Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Awkward Moment – Failure at Conversation

This is a blog post for an event story.

     I’m having issues, strong issues, about how to handle the reacts of people when I say something I want for myself. There’s something I have to deal with, but that something comes rarely in my life. I feel like needing to have more chances of talking with new people, so I can deal with the ones I can’t feel comfortable with them.

     You know, when meeting people, I feel like not being interested, and maybe I have this issue of not showing interest on people at all. It is because I don’t know who I am going to talk the most of the time. I’m not of the normal people who go to parties and related things; I have certain interests like playing videogames and computers and programming. I feel like not needing to talk about something else.

     Yesterday was weird because of a certain moment I had to deal when being in a closed space with another person. Imagine you in a car with some other people you don’t know. What would you do? I felt very shy at that moment. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have any interesting thing to say to him because I could know in his face what I do isn’t interesting to him. But I feel that at those moments there, I felt weird being quiet, where I was supposed to talk something useful.

     Today was getting a little bit worse, how can I suppose to talk about my needs when I can’t feel the trust on the people I need to talk to? Imagine this time you cannot move, you feel stuck in a wave of ideas, most of it nonsense. You don’t want to face something you don’t want. And people seem to not understand your ramblings about evading actions because you need to attend other activities and you feel awful and confused.

I should finish this post somehow so I leave it here for now.

Or maybe continuing it in another post.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Something Lefty

Just a contribution post acknowledging one day were Left-handed people are celebrated. I wonder how they really came to celebrate that.
I knew I could write with my left hand, while my brothers and parents with the right hand. I didn't remember a time when they would teach me to write with the right hand. I just knew I have this kind of skill, if I could say so.  People indeed got marveled about my condition of left-handed. And telling the truth, I didn't think I could have a problem using scissors or other things supposedly designed for right-handed people. I just got accustomed to use it.
The moment I knew there was indeed a difference on how things are important because of the design for the hands of people, was that episode of the Simpson where they have a shop for left-handed people. When I saw that entire episode I asked myself if there is indeed objects designed for left-handed people, and if a difference is high on using it instead of the normal objects.
I don’t know if feel special about it, is it special? Does really people want to get reminded about a world of minds whose way of think could be upside-down the normal people would think? Who can get the reality of the ones who are left? I wonder if people could meet each other only because they want to see some people writing with their left-hand at great perfection.  My writing isn’t as good as everyone would think, I can’t properly get the pencil well, and when I write I usually get dirt on the side of the hand, where I place it to rest, I know it isn’t the right way.... If people consider left-handed people as special, if someone could see me write with the left hand, I could be lucky of having a new friend, because they would consider me special....
Well, in this whole point of the left-handed awareness is the same as everyone else’s awareness,  so that they know we exist and that we have a day and that they may do other things normal people won’t do, or that normal people do it better, and because of attention. I know.
I get good results on writing, and drawing with my left-hand, so I still need more practice hehe :3

Random Post of the Month

Misunderstanding of People
This is a little bit of a strange situation that is being controlled by the Objective Motion of the Attributive Values of this blog, the one who makes those posts, the Attribution of Erick Medina and all what he lives, in a effort to show you how things are going on. I don’t know why this introduction.
Before I lose it....

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Starting August, and Digimon

    I didn't thought this day would be amazing and very special for me. First because I get another year done on, but I started activities at early 2012 >///<

    But then this day is special too. It's supposed that Digimon Adventure started this day, when 8 kids from a certain area in Japan had the experience of their lives.  The first 7 went on a weekend camping, noticing a mysterious force that took them to the digital world. Then, meeting those creatures who befriend then and  lived numerous adventures.

    I don't know if I can make a proper post about it, but I'll give it a try.

    Why I love digimon? There's a story behind it. I don't know how much of you  know Fox 6 Saturday Mornings, it was at that time Pokemon and Digimon appeared, maybe at different times, but it has the kinda same animation poses that a kid would love. Of course it was anime.

    Digimon, or Digital Monsters, of course it has a ending similitude in their words with Pokemon, different creatures hehe. The story tale is that it exist a world called the Digital World, some kind of wide area that reside on Internet servers around the world. Strange things happen on the Earth and it's up to a group of children to save it from facing disastrous events.

    The main focus of my blog post is my experience on seeing those chapters, specially the first season called Digimon Adventure. When I first saw it, it was kinda nice, because it has that special feature that is battling and being stronger. In that case, the Digimon has some phases of evolution in which they obtain more power to overcome the enemy. I saw the English ver. first and I could only understand little words in English so I didn’t put attention to the story fully.

    Then I made a second official run of Digimon recently, years ago, this time Japanese ver. All that deep meaning and strong emotions made every episode has a little bit of emotional me on the go, crying on every emotional scene, especially on later episodes, where they fight for things, they have its issues with their families, and then at the very last episodes with their strong will to stand by themselves and continue the fight.

    I can have the time to watch it again because of the digital thing (I like that), and because it would be nice to revive the emotions again.

    Ok, my little post of today, I hope to make a new thing: Drawing of the Day, I don’t know if put it here, but I can show it later here, or at least were I am going to post it. It will not be digital drawing, only pencil drawing, so I can be fast on that. Later on the month I’ll choose which ones I’ll make it digital.

See you then. :D