This is the random post of the Month, in witch I don't recall for a Title in order to explain a thing. Just whatever thing comes to my mind. It will be short, so have a short fun.
Starting tomorrow, a new month will arrive, witch is February. This Month has a lot of things, especially emotional things.... I will not give detail on that, because I may dispose of Title Ideas for the Month (even if I have managed to have some posts ready...)
So, I'm here, in my room, doing this post, listening to radio, caring less of the objects there are around me: books, CD's, notebooks, a backpack, photo pictures, posters, clothes.... The radio sounds rather than putting some ambiance, is making my concentration on writing go a little down. And also, this is a random post, I should be doing random things. Just for fun.
Did you see? Even if random things are being written, I still order it in paragraphs, and then you hear only one sound of the stereo, it should be two different sounds on a stereo radio. Only a speaker sounds less than other, giving the sensation of a weird music...
I write, I draw, I paint walls, and I don't know why I'm doing this. I wish I have scheduled time to make fit all things I wanted to do. But, did you notice, January is over. D: Witch means, a lot of adventure and a lot of Objective Reclamation of the Month. (Reclamation...!?, it just appeared, but what gives, it's a random post.
I'm just a clumsy me, doing nothing better. Maybe for next month my random range might be higher, so more random and lengthy things come to my mind.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
The appropriate moment to meet new people

When we meet people, generally friends, you find it more in School, because there are a lot of people you can talk to, and also try to be friends with them. Also you can meet people nearby you. I'm sure there can be someone who shares the same ideas or hobbies than you do. Maybe he might go to the same school as you! Also on events, like conventions and tournaments or contests of every kind. You'll find a people near your age that you can be nice and have fun. Someone said you can find people in events that share the same things than you, trying to go to one of the reunion they have and share experiences with other people. Maybe one of them lives near you and then you can later go to his house when you have time, for example, when you have vacations. It will increase your friendship bonds with everyone else if you constantly practice your friendship motion.
Now for the Title's Retribution: when it is the right moment to meet new people. Sometimes, some friend goes away from the place you usually hang out, or maybe you saw those friends the most on School but later school period is over and when you change, for example to Elementary School to Junior High, you might not see them again. Maybe you can set a continuous path of bond when you can see him in a different place, but maybe it would be on a different point of view. This can be cool, because that gives you other way to see your friend in another place.
Also, when your friendship is not so good with other people or when you can't establish a good encounter for that friend, maybe because of time or because of different schedules. It's not that you want to end a good friendship, it's just that you want to try something else, something different, something that may be greater but with a different style.
On those moments, you do a strategic move and try to view your circumstances, your daily activities, your hobbies, what do you like, what do you dislike, and what things you can give to new friends. With all this considered, you find the most near moment and make introductions. If the other person consider your action and makes a retribution, when time happens, you'll get soon a bond of friendship. Quite simple, isn't it?
Maybe the problem could be what experiences you have to share, or how nervous you are to talk to new people. Also, how to find the right place to hang out and what places can be with people with same hobbies as you. In that case, you'll need to overcome those initial things and be real about what you can give for those friends. The most ideal one could be when that friend you want to reach lives near your house.
Why do I tell all this? It's a long story. I could respond that I just can't find that moment on normal basis. My normal basis is School, so I act on situations on that place. Only a few situations did reach out of the place, becoming the friends I have for the moment. I did experience a little of friendship, but when it comes to increasing motions of Friendship, especially after Elementary School, the odd ambiance of the Far Stage was enough to prevent me to reach a highly developed and a very closed relation of Friendship. But that time was over, so little of it resulted from my efforts of find a good friendship. I really tried, but maybe it wasn't enough for their needs. It's just life.
On a new Stage, time is unstable, so Friendship Motions can be difficult if you don't know what to do. I can talk to most of them. But there are times when I can't find them in the time-space moment and I wander in loneliness. But it's only a brief moment. That's when you think of it and wonder, do I really need to find new friends? That's confusing also, because when you think about it, you don't want to forget the old friends you have. But in the time you are and in the place you are, Near Friendship is nowhere to be found. You want to at least walk a few streets away from you house to find another one where your friend lives an spend a good afternoon playing video games and drinking soda and eating popcorn, or pizza or some other food. In a odd manner, I keep telling everybody that I still have friends, even if I don't talk to them very often, just to have a little hope to have a re-encounter and spend a good time together. It seems that I had not got those moments a lot. But now things are going to be different, I'm sure.
I might suspect that maybe my friends have their own life and have other friends with them, while I just made a dependable motion for that friend that in a Far Motion I tried to get into my position of life, just because I don't want to offend them. There were a lot of experiences of trying to understand friendship, but no one else knows it. Not that I wanted to tell my adventures of discovery. But it's just incredible how you still have power to stand up even with little flow retribution. I made a lot of flow generation of energy, but with the same resources and the little incoming from others, the energy becomes less powerful. But I'm still stand up to continue, and find a great amount of energy that maybe on other sources can be useful to find. It's just life; you can't waste the opportunity of a giving friend of good expectations that can change your life in that moment.
So, where time comes, when they tell me if I have friends, my answer would be "I do have friends, but there are not in this stage, I wish to be friends, so we can spend the time in company." Actual friends, I think you have thought of that, no? Because your actions were similar.... Therefore, I should be doing the same way. When we get the intersection, we might continue our motion. New friends, if you are near, I may spend more time with you so I will be glad to get a lot of experience and have a pleasant time. If you are from a far position, or from the position of the Collective Information of Internet, I should be thankful to having a space where we can gather and tell a lot of funny things and obtain the retribution expected.
And everyone will be happy about it, because they all know they have the resource when it's needed. I could hear my actual friend telling me: "It's not bad to have new friends, just go for it, if you feel when the time we are not there you feel lonely (Or at least find someone to spend the time with), just be yourself and be happy with your life."
"The appropriate moment to meet new people is when you feel you don't get the retrubution you are expecting to obtain from someone."
"That's why you feel to need new friends, right?"
"Huh, I thought you just got shocked for the words I said."
"No..., that was the sketch post you almost posted, but you didn't, did you?"
"Of course not, that was a powerful emotional one, and quite away from our Purpose...."
"Yeah, risky enough.... By the way, you won't think your friends take this post personally?"
"If I ended on not take that, neither would they. Besides, if I don't know how is their life right now. "
[JUST TO NOTE: You don't know the friends I have on other time, so don't think all this applies to you. So don't worry.If doubtful, talk to me. I'm willing to explain.]
"Oh, so they have applied what you just have written."
"In a way, yes, they needed to be part of that place, so they needed to find those friends they have now."
"What about you? Are you willing to continue your missions?"
"It could be quite weird, but I don't know the things I wrote could be applicable right now. I have some things I could take on the place of Action."
"But in your main place, where you live, you don't have anyone, what about them...?"
"Well, I think I need to act slowly on that.... But I know I have to be ready when that time comes..."
[I just can't let my friends alone....]
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thoughts of Non-Attribution to Effort

Also, we seem to put a little bit of expectation on the result and the reward we might obtain from it. What you get the most for the effort made is the satisfaction of the activity done. It's like you become happy to see the objective beside your eyes.
I don't know a lot from it, but I could guess that the general motion of the effort done, is the recognition of the result from the others. Telling you how wonderful or how well the work was done is what make us useful because we feel we're doing that on behalf of the person who said those words.
The world is full of activities to do in a daily basis, so there's a lot to do. But there's the thing I don't understand well. When you cannot interpret what the other person really wants, and what things must be done, and if that person doesn't say it clearly, what would be our motivation...? Also if nobody sees upon us, on all the effort done, all the results expressed, then, will be capable of obtain our own emotional reward of making the things very well?
Maybe if you see it from one point of view, you could say that it is difficult to obtain that feeling of satisfaction of the work done. Every day doing the same thing, changing a little bit on something and trying to be original, but in the end is always the same outcome..., nothing seems to gets you happy, nothing seems to impress you, nothing seems to think that was worth the day. My mind is indeed confusing, and also it needs to be fed with active data processing motion expressed on something clear, a point of continuing tomorrow of the goal made expressed on an something special.
My mind often thinks what would happen if we have made a little more effort on thinking the other way rather to try to understand an idea it was sure we won't advance further..., and it sees upward, trying to reach an objective as fast as possible. There could be a lot of reasons to think we haven't made the effort of the day: Maybe we didn't impress somebody and quite failed on doing general work he might be normal but for us it's not. Maybe we think we need to get into certain level on certain skill or talent or known topic to be able to continue, to level up. Maybe we think of it a lot we waste a lot of time and we can't make a good arrange of time organization and Multi-Tasking-Type Motion to make it faster. Or maybe we can't get back into our basics and remember if the things we're making now were possible to do at that time; and see that indeed we have improved and learned a lot until the present time.
The problem is, School, always is making us walk up and up. It seems that we cannot feel we were doing this since Elementary School, and we are always learning from life, from teachers, from discussions, from a lot of comments, and from a broad and open mind who makes a lot of arguments countering others and try to make a most objective one in order to have a reason and not because of making a annoying howl of criticism whose point is not relevant and neither rational. (A biased and emotional argument without reasoning) Result Recognition is not like movies, where they made an emotional drama about how great your efforts were done and because of that you would receive SOMETHING because of that. My shyness and my lack of broad necessity on the material things..., not that I could want something, but that's where confusion increases. You want to be recognized, but if you shout it out, for you it would be rude, for others, they might not want that idea....
But there is something, you know, and you know it very well, that your potential of put all your motivation and inspiration on one thing (if you can get it), with the right resource, you can make a lot of Idea Expression and shine a little bit more. You can shine! Just we need to expand our light radiation. Talking of light, in the terms of light inside space, depending of the potential of the source and the focus of the rays, light can reach a lot of space. When you get on the rooftop, trying to see the furthest place in your city, you can see clearly a tiny light from a street, maybe a traffic light that changed from red to green....
And then there is the most important thing you could obtain from all this: you shouldn't expect someone from far away always says to you "Good Job!", or "You're wonderful/splendid/great/a genius/awesome/amazing/..." or something else. But good relationships with other people, good relationships, helps a lot, friendship also, support and a clear idea of the objective, and a lot of support (did I say again support...?) from others. I may be a dumb and a fool for thinking I can get everything in this life just by the word "Please"..., but what expectations you would have from some boy that confronts the great reality of responsibility and do the thing everyone else must do, a.k.a. HOUSE CHORES!!
I should cry by this moment and say a lot of things like "Stupid boy, how can't you realize until now you are part of a family and YOU NEED TO COOPERATE!!"
"And then I would say 'Why it has to be me to complain about things that may have be done by now, or maybe not, but how do we know, if we can't tell what things must be done every day!'"
"But by that moment you continued on doing the same thing, over and over again. And they seem not to like the idea very much..."
"They say that I should see for the things that are needed to be done, and do it at once. But when I woke up, most of it seems to be done by now!"
"Oh, you're still making things more difficult, and also..."
"And even if they get the idea of a lazy boy who don't want to do anything more than playing, I just know that there's SOMETHING we can change...!"
"...Chore Schedule! It must be something like that!"
"Ah, well..., heheheh..."
..., and of course by all this, because I know I have the ability of think the things that are good for a balance of Motion, it's up to me to solve little things taking it very easy, forgotten for a lot of time, and assume the position of the Role of the First Social Relationship, view the possibilities and, even this last may be a lesser point, aside from the Objective of this Post, in a certain way try to convince again to those who care for me the most, that I'm capable to do the things proposed, just that they need to be a little bit more precise....
"And everything else would continue from the last point..."
[Not to worry, my friend, each idea is controlled by the Objective Motion. And also, do the most of what you can do, so you don't have to suffer that way...]
Friday, January 20, 2012
Say Hello to your Computer!

Imagine yourself: you are viewing either a computer, or a laptop, or any electronic device that makes some kind of computation or data processing. Even with a little sum of 2 + 2 = 4 (A classic one :B), the process that makes this possible indeed has made us to use that kind of tech in order to make tasks it would be difficult if we don't have it. Ok, you are with a computer (ignoring the fact if it has Internet, or any Networking device. [-And what about cell phones...?][-Not the point...][-Heheheh.]) You kinda look it for a few seconds, it could be minutes, as if you were a child and you care less about what it is in front of you. And then somebody else turns on that computer, an as you watch how different screens appear on the monitor, you wonder how it is possible that object can do such thing. It's like television!, you would tell. The fact, is that it doesn't have an antenna... (Even so, the TV has its own bit instructions.... So...), but then the main screen, The Desktop... What a funny name. Then the one who turned on the computer opened a program. A window-like rectangle pops out of the screen. It has many colorful objects. The most amazing thing was when in that Window appeared the words "Hello, little guy/girl." And then, "why don't you say Hello to the Computer, I'm sure he is waiting for an answer." And with a shy posture, you waved your hand as you say, "Hello Computer"....
Heheheh, after that, it's up to your imagination if the computer has posture recognition by webcam, or voice recognition by microphone, and by that he maybe want to give you a conversation with you. Or maybe only he just only talk and with a click of a mouse and the typing of the keyboard, awaits for your answers.
A grateful experience: in my childhood days, in a important museum, there was a bunch of computers with a program opened. The program showed was a room. I think it had useful data about geography and other subjects. Because, what I remember the most was a map of the globe and you can click on any continent and tell you many things. The thing is, I was too curious at that time, I didn't know how I had done it, but the program just closed by a click of a button. (Maybe I just pressed the Exit button....)
"So then, if you have a Computer, take care of it!"
"Stating that at least have one computer in the house...."
"Yeah, the living room's computer..., letting not the dust get into the tower...!"
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Talking about making software
When it comes to programming things like simple applications and other software that can be run by computers, my mind is engrossed in those kind of subjects. It seems like if I have the encounter of a tutorial on how to make applications on a computer, trying to follow it, and works as expected, I could get very focused on making my ideas flow on a thousand and more possibilities to make every kind of programs, or get focused on making a detailed game or something similar. (The reason that makes everything else less important..., but don't worry, I'll get my things organized.)
I have ideas that can be great to do, but there are too many resources to follow and a variety of programming languages and plug-ins and other packages that one can add and make their job easier. But that's one of the main problems: which one is the most appropriate one to follow? What's the best programming language and the best resource that can match your vision of the final product, in other words, the runnable program? Following a bunch of web pages, it seems that they have its own way to handle the situation of making programs and how the resources can make the things more easy. The first thing to view is: what are you going to do? It could be an application, a user interface, a game using graphics, a utility or an editor of something. Then, in which environment are you going to develop that program, and in which programming language? The range can be depending of the ability of each programming language and the disposition of time you are going to spend to make it. What we called IDE (Integrated Development Environment), like Eclipse, Net Beans, Visual Studio, among others; those can be useful in making the development more structured (an important issue to consider). Considering Languages: C is the basic thing to learn, Java is kinda easy to understand if you get the thing on Object-Oriented Programming, and C++ is both of them with a great advantage to make a .exe file, and C Sharp if your programs will consist on Text Boxes and Buttons.... And then, the view of the program: Is your program going to be a executable? Does it depends on images, external resources, audio and other media? Do you want that your program runs only on which computers? Is going to be into a cellular, smartphone or tablet as an application? More importantly, do you care a lot about security of your program? And, does your program can be as useful as beneficial in terms of buying it, or just for the fun of programming?
And that's just the beginning. Making programs, even the simpliest one, can be difficult if you don't have clear ideas on what you what. And in terms of graphics and other media, you'll have to add the design of images, such as characters, backgrounds, effects, objects, fonts, audio, music. And also if the program can manage file saving, such as get the high punctuation, the result of a file, saving preferences, game status and databases. Adding to that includes that you need the time for School and other activities....
So then, what's the motivation into making something that can be like a path full of rocks walking on bare foot? When someone decides adventuring into the world of programming, hoping to find the most weird bugs and hours of uneventful situations of warnings and errors, is because he wants his program to be running like every other program, because he likes to do it. Also if your graphics are as good to make a good handle of all those images, background tiles, and sprites and other objects....
Someone that enters a career that includes computer programming, has the vision that he can make programs worth the value of his effort. As students, the vision of the world of programming is quite blurry, but at least our abilities are going to be needed in one or two things, for the good thing of making the world continue its flow of activity.... But what do they say on the news? What's the most listened thing that has our attention at this moment? It's correct that new technologies are increasing, and we sure need to adapt to those specifications. The question we need to do is: what is the value that developers of software have, depending on their abilities they have, that makes companies want to hire them? Students can't see that value, until they enter the struggle of entering the World of software companies.
"A lot of competition for the one who can make the path into those objectives...."
"And a consideration made, result of the research on what is to come in future creations, right?"
"You know, what is like to make a game that has all your abilities and playing it at your own...?"
"Or at least making so that someone can play it too! You have something in mind...."
"Heheh, playing your game, sure everyone is going to like it...."
"Huh...?, but of course development and planning is difficult to make, and also the vision people has pointing games, including its graphics"
"They need to have a certain impact on them, and a good plot to develop..."
"Ah..., too much to do.... But of course it'll be interesting playing it."
"Yeah, let's see how high we can get...."
"How high...?"
"Oh, heheh.... I mean, let's go the highest point of our mission!"
[My thing is programming, and software development, because it is the aim I'm gonna get, so it's better be prepared when I get to that point... heheh]
[Of course, writing and drawing are hobbies, I enjoy doing it too, and of course, time is needed, so that's going to be tough but very amazing!]
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Days of Blogging, days of something else

I appreciate that new things are going to be here, like new readers and new topics of Witting Expression, and other useful things that I have learned, or that I have experienced. It's only specific what to talk and how to say it. Because, we are not the same person, we have different personalities, and everybody understands the idea differently.
Every day I must increase the position of the State of this Blog, and the position of the Nickname (StndNerdBoy11), so the state of Expression can be as similar as the one who is writing this post. I would be grateful if my words can be understandable and my grammar issues can be resolved by each post I will make.
Some days I just wander in my room thinking about what things it could write and share, what stories I can create, what nerdy things I should do and I have done, I just have the time to do so. But, things happen, you know, you still don't have a stable idea of what things going to be in the future, you have a certain idea, but it's still not enough. And other activities are a must to do, and try to establish a better statement in order to handle the situation.
But ok, I know I'm in my confusing way to try to explain things even I can't understand. Only trying to explain the things by brainstorm and trying to fulfill things for the Writing Expression. But if you want, you can read this post. Maybe something useful can come up with it, but I know if I can't get to a point, it's only a waste of time. Did you know you can have waste of space also...? "Why using that space for your silly objects that only blocks your path. You should get rid of that...?" Meh...
Ok, ok, I'm trying my best to entertain you, from getting a good way of obtain the fun inside silly thoughts like those, and at least obtain from you a smile on your face. Life is tough, so a good laugh won't hurt a little... I had my good days enjoyed, so my position is to mention and tell the things people from the Nerd-Type Attribution can do in their free time. People are different anyways, you should be open-minded to every idea, and don't act fiercely on those they seem to hurt your feelings....
Adventure, like entering a mysterious castle, a medieval one, surrounded by armor statues and kinda weird pictures of nature, classical walls and hidden paths. Staying in one place can be dangerous, as you can't expect something out of nowhere appears and attacks you from behind. There should be a special room, with a special chair at the bottom of it, a wander of the thief, and a great struggle of getting there. Because, you see, there are guards near that place, and of course the room is located at one of the top parts of the castle, and it's not one of the towers. But still you have to enter in order to get to that special place. The first thing you see is the lobby room, and up the stairs and inside the bottom door you'll find the great corridor, where the king and queen have their seats there, where the people of the town can see them in their maximum glory. But when you enter there, you see nobody around, and it's still mid-noon.
"But your days are over, dear boy", that sound is not right. As if you know the path to follow, you just run, you don't see a great thing, and you just enter each door you can get. And then up the stairs and then another corridor, and so on... You just find to be surrounded by all the guards, but you are not scared of them.
"Voices, voices everywhere, can you handle the melancholy of the voice of void?", but just because it's only your dream, the guards simply disappeared and you are one door from that special room. Level up already and go for the treasure, and then you went to sleep, because you know you just can't handle all the awesomeness inside you of what's going to happen tomorrow. And you maybe can tell everybody your dreams, but you doubt they would believe some crazy and unrealistic thing like that.
"-I know you wanted to say something..."
"-I do: I'm just sleepy, can we just go to sleep now?"
"-Oh, well.... Ok, go to the castle, and find the treasure for me. I'll go and do another world to tell...."
Blog Issues
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Go for it! - Objectives for this year
Hello, I hope you had a great New Year's Celebration and hope you fulfill all your commitments you just have made for this year. Now that we have a clear mind of our lives and whatever thing we might want to do..., it's time to make it possible, I think, starting this day.
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