Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Events that happen on a single day

[NOTE: Just for you to know, it has Homestuck Up-to-Date Information Statements]

    Hello, despite the contraposition of certain actions of mischievousness, I’ll continue the marked pace I proposed for the other half of the year. It would be more or less, but with this pace you will expect something new within a certain amount of time. Let’s go then.

    Yesterday was a warm day; I had to wake up early (7 o’clock) to do some daily activities, kinda fun and challenging stuff. In a normal basis I don’t accustom to wake up at that time, and sleep late. I could be sleepy if I do unexpected things like that. Well I can establish whatever if I can stay awake in the morning or on the afternoon. On yesterday, I felt sleepy at noon, I wasn’t on my full potential and feel weird, all and the warm days of summer. Why I choose to do so? I don’t know…, but where things are need to be done, you’ll have to do it at an appropriate moment.  :(

    Well, still a little sleepy, I was asked to do some research on certain topics I need to continue on time on my activities, so there I was, searching on the computer and lean down the head and closing my eyes whatever chance I have. It was odd that I would feel that way, on the weekend I have slept like more than 10 hours, and by the time of yesterday I only had slept 6 or 5 hours. I think it was weird because I got a little sick and my I was sneezing a little, not too much, but I think with that I felt a little down.

    Research still ongoing, some social media and reviewing some pages on deviantart and on other important pages, doing some examples, reviewing proposals. I saw when after noon (I think) the so expected Homestuck update appeared as a “Strong Update”…. Not the moment, I said, so I ignored that….

     After some time, when I was on a position more comfortable to begin my hobbies and activities, I was more relaxed to continue, but I was still sleepy. I said more comfortable, but not at all. Television on, some chatting, series I was hearing from everybody, I wasn’t on my real position, my room, the internet wasn’t strong enough to reach it (but today I moved in another position a little bit, and now it works well :D)

    I was about to see the drawings again, when on messages everybody appointing to something I was forgotten to do. Then with fast clicks I reached MSPaint Adventures page and saw the update of Homestuck…. At first I was cool with it, then I reached the middle part, I was confused, but still more clicks going on. My download speed isn’t as fast enough to fasten the things. I had the emotion of confusion from the first Flash movie, and like 10 more or less pages until the other Flash movie. I was following the pace of the music, because I had heard it a while ago, and with the split (oh…), of the movie, I was expecting the other part of the music sound.

    But the expectation grew as the progress number of downloading the second part was increasing too. Then like out of the nowhere, music resumes and the awesome thing continued. But on each Flash movie I didn’t expected the short time, but a lot of information, including the info in between the Flash part…. It was amazing, because, well, imagine you have some sort of flying rocket-type device, and with the help of other amazing devices, you do an extraordinary travel across time and space! It was amazing, it was a lot of events happen around 10 minutes, and I was still sleepy, sick, and I was eating, and then everyone else around….

    I prevented some kinda spoiler, but I was about to lose the State Relation from the comments I just saw with a glimpse of my eyes. I could tell the update was unexpected in some way to me, because I didn’t know what would happen. I could tell however, that I could expect the actions done after I saw the first Flash. It says “Synchronization” so I thought of a chain of Rise Up’s: Two chains were about to be made on the first Flash, one succeeded, another on the merge of succeeding. Three out of four were involved on that chain. The third one would chain to the remaining one, and that remaining one would have to make a chain to the one who started it…. Kinda of an expectation, but just a thought….

[Why I’m talking that kind of metaphorical awkwardness… >///<]

    But the thing was an alternative plan was made in order to make everyone be still on the game ("Unite"). And then I analyzed why it happened that way.  The cross chain though was cool, I guess…?

   Anyway, with that rambling of information on my head, the coolness of my skills on techniques of data gathering and unexpected discoveries, the ambiance of not being in my room and being sick, sleepy and very eager because of all the exciting emotion I received, my mind went weird again and, like everyone could say, I got my mind “blown” by all the ideas I had to understand.

    I just closed the computer, went to my room and stayed on my bed, waiting to calm down, and continued working….


“Wow, almost a thousand words from this….”
“Yeah, you know now you have an interesting life worth a thousand words a day”
“Oh, you’re here, heheh, how was your day?”
“Well, what if I say it was not as interesting as what you just have written here.”
“Yeah, when you have things you can share, you can write and say everything”
“That’s true, but you’re writing in this blog as a general statement. Only the ones interested would find this as amazing…”
“Hmmm, so what? If I get accustomed to this again, I would write more amazing things and share it to everybody, regardless their judgment”
“I hope we can reach that point you’re talking about. I’ll do a smile for your success, hehehe”
“And I smile to you to keep me company for the next posts, OK?”