Imagine yourself: you are viewing either a computer, or a laptop, or any electronic device that makes some kind of computation or data processing. Even with a little sum of 2 + 2 = 4 (A classic one :B), the process that makes this possible indeed has made us to use that kind of tech in order to make tasks it would be difficult if we don't have it. Ok, you are with a computer (ignoring the fact if it has Internet, or any Networking device. [-And what about cell phones...?][-Not the point...][-Heheheh.]) You kinda look it for a few seconds, it could be minutes, as if you were a child and you care less about what it is in front of you. And then somebody else turns on that computer, an as you watch how different screens appear on the monitor, you wonder how it is possible that object can do such thing. It's like television!, you would tell. The fact, is that it doesn't have an antenna... (Even so, the TV has its own bit instructions.... So...), but then the main screen, The Desktop... What a funny name. Then the one who turned on the computer opened a program. A window-like rectangle pops out of the screen. It has many colorful objects. The most amazing thing was when in that Window appeared the words "Hello, little guy/girl." And then, "why don't you say Hello to the Computer, I'm sure he is waiting for an answer." And with a shy posture, you waved your hand as you say, "Hello Computer"....
Heheheh, after that, it's up to your imagination if the computer has posture recognition by webcam, or voice recognition by microphone, and by that he maybe want to give you a conversation with you. Or maybe only he just only talk and with a click of a mouse and the typing of the keyboard, awaits for your answers.
A grateful experience: in my childhood days, in a important museum, there was a bunch of computers with a program opened. The program showed was a room. I think it had useful data about geography and other subjects. Because, what I remember the most was a map of the globe and you can click on any continent and tell you many things. The thing is, I was too curious at that time, I didn't know how I had done it, but the program just closed by a click of a button. (Maybe I just pressed the Exit button....)
"So then, if you have a Computer, take care of it!"
"Stating that at least have one computer in the house...."
"Yeah, the living room's computer..., letting not the dust get into the tower...!"