Also, we seem to put a little bit of expectation on the result and the reward we might obtain from it. What you get the most for the effort made is the satisfaction of the activity done. It's like you become happy to see the objective beside your eyes.
I don't know a lot from it, but I could guess that the general motion of the effort done, is the recognition of the result from the others. Telling you how wonderful or how well the work was done is what make us useful because we feel we're doing that on behalf of the person who said those words.
The world is full of activities to do in a daily basis, so there's a lot to do. But there's the thing I don't understand well. When you cannot interpret what the other person really wants, and what things must be done, and if that person doesn't say it clearly, what would be our motivation...? Also if nobody sees upon us, on all the effort done, all the results expressed, then, will be capable of obtain our own emotional reward of making the things very well?
Maybe if you see it from one point of view, you could say that it is difficult to obtain that feeling of satisfaction of the work done. Every day doing the same thing, changing a little bit on something and trying to be original, but in the end is always the same outcome..., nothing seems to gets you happy, nothing seems to impress you, nothing seems to think that was worth the day. My mind is indeed confusing, and also it needs to be fed with active data processing motion expressed on something clear, a point of continuing tomorrow of the goal made expressed on an something special.
My mind often thinks what would happen if we have made a little more effort on thinking the other way rather to try to understand an idea it was sure we won't advance further..., and it sees upward, trying to reach an objective as fast as possible. There could be a lot of reasons to think we haven't made the effort of the day: Maybe we didn't impress somebody and quite failed on doing general work he might be normal but for us it's not. Maybe we think we need to get into certain level on certain skill or talent or known topic to be able to continue, to level up. Maybe we think of it a lot we waste a lot of time and we can't make a good arrange of time organization and Multi-Tasking-Type Motion to make it faster. Or maybe we can't get back into our basics and remember if the things we're making now were possible to do at that time; and see that indeed we have improved and learned a lot until the present time.
The problem is, School, always is making us walk up and up. It seems that we cannot feel we were doing this since Elementary School, and we are always learning from life, from teachers, from discussions, from a lot of comments, and from a broad and open mind who makes a lot of arguments countering others and try to make a most objective one in order to have a reason and not because of making a annoying howl of criticism whose point is not relevant and neither rational. (A biased and emotional argument without reasoning) Result Recognition is not like movies, where they made an emotional drama about how great your efforts were done and because of that you would receive SOMETHING because of that. My shyness and my lack of broad necessity on the material things..., not that I could want something, but that's where confusion increases. You want to be recognized, but if you shout it out, for you it would be rude, for others, they might not want that idea....
But there is something, you know, and you know it very well, that your potential of put all your motivation and inspiration on one thing (if you can get it), with the right resource, you can make a lot of Idea Expression and shine a little bit more. You can shine! Just we need to expand our light radiation. Talking of light, in the terms of light inside space, depending of the potential of the source and the focus of the rays, light can reach a lot of space. When you get on the rooftop, trying to see the furthest place in your city, you can see clearly a tiny light from a street, maybe a traffic light that changed from red to green....
And then there is the most important thing you could obtain from all this: you shouldn't expect someone from far away always says to you "Good Job!", or "You're wonderful/splendid/great/a genius/awesome/amazing/..." or something else. But good relationships with other people, good relationships, helps a lot, friendship also, support and a clear idea of the objective, and a lot of support (did I say again support...?) from others. I may be a dumb and a fool for thinking I can get everything in this life just by the word "Please"..., but what expectations you would have from some boy that confronts the great reality of responsibility and do the thing everyone else must do, a.k.a. HOUSE CHORES!!
I should cry by this moment and say a lot of things like "Stupid boy, how can't you realize until now you are part of a family and YOU NEED TO COOPERATE!!"
"And then I would say 'Why it has to be me to complain about things that may have be done by now, or maybe not, but how do we know, if we can't tell what things must be done every day!'"
"But by that moment you continued on doing the same thing, over and over again. And they seem not to like the idea very much..."
"They say that I should see for the things that are needed to be done, and do it at once. But when I woke up, most of it seems to be done by now!"
"Oh, you're still making things more difficult, and also..."
"And even if they get the idea of a lazy boy who don't want to do anything more than playing, I just know that there's SOMETHING we can change...!"
"...Chore Schedule! It must be something like that!"
"Ah, well..., heheheh..."
..., and of course by all this, because I know I have the ability of think the things that are good for a balance of Motion, it's up to me to solve little things taking it very easy, forgotten for a lot of time, and assume the position of the Role of the First Social Relationship, view the possibilities and, even this last may be a lesser point, aside from the Objective of this Post, in a certain way try to convince again to those who care for me the most, that I'm capable to do the things proposed, just that they need to be a little bit more precise....
"And everything else would continue from the last point..."
[Not to worry, my friend, each idea is controlled by the Objective Motion. And also, do the most of what you can do, so you don't have to suffer that way...]