I appreciate that new things are going to be here, like new readers and new topics of Witting Expression, and other useful things that I have learned, or that I have experienced. It's only specific what to talk and how to say it. Because, we are not the same person, we have different personalities, and everybody understands the idea differently.
Every day I must increase the position of the State of this Blog, and the position of the Nickname (StndNerdBoy11), so the state of Expression can be as similar as the one who is writing this post. I would be grateful if my words can be understandable and my grammar issues can be resolved by each post I will make.
Some days I just wander in my room thinking about what things it could write and share, what stories I can create, what nerdy things I should do and I have done, I just have the time to do so. But, things happen, you know, you still don't have a stable idea of what things going to be in the future, you have a certain idea, but it's still not enough. And other activities are a must to do, and try to establish a better statement in order to handle the situation.
But ok, I know I'm in my confusing way to try to explain things even I can't understand. Only trying to explain the things by brainstorm and trying to fulfill things for the Writing Expression. But if you want, you can read this post. Maybe something useful can come up with it, but I know if I can't get to a point, it's only a waste of time. Did you know you can have waste of space also...? "Why using that space for your silly objects that only blocks your path. You should get rid of that...?" Meh...
Ok, ok, I'm trying my best to entertain you, from getting a good way of obtain the fun inside silly thoughts like those, and at least obtain from you a smile on your face. Life is tough, so a good laugh won't hurt a little... I had my good days enjoyed, so my position is to mention and tell the things people from the Nerd-Type Attribution can do in their free time. People are different anyways, you should be open-minded to every idea, and don't act fiercely on those they seem to hurt your feelings....
Adventure, like entering a mysterious castle, a medieval one, surrounded by armor statues and kinda weird pictures of nature, classical walls and hidden paths. Staying in one place can be dangerous, as you can't expect something out of nowhere appears and attacks you from behind. There should be a special room, with a special chair at the bottom of it, a wander of the thief, and a great struggle of getting there. Because, you see, there are guards near that place, and of course the room is located at one of the top parts of the castle, and it's not one of the towers. But still you have to enter in order to get to that special place. The first thing you see is the lobby room, and up the stairs and inside the bottom door you'll find the great corridor, where the king and queen have their seats there, where the people of the town can see them in their maximum glory. But when you enter there, you see nobody around, and it's still mid-noon.
"But your days are over, dear boy", that sound is not right. As if you know the path to follow, you just run, you don't see a great thing, and you just enter each door you can get. And then up the stairs and then another corridor, and so on... You just find to be surrounded by all the guards, but you are not scared of them.
"Voices, voices everywhere, can you handle the melancholy of the voice of void?", but just because it's only your dream, the guards simply disappeared and you are one door from that special room. Level up already and go for the treasure, and then you went to sleep, because you know you just can't handle all the awesomeness inside you of what's going to happen tomorrow. And you maybe can tell everybody your dreams, but you doubt they would believe some crazy and unrealistic thing like that.
"-I know you wanted to say something..."
"-I do: I'm just sleepy, can we just go to sleep now?"
"-Oh, well.... Ok, go to the castle, and find the treasure for me. I'll go and do another world to tell...."