Sunday, September 30, 2012

Random Post of the Month

Hello! How are you? I’m fine and you? Fine, fine, thanks…
Did you know? What?

    There’s a lot of stuff in my mind to talk about, but it’s only a matter of the one who starts the conversation with one topic?
    And what about the one who doesn’t want to talk about anything? Or what if both don’t want to start the conversation with one topic and that? That’s because they don’t know what to talk?
    And if they don’t know what to talk, isn’t that better to start knowing each other what they like? I suppose that’s a good start, but they are so busy, or they don’t have time because they have fulfilled their needs of Belonging on Friendship, so there’s no need for them to worry about that…
    But it’s not bad to try to tell your need of Belonging, maybe he cannot be the one, but maybe he can redirect you to someone else whose time can match yours…
    Or maybe you can still adventure the Online Mode and try to meet some new friends. Practicing conversation and stuff, try to share something to someone, of course try not to overdo your practicing or try to not to think you can’t talk to anybody and overlooking a lot in your mind, and not doing something productive…
    Maybe when I feel I need to talk to someone I should do so. But the thing is what to talk, and also I don’t know if talking about Emotional Issues would help… Maybe that’s because I may not get up to the expectation to the other person… I don’t know.
    One thing is finishing your work and another thing is having time with your friends. That’s how it is.
    The moment you have a more scheduled life, you’ll know you can dedicate some valuable time in each place you are. Your moment is now School and Home, so you can be happy either in both of them. They say to be you.  So I’ll be me. And whatever weird thing I feel it would happen, I should be cautious about it.
    I’m just impressed on how people talk to others and say things that in my opinion or I wouldn’t say it or I would think that’s not the way to say it because it may be jealous or angry or something, but the one who receives it acts like nothing happened. Maybe that’s because they know each other very well and how they really behave, and they don’t seem to be bothered.
    Because, you know, if you have something to say, just say it. You know it right?
    Yeah I know. I should be meeting the one who can talk with me most of the time and have great idea of dialogue development.
    Ok, I should be fine about it. And not feel like being ignored if you are not caring about others too.
    I just need to rearrange my position and try again…

Saturday, September 15, 2012

You are an inspiration to others

    Let’s start straight away. You are walking or standing on whatever place (maybe your room) and you start to think about things that happened to you around your life, experiences you have faced and moments of life you might not be entirely proud of.

    But also you think about the people that was there the moment those experiences occurred.  That person that was beside you the moment you needed the most, or that person whose daily life is so wonderful to follow or at least to learn something from it.

    Those are people of inspiration, the ones who have a thing or two that other people want to have or want to experience. You may have known them, or maybe not. But you know from some info or other, that their lives have influenced in the lives of other people, and helped them to improve their work and their way to live.

    I may be referring specifically towards the people of your group that you know that has lots of cool things and experiences you want to have, and the people of the Internet Collective Information, whose activity and their appointed daily life has things that they are reliable to do.

    First, the people I know. In my own experience, I know that I don’t have lots of experience regarding friendship, gathering of fast data, oral expression, progressive information and talking in-moment, which is having conversations about the most recent things, and make relation about past events (in which I don’t have a lot either…) But in the position I am now I could tell that lots of rich information was not developed as properly as you can see.

    In fact I could talk about things I have know of the General Position such as Normal Friendship, Emotional Issues, some other issues I have recently developed on my own mind, and things that I like. I would not likely to develop things I heard from other people, unless their info is relevant to my continuous improvement. I could talk about School Issues and my experiences , but I don’t have much to say. So maybe I could tell about past stages of School and my Experiences, but compared to the experience to others, mine has very few, and then lots of other experiences are not relevant to other, because of reasons. So the least stage of School appeared, but I think those experiences are too childish for the advanced conversations of others…

    But I know that the rest of the people somewhat has a very experienced Motion of Conversation and Experience Database, but also to those who has the same likes as I have. Those kind of people have useful information to talk about, and with all that and my lack of development or lack of practice of conversation development, and the things I have researched myself, I could have a proper conversation. I consider those people who have those experiences as an inspiration. So, I want to be one of them.

    The other issue is from people that are not into my Far Range of Action (by meaning “Far” is from the people I can’t get applying your Current Position), the ones from the Internet, regarding things that are applied on pages and social network and community pages and forums. Posting things and having lots of interests on different things. The inspiration comes when you have people you want to appoint their attribution of their work, but the person is so awesome you could feel ashamed of what words you’ll use to make sure you want a better kind of contact, and improved User Relation in which the appointing towards your user becomes more frequent. Also, their daily actions and activities can be applicable to the Normal.

    Now then, do you ever know someone else has seen you as their inspiration of life? Do your actions have inspired lots of people? Have you ever known them personally? Maybe you won’t know, but there can be lots of people who look at you and admire you the way you are, but maybe they are not brave enough to make you notice that. And also the other way, you admire lots of people you know from Near, but the Range of Action is too far to make a noticeable retribution, and once you are there, your anxiousness may block your responses of talking…, but at least he’s still awesome.

    You can apply what you have learned from those inspirational people, and do it at your own style with the ones you know the most. Maybe those people who you have labeled them as your inspiration may share something special.

“-The thing is when all of those Near people I want to know are on Social Networking, but you are afraid to press the ‘Be a Friend Button…”

[Coming back to “A Nerd’s Adventure”, the Nerdy One!]

“-But it’s only a matter to press the button, and that’s it...”
“-It’s not that easy! Maybe that’s why I don’t get different results, but imagine all the things I would have to control into my hand, and not be able to handle it…”
“-Hey, it’s Social Network, it’s only a matter of making some appointments towards their post data and make single comments, that’s how online friendship starts!”
“-Maybe, but knowing then on a real and near plane of space would mean that if I see the person and he would see me, he probably would test my conversation skills….”
“-Meh. You are still afraid about what would happen. Remember what they say, if there’re not supportive enough to make an attribution of your actions, he can’t be established as a Friend of Moment….”
“-The thing is… I have only weekend chances to make things possible, but there’re some circumstances that prevent me from doing it, and that’s when I get annoyed about it…”
“-One thing: Just ask them!”
“-Ok! I’ll do it then…”

[This post should have been a Convention Adventure, but I’ll reserve it for later…”]

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A little bit late [A Story]

    One day at School, where normal things happen, a little bit of a time calculation mistake (and a clear misuse of the alarm clock) made me stay at the entrance office. Sitting near one of the windows, but far from the door, I was waiting some time, reading some book I had inside my backpack. The place was quiet; the secretaries were doing their own job. They seem not to notice me sitting, neither have they asked me for some paper that they give to you when you’re late to class, so you can go inside the classroom. 

    I was still reading, the wonders of a squirrel over a single armored person were an intriguing situation to see. I was in a way hooked to the story. Besides, it was only 30 minutes before the start of the next period of class. I didn’t care a lot to stay here, even if it was the first time I was late, event that made me a little frustrated. I don’t know…, getting late to School was unexpected. I could tell I was almost caught once because I was a little late, but for some reason didn’t get that attention remark. But this time I wasn’t too lucky.

    There was a little movement outside the playground. Lots of students were playing basketball, Physical Education class, I guess. I just didn’t want to enter to class, because I know I’ll be blamed for getting late, and my classmate probably will be surprised about it. I can imagine it all their faces and thoughts, and what they’re going to say: “That’s not possible, Henry getting late? Unbelievable!”, and “Look, here comes Henry, how can he arrive this late at School?” sort of that. I simply don’t want to be the center of attention because of a simple thing like this.

    Of course I arrived late at School, but I just wanted to wait until the next period, so when the teacher leaves the classroom I would enter unnoticed by everyone. I’m not popular anyways, so they wouldn’t care if I enter without someone’s presentation….

    Someone was calling my name. And I stopped reading and looked up. A blonde girl approached to me, smiling.

“Ah, Hello Tiffany!”

“Hello. Oh, what are you doing here?”


“Waiting? For what?”

“The next Period.”

“Oh, have you arrived late?”

“Maybe, I guess…” I let out a little smile. She wasn’t on the same class as me, although we were both on 7th grade.

“I see. I was just delivering some papers here, if you were trying to ask. And then I saw you. I thought you were sent here because of something bad…”

“Eh? No, no, no… I wouldn’t do something stupid to make me sent here.” I stated, because it would be a dumb thing to make it happen. “I’m just didn’t entered class.”

“So, you’re skipping classes then.”

I blushed. 
“W-what? I-I don’t consider it as “skipping classes”. It’s just that I don’t want to hear someone saying I’m late.”

She smiled at me.
“Ok, ok, it’s understandable, I think”, she said. “We have our next class in a few minutes.”

“Yeah, that’s right…”

We looked at each other for a little while, as if we were waiting for the other to tell something. And then Tiffany told me:

“I have to return to the classroom. See you then.”

“Okay” I answered. And then she left the office.

    I first looked at my watch, just 5 minutes before the next class. So I put my book in my backpack and prepared to leave the entrance office. This time I won’t make the mistake of time miscalculation. When the time seemed right, I left.

    Some minutes passed, and the ring for the next class was heard. I looked far away from my classroom as the teacher from first period was leaving. I just hurried and, without the notice of the teacher, I entered. As I expected, my classmates were talking each other. Very occupied they were, so I just took a seat and got out my notebook, waiting for the next class.

    Of course they wondered of me that I skipped first period, but that was forgotten. Tiffany would remind me later on of me that skipped a class, and then I would then act awkward about it....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Nerd by Social Attribution

    Hey what’s up hehe. I’m here again with another blog post. This time I’m going to talk about something general but important to me and to the position of the Nick that redirects to myself.
    I have referred on another post [A Nerd in the Actual World]  that I have been catalogued by the people they knew me as a Nerd. I would call that designation as a Social one, because in some way the groups in which I have been into have thought that designation to my person. It seems like a typical stereotype named because of normal cataloging of types of people. I was into that kind of people, the Nerdy Kind, the one they only care about School, and not other ‘normal’ social relationships. That kind of designation is quite weird and mostly lame, because people just make their expectations on a wrong point of view or of a false perspective of other people.
    The Social Attribution was achieved by many events occurred. Once or twice on a simple class party, I have been chosen as the most Nerd in the class, rather than being Smart or being Quiet. Other minor events were:
Studying at recess which it was rather unnecessary, at some times. The thing is I have been quite lazy in some aspects and studying a bit was to gather the information as fast as I could. Of course other would tell I was still studying thinking I have done so at home.
Talking about School Issues, it was most of the time. I had other interesting topic to talk, but those weren’t interesting to them. It was difficult to talk because the conversations of other people were too hard to follow.
Because of the last, the typical social ineptitude of talking to others, it’s difficult to talk to other people, especially if you haven’t known it yet by talking, especially if that person was someone you consider special, you didn’t know how to approach in fear he can reject you with something….
And other things like appearance and behavior. Wearing glasses, acting very awkward and thinking a lot of things, some weird ideas and basically misunderstand, basically, things that I may not know that others think that only Nerds can do that.
    Stating that they say Nerd as the person who can’t handle Social Issues well, and is very good at some specific area, the Standard position rises when the labeled person is someone who can do the work done, and can team up with other with a same purpose, and may express what he thinks.
    So, in the way I was labeled as such, and trying to aim the Standard Position (in which I am, even though I’m only reaching a little bit of the Standard and always changing between the Shy Position and the Standard Position), a nickname was emerged.
    Analyzing my life and my experiences, and all the odd things around me, I chose to put my nickname in the position of a “Standard Nerd Boy”, the one who wants to achieve great things in life trying to socialize when needed, and also when knowing other people of the same kind.
    I know they are the Self-Proclaimed Nerds that out of the sudden they become one because of collections and appearances. I don’t reach that position because experiences can attest my Nerd Position ,even without knowing that word, and even if I can deny the Position stating stereotypes are just closed-minded thinking of people.
    Yeah, it’s kind of difficult for everyone to make nicknames, but I tried to make one that resembles most of my personality. If I don’t act clearly as a Nerd, maybe because I’m not trying too much to be one (shyness, I guess...?), but for some reason that word came up to my mind for weeks after hearing that, done lots of searching and how most people uses it. I go for the Normal Definition of the Word, so it fits in more than 50% (cool that not in everything) of the definition.
    I just hope you like my explanation, I don’t know if people care a lot about nicknames but I think what it’s most important is the content you have with the sign of your nickname. And is also for fun and for making online friends so yeah, I hope to have more friends to chat and share awesome things.