When we meet people, generally friends, you find it more in School, because there are a lot of people you can talk to, and also try to be friends with them. Also you can meet people nearby you. I'm sure there can be someone who shares the same ideas or hobbies than you do. Maybe he might go to the same school as you! Also on events, like conventions and tournaments or contests of every kind. You'll find a people near your age that you can be nice and have fun. Someone said you can find people in events that share the same things than you, trying to go to one of the reunion they have and share experiences with other people. Maybe one of them lives near you and then you can later go to his house when you have time, for example, when you have vacations. It will increase your friendship bonds with everyone else if you constantly practice your friendship motion.
Now for the Title's Retribution: when it is the right moment to meet new people. Sometimes, some friend goes away from the place you usually hang out, or maybe you saw those friends the most on School but later school period is over and when you change, for example to Elementary School to Junior High, you might not see them again. Maybe you can set a continuous path of bond when you can see him in a different place, but maybe it would be on a different point of view. This can be cool, because that gives you other way to see your friend in another place.
Also, when your friendship is not so good with other people or when you can't establish a good encounter for that friend, maybe because of time or because of different schedules. It's not that you want to end a good friendship, it's just that you want to try something else, something different, something that may be greater but with a different style.
On those moments, you do a strategic move and try to view your circumstances, your daily activities, your hobbies, what do you like, what do you dislike, and what things you can give to new friends. With all this considered, you find the most near moment and make introductions. If the other person consider your action and makes a retribution, when time happens, you'll get soon a bond of friendship. Quite simple, isn't it?
Maybe the problem could be what experiences you have to share, or how nervous you are to talk to new people. Also, how to find the right place to hang out and what places can be with people with same hobbies as you. In that case, you'll need to overcome those initial things and be real about what you can give for those friends. The most ideal one could be when that friend you want to reach lives near your house.
Why do I tell all this? It's a long story. I could respond that I just can't find that moment on normal basis. My normal basis is School, so I act on situations on that place. Only a few situations did reach out of the place, becoming the friends I have for the moment. I did experience a little of friendship, but when it comes to increasing motions of Friendship, especially after Elementary School, the odd ambiance of the Far Stage was enough to prevent me to reach a highly developed and a very closed relation of Friendship. But that time was over, so little of it resulted from my efforts of find a good friendship. I really tried, but maybe it wasn't enough for their needs. It's just life.
On a new Stage, time is unstable, so Friendship Motions can be difficult if you don't know what to do. I can talk to most of them. But there are times when I can't find them in the time-space moment and I wander in loneliness. But it's only a brief moment. That's when you think of it and wonder, do I really need to find new friends? That's confusing also, because when you think about it, you don't want to forget the old friends you have. But in the time you are and in the place you are, Near Friendship is nowhere to be found. You want to at least walk a few streets away from you house to find another one where your friend lives an spend a good afternoon playing video games and drinking soda and eating popcorn, or pizza or some other food. In a odd manner, I keep telling everybody that I still have friends, even if I don't talk to them very often, just to have a little hope to have a re-encounter and spend a good time together. It seems that I had not got those moments a lot. But now things are going to be different, I'm sure.
I might suspect that maybe my friends have their own life and have other friends with them, while I just made a dependable motion for that friend that in a Far Motion I tried to get into my position of life, just because I don't want to offend them. There were a lot of experiences of trying to understand friendship, but no one else knows it. Not that I wanted to tell my adventures of discovery. But it's just incredible how you still have power to stand up even with little flow retribution. I made a lot of flow generation of energy, but with the same resources and the little incoming from others, the energy becomes less powerful. But I'm still stand up to continue, and find a great amount of energy that maybe on other sources can be useful to find. It's just life; you can't waste the opportunity of a giving friend of good expectations that can change your life in that moment.
So, where time comes, when they tell me if I have friends, my answer would be "I do have friends, but there are not in this stage, I wish to be friends, so we can spend the time in company." Actual friends, I think you have thought of that, no? Because your actions were similar.... Therefore, I should be doing the same way. When we get the intersection, we might continue our motion. New friends, if you are near, I may spend more time with you so I will be glad to get a lot of experience and have a pleasant time. If you are from a far position, or from the position of the Collective Information of Internet, I should be thankful to having a space where we can gather and tell a lot of funny things and obtain the retribution expected.
And everyone will be happy about it, because they all know they have the resource when it's needed. I could hear my actual friend telling me: "It's not bad to have new friends, just go for it, if you feel when the time we are not there you feel lonely (Or at least find someone to spend the time with), just be yourself and be happy with your life."
"The appropriate moment to meet new people is when you feel you don't get the retrubution you are expecting to obtain from someone."
"That's why you feel to need new friends, right?"
"Huh, I thought you just got shocked for the words I said."
"No..., that was the sketch post you almost posted, but you didn't, did you?"
"Of course not, that was a powerful emotional one, and quite away from our Purpose...."
"Yeah, risky enough.... By the way, you won't think your friends take this post personally?"
"If I ended on not take that, neither would they. Besides, if I don't know how is their life right now. "
[JUST TO NOTE: You don't know the friends I have on other time, so don't think all this applies to you. So don't worry.If doubtful, talk to me. I'm willing to explain.]
"Oh, so they have applied what you just have written."
"In a way, yes, they needed to be part of that place, so they needed to find those friends they have now."
"What about you? Are you willing to continue your missions?"
"It could be quite weird, but I don't know the things I wrote could be applicable right now. I have some things I could take on the place of Action."
"But in your main place, where you live, you don't have anyone, what about them...?"
"Well, I think I need to act slowly on that.... But I know I have to be ready when that time comes..."
[I just can't let my friends alone....]