Monday, August 22, 2011

Remembering the first entries 001

               Hello everyone. I hope you like the entries I write for the world [heheheh]. Well, I thought I could show you the entries I wrote since I started, and give you some reason why you need to go visit that entry. It will be fun, motivational, and with a bit of silly things.
1.       Hello World! (Not simply a beginner's program...)  My first entry of the blog, explaining a little bit of my purposes and also who I am.
2.       Expressing Introversion out of your known space...  When I talked about the discovery of anime and comics convention of the local region, much of the things that I wanted to be and in constant searching
3.       A gaming conversation... That the time when I had a project of programming to resolve and finish, and my motivations on continuing it and the details we want to consider.
4.       There's not an Absolute Introversion... Talking about relation between being alone and being with friends or other people, and my shy side mostly appears on those cases…
5.       An Inspiration to Write Explaining more about the blog and my true reasons to blogging and expressing ideas
6.       The Nerd’s Potential A anxious attempt on putting something for the Main Purpose and getting attention of what I like the most
7.       Expression of Nonsense What I always do when I get out of ideas, talk nonsense!
8.       Motivational Point - Don't be afraid Starting Motivational Point
9.       Motivational Point - A Friend's Voice Continuing Motivational Point, referring to all friends I have/had, and it always stays in my mind…
10.   Harry Potter and my Fascination of the Books Talking about Harry Potter, when the last movie was going to get in theaters, maybe I talk about minor spoilers…
11.   A New Adventure awaits... [A Story] One of the stories I made for the blog, when inspiration gave its maximum point and threw a good story of sharing [THIS IS GOOD READING FOR YOUR  MIND]
12.   Blogging is just more than writing a single idea When I noticed I could do more than writing, but I explained the reasons of not putting images other than mine…
13.   Media of Dramatic Idea Imposition Talking about series that gets attention to one of the specific things of the Nerd-Type in an unreal situation or an overstated event.
14.   Fun with awkwardness Another attempt for the Main Purpose
15.   Outside your “own personal world”  Talking about things happening not in your inner world that could be interesting to go visit. Kind a bit of nonsense also…

Well, 15 entries wrote until now, and with this will be 16[Not really for the entry count…] Wow, that is good, so I will continue on writing and getting the time on this, because we can get our hobby on the go with our free time we have left…
[And because this is not a proper entry, my Nerdy Part is sleeping a good rest…. I can sense he has plans of making his arguments better and stronger and nerdier….]