Monday, July 30, 2012

Always the same outcome…

    Hello, well, I was still arranging some issues of my mind, vacations aren’t going to be very long, so I need to prepare some final adjustments.
    There are some kinds of quotes that in a way have a meaning: “If you do the same thing, you’ll obtain the same result”, “If you follow the same path, your objective will be the same”, “If you don’t change your point of view, you won’t really see the change in your ambiance”…, things like those. The phrase, “Always the same outcome…”, in fact was taken because of someone saying it, making the statement he always do the same thing, and he could win anyway. Like his skill is so powerful or strong, it could “creep” him out himself (afraid of his own power…?)
    I would take the two meanings into consideration for this post. The first one, doing the same thing over and over, like a daily routine, but without purpose, without ideal, without guidance. The feeling of nothing had changed, still the same person, even when you do a little more effort than the last time, just to reconsider the fact you haven’t changed at all, neither your point of view nor your mind. Change is a little thing every people don’t want to do, when they have realized their life is not what they have expected to be. Taking into consideration that every effort done is at the same intensity, same strength, same level of will, the minimum required to ignite the motor, the minimum required to walk towards the objective. When you know you can do things better, and when you have the will and dedication to maintain the constant about all you wish you want to do, a change of mind is needed, in sort of a way. Some different direction to consider, some different orientation, some different kind of points of view, even if those opinions are not directly aimed to you. Maybe if you wanted some help, a little bit of self-encouragement will work to fill your energy. Sometimes I feel like this, where you don’t know why you are still doing the same foolish things that there are not leading to anything beneficial. Although I could make a deviation of knowledge and if I am objective enough I would say those actions were done as a try to see what would happen. An experimental resource. But doing it lots of times won’t help you enough. That’s why a varied number of events must be done to be calm with you.
    Now for the other meaning. Have you ever feel that you are doing something but you actually don’t feel like doing it? Like you have no idea what are you doing, but you know you are doing it right. That could happen when you look with a different perspective, a more clear vision on your actions. Sometimes you are doing whatever activity as if you knew how to do it, then it comes a moment when you fully realize what are you doing, and you thought how you are doing that activity…. Also, saying the result would be the same in that aspect is because you know in a way you can put all your effort and do the most of you. It’s not healthy to do more activities than you can’t handle. Also you need to test what is the most you can do. If you can measure that, I’m sure something wonderful is going to happen, because that’s when you realize your full potential, and all the awesome things you can do.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nations of the World

Hello!, here with a quick post, because I want it so.

    So Space  Synchronization is almost over, so I have made most of the retribution I needed to make a cool proposal of space and enjoyment for all of you.

Meh, sleepy face is sleepy.... OK I'm not going to start saying nonsense, that's why is a thing call Attribution of Nonsense, where the mind can do whatever thing it is needed.

    Ok, getting into the topic, this is a cool opportunity to talk about what's happening right now. The main topic of most of the thing is the Olympic Games in London. Quite a cool event to be considered, here all countries send athletes to compete in different games, and give their all on all they know of their abilities. It could be athleticism, gymnastics, swimming, team sports, boxing, cycling, other normal sports and other sports.

    Of course the support is who whatever country you live. I'm in Mexico, so I support Mexican athletes, hehe.

Let's go Mexico! Hope you'll return with some cool medal or something interesting.

(I'll continue on my scheduled topics. I'll need to analyze each, so hope to finish soon.)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Space Synchronization

StndNerdBoy11: Level Up!
    Hello, well, as the title says, I’m doing a State of Space Synchronization. This section is for the blog “A Nerd’s Adventure”
    Things are getting interesting here, because now I have a cool design for my blog, it’s like my 4th layout design I have made. I just added labels for all post I have made, and I needed to show the most important ones on one place, so I put a gadget there but I needed a new layout, so the result somewhat is cool.
    And then the header of the blog, which there are cool objects I usually have or I like (or I would like to have).
    My precious USB, it’s very handy on translating lot of things from computer to computer and from computer to virtual machine, things that I need in other OS for testing and other stuff, and cool stuff friends and classmates send it to me.
    My Nintendo DS, as you can appreciate, it’s the first generation of NDS, I still have one. Why? Because I like it. Well, that is a NDS that some awesome friend sells it to me for a cheap prize. I like to play my NDS game here, heheh.
    Some glasses, resembling that I have one, supposedly I can’t see far places, the view is too blur to me…,  but on other things I could see fine. I like to wear them because I can see better the letters from y computer and not approaching too near to it. That would be uncomfortable…
    A Rubik Cube, I like to play it sometimes, when I have the time to do it, I know it can be easy to solve it if you know how to do it, but it is an awesome object to have.
    A laptop, well, it kind of resembles mine, the one I use to make awesome things, like drawing, writing stories, programming lots of things (which I would start soon doing some coding), playing some games and other awesome things.
    A book, I like to write and read cool things. Also I tend to analyze lot information, opinions, arguments, other data from lots of topics, I have a wide range of state of point of view; they call it an open mind. But having an open mind means I respect the opinion if it is well said and with respect too. With that position, I’m willing to express in that way, and try to make data easy to assimilate.
    A piece of code, in a paper; a Java Programming Class. I like that kind of programming, Object Oriented. Making abstractions and lots of code representations, functions and variables. I show a simple Class code, enough to fit in a printed paper, a real class has more than the one I’m showing here.
    The StndNerdBoy11 Symbol Representation, the little Round Blue-Cyan beside the title, it’s my signature for all drawings.
    And a Pokeball, if it was real, and if Pokemon exist, I would love to catch one, heheh. I like Pokemon a lot, so the Pokeball, a representation of my type of videogames.
    Wow, those things I have described have so much meaning to me. And also, on the background, the two characters that are into the space of my blog writings. One is me, the one of the white shirt. As you can see, it’s an “Adventure Time” style me. That style is cool for resembling cool simple things, not to difficult to draw, just the important thing is to make well the lineart and have simple coloring, and lots of imagination. The other character is what I want to call, the “Nerdy Part”, or the “Nerdy One”, if you can see the end of lots of my posts; I tend to have a conversation with him, which is a more confident and less shy representation of my personality. With that character I tend to point out important things on a post to take it into consideration on real life and apply it. They don’t have proper names yet, because it’s difficult to make one when trying to express your personality on those characters without being actually yourself. I’m still searching for the right one that I could put as a nickname or something. If everything fails, I just have to use my name, which is putting a very well written permission to override the name imposition. But if I need to open up a little on that way, I think the name isn’t important. It’s gonna be a Mexican-Spanish name on either way. And for the Nerdy One it can be any name.

    Well, enough for this one. I hope to still update, and continue my constant position. Also to denote that this post was synchronized with other two posts so you can see it here on DeviantArt ( 
See you later then!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pokemon Favorites and Battles

    Ok, I’ll keep my pace, even though it seems a little unsynchronized, heheh....
    This is a post where I should do my self-awareness about how awesome is Pokémon and how awesome are the Pokémon, kind of a same thing, but there’s a lot of variety.
    Pikachu is a cute little Electric Pokémon, generally is in a wild forest among some forest on the Kanto region, well, in  fact you can locate it on Virdirian Forest, kind of a rare find in here, but you can catch him. This Pokémon is famous because of the Anime, because Ash’s first Pokémon was that little cute Pokémon. And they all like Pikachu because of that cuteness, heheh....
    When someone asks who are their favorite Pokémon, many would answer that Pokémon as their favorites. Depending on what do they like about their favorite creature. Maybe because of their body form or maybe because of its type. I like Psychic and Electric Pokémon, cool types, especially Psychic. One of my favorite Pokémon is Kadabra, he has cool Psychic moves.  Also I have a little likeness to Jolteon, fast speed and cool moves also. And then Magnemite, and also Mew the legendary Pokémon. 
    When it comes to battles, which would choose, the ones who likes the most, or the ones whose Pokémon are the more adept to your strategy? It’s kind of difficult, but if you choose your favorites because of the battles, it comes easy. Weird thing is when it comes too strategic, but hey, they have done it, it seems like a Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game card deck strategy: you’ll need the right Pokemons to train and give them the moves you want. In any case, it’s a Pokemon Battle you can win, or you can lose.
    Man, it seems like when finding something to battle, or they know too much in technical moves, or I just keep losing to them. I should know it too, heheh, I’ll do my quick research, I’m a quick learner, heheh, just give me what to do and I’ll do it, oh yeah, heheh.

    I’m talking nonsense again....
    Anyway, I’ll do more Pokémon post and stuff, and I’ll try to keep into the upgrading level. Change the layout, editing labels, do a new main banner, make a new color design for the page, get more pageviews, some comments, some more links to my other pages, a lot of thing to do.

    Better be planning this. Happy Pokemon Battles, and let not the confusion psyche you out, you are doing it fine, if you show your love, they will understand it. They are wild and tame, but they can trust you, you have seen it on the movies, even Mew approves it. Isn’t that great?

"There are a lot of Pokemon Generations, it's difficult to make a Pikachu Fever, because there are still a lot of more cute Electric Pokemon...!"

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Motivational Point – Inspirational People

For those who feel your actions have a lack of worth….

    “We as people have the same kind of feelings, some more emotional than others, some a little bit less concerned of his emotions. We all laugh, we all cry, we all can be angry, we all can be depressed, we all can be amazed, we all can feel fear. It’s part of us.”

    “We all wish, want or desire some goal, some objective, something worth our effort, something that could be recognized by everyone and by us too. But sometimes we feel we cannot reach the position other people have reached. We feel we have people of a higher position having the things we wished to have for us. We think how they made that position, and then we think of ourselves, trying to understand why….”

    “But the thing we may not know if how much effort other people have made to reach a considerable position in which they are now. We cannot see it easily, because the things they do are just actions of personal achievement. It’s difficult to notice when a person have a change in his life referring to what he did to make that change. We all know that he made that change, but their personal decisions are not as visible to see.”

    “But if we think about it, it only took a change of view and a clear position of will and initiative to make that change possible. Their actions they have made and all the planned activities and goals made to achieve their objectives and obtain a well deserved result, are good enough to make an inspiration to all people who want to achieve something good in their lives”

    “The inspiration from other people, their struggle on making a good success, all the will and determination and a body full of energy, those things can be the essential things to consider in order to reach an objective. The support from everybody you have and the thought of other people that at the same time they are making a good effort to continue their lives with lots of energy.”

    “If you think we are like millions of people around the Earth, you could think beyond your mind and try to imagine what activities they do other people, what are their efforts and what are their results obtained.”

    “We could think of a person who wants to be in shape and in order to have a healthy body he does lots of exercise and lots of physical work to make it. We could think of a woman practicing drawing skills, and in order to have a cool style for her she looks around every reference, drawing lots of sketches and finding the most suitable for her style and then draws her concepts on a single picture and she puts lots of effort to make it look cool and awesome. We could think of a child who wants to ride a bicycle, so in order to master it he goes each morning practicing getting in balance with the bicycle, and even if he could fall one or two times, the vision of finally riding a bicycle will be enough to continue practicing until he can ride it properly”

    “So as you can see, at all ages and at all skills and talents, in order to make it possible, we could think ourselves doing that effort on what we want to do, and imagine doing that effort, we can also imagine ourselves mastering that skill and achieving the planned goal. We all learn new things at every phase of our lives, and effort is made in order to achieve that knowledge”

    “We cannot deny effort can be against our impulses, our defects, our positions or our ambiance, but with the will of ourselves, along with the support of people, the inspiration of everybody and a single step into the road, we can embark the journey and walk step by step, each time being better”
    “Of course remember, if something resulted wrong, the important thing is what you have learned, so the next time you can do it in a better way”

    “Keep moving on; let’s not stop our mission of life. Because all living things are moving, so you should too!” 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Events that happen on a single day

[NOTE: Just for you to know, it has Homestuck Up-to-Date Information Statements]

    Hello, despite the contraposition of certain actions of mischievousness, I’ll continue the marked pace I proposed for the other half of the year. It would be more or less, but with this pace you will expect something new within a certain amount of time. Let’s go then.

    Yesterday was a warm day; I had to wake up early (7 o’clock) to do some daily activities, kinda fun and challenging stuff. In a normal basis I don’t accustom to wake up at that time, and sleep late. I could be sleepy if I do unexpected things like that. Well I can establish whatever if I can stay awake in the morning or on the afternoon. On yesterday, I felt sleepy at noon, I wasn’t on my full potential and feel weird, all and the warm days of summer. Why I choose to do so? I don’t know…, but where things are need to be done, you’ll have to do it at an appropriate moment.  :(

    Well, still a little sleepy, I was asked to do some research on certain topics I need to continue on time on my activities, so there I was, searching on the computer and lean down the head and closing my eyes whatever chance I have. It was odd that I would feel that way, on the weekend I have slept like more than 10 hours, and by the time of yesterday I only had slept 6 or 5 hours. I think it was weird because I got a little sick and my I was sneezing a little, not too much, but I think with that I felt a little down.

    Research still ongoing, some social media and reviewing some pages on deviantart and on other important pages, doing some examples, reviewing proposals. I saw when after noon (I think) the so expected Homestuck update appeared as a “Strong Update”…. Not the moment, I said, so I ignored that….

     After some time, when I was on a position more comfortable to begin my hobbies and activities, I was more relaxed to continue, but I was still sleepy. I said more comfortable, but not at all. Television on, some chatting, series I was hearing from everybody, I wasn’t on my real position, my room, the internet wasn’t strong enough to reach it (but today I moved in another position a little bit, and now it works well :D)

    I was about to see the drawings again, when on messages everybody appointing to something I was forgotten to do. Then with fast clicks I reached MSPaint Adventures page and saw the update of Homestuck…. At first I was cool with it, then I reached the middle part, I was confused, but still more clicks going on. My download speed isn’t as fast enough to fasten the things. I had the emotion of confusion from the first Flash movie, and like 10 more or less pages until the other Flash movie. I was following the pace of the music, because I had heard it a while ago, and with the split (oh…), of the movie, I was expecting the other part of the music sound.

    But the expectation grew as the progress number of downloading the second part was increasing too. Then like out of the nowhere, music resumes and the awesome thing continued. But on each Flash movie I didn’t expected the short time, but a lot of information, including the info in between the Flash part…. It was amazing, because, well, imagine you have some sort of flying rocket-type device, and with the help of other amazing devices, you do an extraordinary travel across time and space! It was amazing, it was a lot of events happen around 10 minutes, and I was still sleepy, sick, and I was eating, and then everyone else around….

    I prevented some kinda spoiler, but I was about to lose the State Relation from the comments I just saw with a glimpse of my eyes. I could tell the update was unexpected in some way to me, because I didn’t know what would happen. I could tell however, that I could expect the actions done after I saw the first Flash. It says “Synchronization” so I thought of a chain of Rise Up’s: Two chains were about to be made on the first Flash, one succeeded, another on the merge of succeeding. Three out of four were involved on that chain. The third one would chain to the remaining one, and that remaining one would have to make a chain to the one who started it…. Kinda of an expectation, but just a thought….

[Why I’m talking that kind of metaphorical awkwardness… >///<]

    But the thing was an alternative plan was made in order to make everyone be still on the game ("Unite"). And then I analyzed why it happened that way.  The cross chain though was cool, I guess…?

   Anyway, with that rambling of information on my head, the coolness of my skills on techniques of data gathering and unexpected discoveries, the ambiance of not being in my room and being sick, sleepy and very eager because of all the exciting emotion I received, my mind went weird again and, like everyone could say, I got my mind “blown” by all the ideas I had to understand.

    I just closed the computer, went to my room and stayed on my bed, waiting to calm down, and continued working….


“Wow, almost a thousand words from this….”
“Yeah, you know now you have an interesting life worth a thousand words a day”
“Oh, you’re here, heheh, how was your day?”
“Well, what if I say it was not as interesting as what you just have written here.”
“Yeah, when you have things you can share, you can write and say everything”
“That’s true, but you’re writing in this blog as a general statement. Only the ones interested would find this as amazing…”
“Hmmm, so what? If I get accustomed to this again, I would write more amazing things and share it to everybody, regardless their judgment”
“I hope we can reach that point you’re talking about. I’ll do a smile for your success, hehehe”
“And I smile to you to keep me company for the next posts, OK?”

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Rambling of the Media Imposition

     Things of diverse variety happens on a daily life, you know, news that get into our attention when it reaches us. Depending on our beliefs and our reactions towards certain topics, it would convince us or it would make us think this is nonsense…

  My purpose of this post is like the extension on other posts I have made, like Dramatic Media Imposition, where certain scenes on massive media makes the reality looks far realistic from what we usually live, the weird fact is if everybody would follow that kind of life…

  What everyone calls as a Dramatic Series, or Drama, that usually for whatever reason they exaggerate the scene, making it more emotional and lively, I think for entertaining and emotional charming purposes….

    The thing is, why is this a program most of people follow? Well some culture follows that because they feel identified with that kind of characterization, and because they made them express an opinion on those series and episodes, or make because there’s not another interesting program to see…

   In fact, I think that’s what people want, and that’s what free shows offer to them. But then another topic, it’s not because massive media, TV, radio, other, but with another media it comes into you as a imposition of making that you believe certain thing in order to follow that idea. That is maybe the weird thing, because, why would somebody wants you to immediately chance certain position on your mind? Because, little by little, things have been changing for the benefit of a better life. The engulfment of each belief on each society make a whole and then it becomes a pressure to the ones who don't fully follow that idea.

  I don't know if my arguments can reach an average person living an average life, or a certain person into a well defined group or social status. But maybe it the thought of saying we have traits that other people don't have, or that we have different activities, different personalities, different points of view. The imposition of the media can be a closed mind position, and makes everyone who is touched by those words to be closed-minded. When it comes to those kind of idea, the key of evade its consequences is thinking a little bit before consider the position on that argument, idea, or belief. 
    There are a lot of topic that actually some people tries to increase it's voice or to block them, their ideas affect the ones who have a certain defect on hearing it and without thinking it they become part of their group of followers. As long as they can manage others' positions, their position would be acceptable, only if they can express their ideas in a kind and respectful way.
    Controversial topic we already know, beliefs that makes the doubt of everybody who has not heard of, and social groups and organizations that target others to create confusion among the people. Managing the information is quite delicate, depending of the reliability of the position that is sending the information and the people who re-send that information. Depending on who would follow it, the information will maintain intact and depending on who would defend those ideas, counter ideas may not bring down those kind of information.
    What I consider to be the bad thing, is that all those ideas can be applicable for one specific group of ideology or from another. What I have in clear is that there are good things and bad things coming from a certain group, because a group is integrated with people, and people can be good or bad, we make good things, and we make mistakes. The thing is that the good things overcome the bad things, and the bad things won't affect greatly or mortally to another person or thing.

     The imposition of the media will continue to exist, no deny it. So we need to be prepared ourselves to receive the data coming from all parts, good things and bad things, and not fall down from those, we need to touch the ground of reality and apply only the things they would benefit to us and with the ones we continuously live together.

"Specific things may be talked, but it's not like I want myself to impose a position and then later on would be hearing weird replies about it...."

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Random Post of the Month

    Hello, I think this is a random post. So I should make a lot of effort to be on time with those blog posts.
    What interesting thing I can say today…? There has been a lot of information and a lot of data streaming from everywhere. People always express what their hearts and minds feel about certain recent topics. I do also make those expressions.  It’s interesting because you can see how true is certain data, what things do you trust, and what things you think is far from reality. People say arguments the way they feel the best they do, but doing so doesn't mean it’s an objective and proper thing to do.
    There is something on the state of Opinion called “Understanding the information”, depending on its source, its purpose , what does the argument really means and if that has strong support based on other true statements. There’s a book I read about it, in fact, it was for an English class I took, supposedly it was advanced English. The book talks a lot about instruments of analysis you can use to state biased information and the veracity of the same. It can help you trying to understand better comments and arguments, and also to make replies that tell on which parts the information is not related to the main topic, something like that….
    Instead of arguing on a yelling-type writing expression, it’s better to try to lessen the anger and think more from the mind rather to from the heart. Because it’s easy to be offended to every comment we think it’s not on our beliefs, it’s recommended to stay calm and make a better reply.
    But as some note says “As long as they still send rage in their posts, the Internet’s data flow will increase, therefore, the site becomes wealthier”….

“Because it’s easy to say it and send it, and difficult to think ‘a little’ about it…”