Hello to those who have spent the time to read all my entries for this blog. It’s good to mention that we’re now on August, time for get sunny and hot days to most of the North part of the world. Just for you to know that I’m grateful to those who had read one or two entries of this blog. Although it isn’t famous or much visited than others, I will give the opportunity to get this page to know better.
Now, my mind was wandering on all the pages of Internet, surfing and reviewing all things other people put on their pages. But then one page got my attention. I won’t get into details (because it’s not the purpose of this entry), but I’ll tell my feeling about that. So to get better the idea, here is an example (not necessary the thing I saw...):

“But there’s the catchy part of this “dramatic scene” of the story: that scene becomes so unreal you think there’s no way you could suffer that part, taking the point you are comparing with the main character, and maybe you think: “How do those who made that part of the story know about it?!” Then you turn off the TV and get the idea they don’t know what the real idea is.”
Comprehending a little bit of the main story, the writers of the story knows only the most peculiar and a essential part of the general idea of society upon the thing they want to express on screen. Therefore, stereotypes and general beliefs of society are the main points of a “basic simple and short story of entertainment”. That’s what it is.
Getting the idea more particular, I don’t know how you the reader knows about the “Nerd Stereotype” and related Attributions (wow, I really wrote the understandable way, heheheh…), and how people who don’t get the idea gets a wrong interpretation of the Attribution. If you are smart enough, you’ll understand Stereotypes of whatever reason are not the typical Personality of the person, but a singular variety of different talents and beliefs. May take one or two of the stereotyped motion, but never get in mind it will be the only one.
But, in the young world of Grouping and Identity Search, those words of the Extreme Attribution have an importance in their lives…. But focusing in the idea of the “Nerd-Type Attribution” (the ones who surround the word), School Issues on the Social Communication gets the wrong idea of the ones who likes an specific type of knowledge, not comprehendible by not mature minds, that it becomes a fascination, and a obstruction of Social Interaction onto them….
You know it’s the wrong idea, because you know it’s not really true, and if you seem to notice that the things happening in your life are as real as the ones they’ve put on TV, maybe it’s time you don’t overstate an unreal life. Remember I’m talking to the dramatic shows, the ones who only entertain and don’t get something beneficial of it. Only a wrong idea and the emotions opened after the show....
But the “show” I’m talking about suggests that a certain kind of situation gets a strong counterpart of the general situation, setting the statement of that normative of the general situation, and, if the “show” is famous among unaware people of null base of reason, the comments of the general situation will be biased on the bad statement, ignoring the “good purpose” of the “show”. I hope the ones who see it get the observation of the idea and not the misconception because of their lack of reasoning....
[And, if you tell me what show I am referring to, I’ll give you a cookie n_n (and maybe the reception of the next entry title…)]
“-So, what are your aims, entertainment of the dramatic actions of the situation, or the point of getting the message of the main situation?”
“-It’s only a show of entertainment, you’re only got your feelings overcome the reason of nonsense.”
“-But you know how I suffer when I see such unrelated things as those…!”
“-There’s always the vision of good acting….”
“-Don’t deny it! You know also the protection of this Attribution is the understanding of the stance of Common Friendship and the Point of Common Idea of the same Attribution!”
“-Oh,…, then, those people…!”
“- Got the idea…? When events want to aim certain people without knowing them well, those people will “burn the idea” forgetting it and never accepting it, even it could have a certain simple idea of them…”
“-Maybe, even if you're taking it personally... thinking in the justification.... So then…!”
“-They’re risking the overture of our Attribution…”
[By the way, if you have noticed, the italic parts are Conversations of Entry Following, so discussions like this may occur. My Nerdy part is very skeptical sometimes with the entries the Main part writes, but has good points to say. Want to follow? The Main part always starts and finishes the Conversations, and the Nerdy part, only has the pair lines…]