuing Motivational Point, referring to all friends I have/had, and it always stays in my mind…
10.   Harry Potter and my Fascination of the Books Talking about Harry Potter, when the last movie was going to get in theaters, maybe I talk about minor spoilers…
11.   A New Adventure awaits... [A Story] One of the stories I made for the blog, when inspiration gave its maximum point and threw a good story of sharing [THIS IS GOOD READING FOR YOUR  MIND]
12.   Blogging is just more than writing a single idea When I noticed I could do more than writing, but I explained the reasons of not putting images other than mine…
13.   Media of Dramatic Idea Imposition Talking about series that gets attention to one of the specific things of the Nerd-Type in an unreal situation or an overstated event.
14.   Fun with awkwardness Another attempt for the Main Purpose
15.   Outside your “own personal world”  Talking about things happening not in your inner world that could be interesting to go visit. Kind a bit of nonsense also…

Well, 15 entries wrote until now, and with this will be 16[Not really for the entry count…] Wow, that is good, so I will continue on writing and getting the time on this, because we can get our hobby on the go with our free time we have left…
[And because this is not a proper entry, my Nerdy Part is sleeping a good rest…. I can sense he has plans of making his arguments better and stronger and nerdier….]

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Outside your “own personal world”

               I once said that each person has like his own world. But of course by definition we live in one and only world. It seems that they don’t even define concretely the concept of that word, but mostly they describe “world” as a whole, specially, this planet, the humankind, those who live in this present.
               But in the Mental Representation, the connotation gives the concept of  “inner world” as the graphical place of our idea and our experiences. The idea of resembling the mental dimension as a world is based on our mental association to all visual things that our eyes perceive, and then our mind remembers it being able to represent that image. Our compilation of those images, including sounds and feelings, becomes the world that symbolizes our personality. However, the way you see your inner world is the interpretation you will give to that world: or it helps you generate more ideas with a balanced mind, or it keeps you away from face upon reality.
               In the world of awkward moments and social clumsiness, the limit of our real space is reduced to only have moments of personal issue. But at least we can enjoy great part of our solitude time. But also the position enjoys having fun with other people. But after you have realized it, you’ll understand that going out of your home in a time other than School and other important places is grateful to your mind
                So what’s the point about all this? I thought about my own world, but I don’t know if it is enough to have a cheerful and productive life.... But also, at any time possible you can take the opportunity to go outside and see beyond your vision of life. Maybe one of the most incredible places you can go is a local park. Being in touch with nature helps a lot arranging a fuzzy mind. Also it is great going shopping… and other things that don’t involve being home

                Because, even if we have our world on Internet, different opinions can represent the vision of a different world far away from our homes. But it's enjoyable to hang up with friends if they share similar thoughts or ideas of a certain issue. So, in this time of constant changes, let's hope those ones don't differ from the idea of other people and remain the friendship we still have...

“That’s a good reason to go outside: to see your friends and have fun playing…”
“So you say you have friends?”
“I do have friends; I had some friends also who made their way into the future…”
“I guess they have changed a little…”
“You think so? I’ll be generous this time, and say you can be a better friend for them. You need to be there for them, make them pay attention to you. At least write something to state you’re still here…”
“But I’m always here on Internet. There’s no place else I could go, right?”
“I guess so. Only they don’t seem to pay attention to you. You need to confirm that.”
“What would happen if they don’t answer me after that?”
“Hmm, I guess that would be the end…, but you also be patient, and be insistent about your bond…”
“Oh, anyhow, can I talk with you if something happens…?”

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun with awkwardness

               To my fellow comrades of the world of the collective information, especially those who enters the Attribution of the Nerd-Type, this is for you.

               We don’t seem to care so much the consequences of our clumsy actions, those who don’t harm some person, gets the attention of people, and are practically unreal to others. Although maybe we know how to act in a defined moment, when we feel the comfort and the freedom of strange looks, our real selves appear out of the nowhere.

               Our presence to others is quite a few, other than the Natural Space of Social Gathering, but even in this place they don’t see us regularly. But why do we want to look at unpleasant glances and his faces, telling us our weirdness of ourselves? We don’t get the idea of their strange actions of social madness, and their expressive actions in their music and other stuff…. Luckily were not the general people.

               If you feel your world is a limited space surrounded by strangers of every Type but yours, you’ll understand this. Our gateway is the Internet, where we can bridge infinite possibilities of getting bored inside our dorm rooms and at least get out finding new ways to increase our experience points and getting new techniques to impress everybody.

               When it comes of awkwardness, nobody seems to enjoy better those moments than us. Although at that moment you get in a way embarrassed on, for example, say something out of time and out of moment, get excited at something they don’t get it, or laugh unexpectedly without a good reason (and better it is when you let out a malicious one), or do a strange gesture, pose or other they look you as a weird person, you know that your real friends would appreciate your silly actions. Even if they could look you impressed at first, if they’re as weird as you are, they even join you for the expressive motion of the Attribution.

               Well, on School, where the groups are so marked, express their actions and say this is the normal thing they do. Everybody can say that, but when one group says the actions of other group are weird is because they don’t know the importance of those actions. It’s true, that some actions on some groups are risky to maintain, and certain groups could do actions of nonsense they would consider it as normal. But if their actions don’t hurt themselves and other people, and gets the good benefit in a certain way and with its personal improvement, they shouldn’t be prejudicial. I talked generally, but the voice of your inner you should tell you what is right, what is wrong by sensing it.

So, for the awkward retribution, this:
·         Did you know Internet is used by more people than you think? Because when it comes to statistics, it is always relative, so those people that didn’t get on account are unthinkable to you.
·         You should not laugh at certain things because the logical is clearly stupid for you. Why should we need to follow the canned laugh just because they put it?, sure that part is funny for the Can. “Can can can canned laugh”
·         The images around you are really the perception of a translation of light, you should close your eyes and approve you will still see the light. Not believe me? Press firmly your eyes and you’ll see.
·         Did you know you can hear the silence? Your ear can sense everything it moves, so because nothing stops even with atoms, the silence is practically hearable, in other words, there’re no silence in this world. You can’t argue with that, unless you are a deaf person (which in this case you’ll need to ask the Nerdy Part to apologize because of this weird idea of hearing the silence… u_u)
·         Did you know you are so predictable?, because even with the efforts of not laugh at any of this retributions, because they were going to be awkward, your resistance were futile because I know clearly you tried to pronounce the phrase of Can the can who was canning  the canned laugh.
·         Therefore, you proved yourself you are as awkward as me, because things like this are irresistible to the person of the Attribution. You should admit it. Because after this you won’t find another opportunity in the world of strangers. Don’t be shy. You know also I got also embarrassed by putting this on public, didn’t you?
·         Did you know if you got here is because you are interested on my entries, so I should thank you for following me and joining me in this funny awkwardness in which theoretically everyone should see it, because it is public to everyone, but only you have made so far? (I should give you another cookie...)

“-Now for the appearance in this day, my Nerdy Part! *yay*
“-Don’t get so happy just because you have put some random things here.”
“-Seriously, I introduced you formally and that’s the answer you say?”
“-Oh, in that case. Hello, Reader, I do my best to comply to the silly discussions with the Main Part, the one who writes the entries. My function is to make this dummy to get real what he says on each entry, so he could understand what things are not appropriate for him. Until now my function is working well, at least on warning him, but I can admit those entries are entertaining and funny too. That’s it for now.”
“-Thank you for…”
“-Now, for this entry contribution, do you want me to calculate your percentage of awkwardness you have done on this entry? You need to know this, because definitely this has passed your limits of awkwardness.”
“-Overcoming shyness! It’s that meaning something to you?”
“-Yes I do, but awareness of your actions are also needed.”
“-But what that is going to be useful for.”
“-This, is going to make you expresses yourself without hesitating.”
“-Oh, and?”
“-You need to practice more.
“-B-But you said I passed my limits….”
“-Still not enough.”
“-At least I was random wasn’t I?”
“-I’ll consider that on the report…”
“-Report? A-Are you serious? I-I didn’t do anything wrong…”

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Media of Dramatic Idea Imposition

                Hello to those who have spent the time to read all my entries for this blog. It’s good to mention that we’re now on August, time for get sunny and hot days to most of the North part of the world. Just for you to know that I’m grateful to those who had read one or two entries of this blog. Although it isn’t famous or much visited than others, I will give the opportunity to get this page to know better.

                Now, my mind was wandering on all the pages of Internet, surfing and reviewing all things other people put on their pages. But then one page got my attention. I won’t get into details (because it’s not the purpose of this entry), but I’ll tell my feeling about that. So to get better the idea, here is an example (not necessary the thing I saw...): 

              “Imagine you are viewing something, let’s say, the TV, a series or a drama or some movie you give the chance to see. But then comes a certain scene in which the protagonist of the “show” gets hurt, or mistreated, or misunderstood or ignored by the main antagonist or the support one or a group of people, who at that moment they point the defenseless main character and, for the state of the show to give the spin-off, they exaggerate the scene by giving strong emotion and strong action. The protagonist gives up in a certain moment and, maybe he didn’t do something to stop it or maybe got the motivation to confront it, but it was an unexpected power that at the end was defeated…. The main point of this comes when you the watcher identify the protagonist so much your emotions are too powerful to manage, maybe because you can’t believe something like this can happen to you in your life….”

“But there’s the catchy part of this “dramatic scene” of the story: that scene becomes so unreal you think there’s no way you could suffer that part, taking the point you are comparing with the main character, and maybe you think: “How do those who made that part of the story know about it?!” Then you turn off the TV and get the idea they don’t know what the real idea is.”

Comprehending  a little bit of the main story, the writers of the story knows only the most peculiar and a essential part of the general idea of society upon the thing they want to express on screen. Therefore, stereotypes and general beliefs of society are the main points of a “basic simple and short story of entertainment”. That’s what it is.

Getting the idea more particular, I don’t know how you the reader knows about the “Nerd Stereotype” and related Attributions (wow, I really wrote the understandable way, heheheh…), and how people who don’t get the idea gets a wrong interpretation of the Attribution. If you are smart enough, you’ll understand Stereotypes of whatever reason are not the typical Personality of the person, but a singular variety of different talents and beliefs. May take one or two of the stereotyped motion, but never get in mind it will be the only one.

But, in the young world of Grouping and Identity Search, those words of the Extreme Attribution have an importance in their lives…. But focusing in the idea of the “Nerd-Type Attribution” (the ones who surround the word), School Issues on the Social Communication gets the wrong idea of the ones who likes an specific type of knowledge, not comprehendible by not mature minds, that it becomes a fascination, and a obstruction of Social Interaction onto them….

You know it’s the wrong idea, because you know it’s not really true, and if you seem to notice that the things happening in your life are as real as the ones they’ve put on TV, maybe it’s time you don’t overstate an unreal life. Remember I’m talking to the dramatic shows, the ones who only entertain and don’t get something beneficial of it. Only a wrong idea and the emotions opened after the show....

But the “show” I’m talking about suggests that a certain kind of situation gets a strong counterpart of the general situation, setting the statement of that normative of the general situation, and, if the “show” is famous among unaware people of null base of reason, the comments of the general situation will be biased on the bad statement, ignoring the “good purpose” of the “show”. I hope the ones who see it get the observation of the idea and not the misconception because of their lack of reasoning....

[And, if you tell me what show I am referring to, I’ll give you a cookie n_n (and maybe the reception of the next entry title…)]

“-So, what are your aims, entertainment of the dramatic actions of the situation, or the point of getting the message of the main situation?”
“-It’s only a show of entertainment, you’re only got your feelings overcome the reason of nonsense.”
“-But you know how I suffer when I see such unrelated things as those…!
“-There’s always the vision of good acting….”
“-Dont deny it! You know also the protection of this Attribution is the understanding of the stance of Common Friendship and the Point of Common Idea of the same Attribution!”
“-Oh,…, then, those people…!”
“- Got the idea…? When events want to aim certain people without knowing them well, those people will “burn the idea” forgetting it and never accepting it, even it could have a certain simple idea of them…”
“-Maybe, even if you're taking it personally... thinking in the justification.... So then…!”
“-They’re risking the overture of our Attribution…”

[By the way, if you have noticed, the italic parts are Conversations of Entry Following, so discussions like this may occur. My Nerdy part is very skeptical sometimes with the entries the Main part writes, but has good points to say. Want to follow? The Main part always starts and finishes the Conversations, and the Nerdy part, only has the pair lines…]