Saturday, December 31, 2011
Hello, 32th post!
(I didn't have a better post title but this...)
This is a post, like my 16th post (not a coincidence, or is it...?) not to tell what posts I did, but I put some of facts that until this day this blog has:
I started the blog, "A Nerd's Adventure", with the post: "Hello World!" on May 1st, 2011. Since that day until now, eight months has passed, with a total of 32 posts, talking about normal things that always have in mind and some experiences and likes of some other things, following the purpose of the blog at its first stage: "an overcoming [expressive] shyness and personal-type blog in which each entry the progress of my expression can facilitate doing more meaningful and attractive ones".
One story was made, some Nerd Issues also and some other Life Issues, more Life Issues, because I was still on progress of Writing Expression. In eight months, I learned of certain things in blogging, I would need 4 months more to complete 1 year, but on this time, I would give my best on more things to share, one of the other purposes this blog has, and also to give a better meaning of the Blog's Title "Nerd's Adventure", in that case, I would tell stories and experiences that someone with the personality similar to a Nerd would have, with his grateful and overwhelmed expression, heheh.
I have like 322 visits, in which the more visited was on this month, December, but when Promotion gets going, I guess this numbers would go up and up and up. The most clicked post was "Bond of Friendship" (oooh...) followed by "Let me tell you about HomeStuck" (it was obvious) and then "Hello World!" (the first post)
So that's for now, I hope you have a great year...
Yay, I finished it, I hope my time would get synchronized and tell when the GREAT IMPULSE has come to us, now, let's continue the party... *heheh*
(Tomorrow I'll do the new things that I was planning to do...)
Last Day Thoughts

It's kinda weird that at one hour to celebrate our New Year, this Earth has gone through all New Year's Celebration at at least 20 time zones..., and when that happened, I must have seen all of them at day, on television, with all the fireworks they do and all the joy and happiness they tell to give. But well, when I got the time under me, when I thought I would do anything before this year finishes, I understand the Time Line is near now.
Only I could get some last moment of adjust and see the Great Impulse get over the sky of our Time Zone, that's great....
But, what gives...? Anyway I have got on plan what I think what I'm gonna do on this next year, because I would want to fulfill the purposes last year I have made, only to arrange it in order to give a better try on those things, now that I have new resources that will help me step further the path I have made to follow. It's up to me to follow well that way.
Did you know, this next year we will have an extra day, you know where to find it, heheh.
Art Revolution
This time, 3 posts in less than an hour (oh my, why I'm doing this that way...?) There will be short but meaningful.
In order to advance in the progress of the next year's State of Activities on the Nickname's Attribution, in the next time I'll do what I call 'Art Revolution', in which I'll be putting some drawings I did on this year, specially on this December 2011. It'll be great to express also on my drawings, as a hobby that I like also and as a great thing to develop that might help me on future occasions.
I'll put the link later, so you can visit later heheh.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
A Happy Christmas 2011
There's one Christmas per year, so there must be a blog post for this special day, even if I'm a little late to do it.... (I don't feel like doing the post on mornings, but it's in my timezone day...)
Ok, so, Christmas, presents, family gathering, traditional food, firecrackers and a lot of smoke from those. It's kinda fun being with the family, and spend a little dinner for Christmas. I'm still recovering from getting full at vacations, but all those work to do for the preparations are quite time consuming....
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Taking the initiative

We can't be happy all the time, but we can't be sad neither. Our search in this world is that happiness appears more in our life, with our effort done. Our happiness may depend on ourselves or may be managed by an event of life. It's more grateful that the first statement became true, so we can get into ourselves and live the struggles in our own path....
I don't know why, but in some situations I would become shy and reserved, maybe because I don't know what to do, or I can't find the right words to say it. Maybe it's not my shyness situation, maybe is that I don't want my voice could hurt someone's heart. Of course my expression will be "the good way", but even with that, it may happen. They just don't want to accept the situation.
"Taking the initiative", it's good you can copy-paste the title and put it at the begin of a paragraph, heheheh. But, why do they want to ignore the disruption of a broken path...? The clear barrier of space sure is threatening, but, what about time...? In fact, Time Barrier...? When barriers of Space becomes ignored because of easy communication, Time Barrier appears, in the moment people's "schedule" can't match, and when they are out of Time Range, in which the Ambiance of Action occurs....
Ok, back to the topic, as you can tell, I get the titles to find the right arguments, but events of life related at least a minimum of it make me tell it anyways.... Well, when you have nothing to lose, you can take the initiative of the activities you want to do. But also, when you have things a little risky, you can become something more.
But, when you are afraid of doing it, you may turn around the situation..., thoughts of excuses and explanations, only because you don't want to face what is to come. You don't even want to face the consequences of your actions, because you really don't know if what you are doing is rightful for other people's view. But then you can search an alternative, something that could torch a little of the real situation; a little action, movement or introductory dialog, may work as a first step on try to obtain the right objective.
I wonder, how do people get over normal shyness, over difficult situations, over fearful events and over rather embarrassing moments...? I don't get onto that. Rare occasions, only. Of course the first step is important, but when I feel the retribution is not responding as I wish, when would be the right time...? It may be silly, but even if with a glance of the situation it would show everything, it doesn't get fully clear until a feedback is done. Of course I could step back if the situation seems too much for me, because adverse situations of other people may not be good if the appropriate person doesn't come over, and I don't think I'm that person.... In the moment where a person gets angry or mad or sad or whatever unwanted feeling, It's better to view if he could calm down himself, then say some motivational words, and see if with that becomes better. When I'm no person to can resist those adversities (one thing I do if I enter the event and I could get emotionally affected too...), I only can act as a mediator and provider of motivation from a far point, in a indirect act only the person affected could take as his advantage. Only if the person chooses me as the right person to tell, then I could act as one. But that were almost null.... Still, I don't understand how they could get better after all the bad things done on themselves..., friendship sure is to powerful to overcome those events.
Then the other side, when I need the help of a person of the moment. How to find it? When is it appropriate? I'd need the power and will enough to express help and support and advise. In their own point of view they could provide their opinion of the situation. It may be a good feedback, and a token of appreciation for their help and care for the person asking it....
I'm kinda strange, because I think the things I want to do are not the things the other wants to do. I could tell something and they may find difficult to follow.... That's why my actions can't be compared easily..., or maybe I'm not demonstrating my friendship with everyone else, or maybe I don't know if my expressions are sufficient, or if I tell little things or not when I first met people... I don't know, they haven't told that, I can't tell by myself, all is a mystery. And just because I don't want to risk that increasing my limits, I won't tell by myself if what I'm doing is right....
But the last thing must be overcome, what if I tell them I'm a shy person? A strange person who says silly and awkward words and nobody understands? A timid person who can become emotional on a strong thought? What if I increase my interest on my friends? What if I go more often meeting friends of Common? What if I talk more without feeling nervous or silly or afraid, caring a little less of what would happen...? Maybe someone would understand that. I only hope that one is near the space of Action in the right time, if there are more than one, that would be great. I the once before would understand that too, I could appreciate that too!
"-The fact is, I need to take the initiative in order to maintain the friendship done and make a little more...."
"-Ok then, a little practice...!"
"-Eh? What are you going to do...?"
"-That's easy: tell me what you want for me..."
"-Ok, I'll..."
"-But imagine I'm your friend from the Real World, talking in real moment..."
"-In person!?"
"-Seeing trough my eyes..., eh? what I'm doing?, no, that's not necessary...."
[-Hello, heheh, can you answer my request...? I can be a dumb person only because I can't think as fast when I talk clearly, but, are you angry with me?, are we having problems because of the time-space action motion...? it's kinda difficult to tell that, because it's not of my business, or that's what I'm thinking...]
[Heheh *blush*, that's what I thought... it's not my problem, but It's kinda weird having strange events of undesirable disruption, just for your information, that...]
[I just wanted to say sorry, again, *kinda sad*, for not seeing well what's happening, I just can't tell everything with the pure sight, I may be the Observer of Life, but I can't explain everything only with that. It's not reliable...]
[*Quite nervous* Eh?? That's..., that's not right!! It's just... I j-just... I c-couldn't be... in... in a position I couldn't stand! It's not on my position....]
[*Calmed voice* Huh? I know, but changes... are changes so important...? It's just that... it was unexpected to me....]
[*Quite afraid* NO!, it's not like that, I'm sure, that's clearly... stupid to say that...! I-I'm really s-sorry for that...! * Emotionally broken...*]
[*Surprised* Huh? Are you..., are you sure? Oh, I only thought..., is just that... I didn't know that... *tried to cover sadness*]
[Did you know? Maybe that may be not of your interest, of if you have noticed that also.... It's just... I'm just a shy person, I can't get over that...., well, I have improved a lot, I think, but there're things my position can't resist. Heheh... I don't know why I'm doing this... *feeling awkward again...*]
[Huh? Do you still remember...? Oh, that's... *couldn't resist crying...*]
[Heheh... I know... but, if you could know it, you will understand it better...]
[Oh, thank you, I appreciate that much... *tearful smile*]
[I will, In fact..., something... Until the barrier is broken, we can be as the ones before, in the meantime, and until we could repair it, our bond will diminish the flow, to prevent excessive potential on the energy.... I won't stop it, but it's needed a repair, don't worry, if applied soon, it will be as good as new. Only I need to be stronger...!]
[Thank you can appreciate that, I'll return stronger.... I'm sure with that....]
............ }
"-Wow, that was amazing..."
"-*All Normal* You sure? It was only an action of emotional fast flow..."
"-Heheh, You can be 'All Normal', but of course something as powerful as that could affect a person's life"
"-Hmm, you think my emotional motivation motion can be as wealthy as the meaning of life..."
"-You have a great amount of energy reserved, things like this makes that energy develop and everything else moves forward that energy, even creativity..."
"-Heheheh, so what, ready for 'Art Explosion'...?"
"-You bet!, go on, prove yourself and everyone else you know you can make things better with your creativity and great imagination!"
"-OK!, then..., heheh, I'll be ready when Computing Issues' first post comes..."
"-Eh...? Haven't you got a first post...?"
"-Oh, yeah, but the other post will be the first will be at side of the other first... heheh."
Monday, December 19, 2011
In Linkin Park days...
Heheheh, in order to not to bore you with my everyday thoughts of life and silly monotone things about Life Issues, it's time to cover interesting things doing in life as music. Even if I wanted to show a glowing personality, in the terms of music, there are things that are just simply cool, especially when it comes from your childhood... So for you readers: Linkin Park, where I started to hear it and how their songs sounds, in a way like you were out of this world. Kind of difficult to explain, but here it is:
Back in the first days of the new millennium, where nothing seem to be something special, I was presented with a CD that had a few songs of Linkin Park, in the days they were famous. Of course the first song I can remember is "In the End", quite good song it was. As a little boy I was, the meaning of the song was unnoticed, only the rhythm and pace of the music and its rock. On the computer I listened to those songs, when Windows Media Player was well known to play CD music.
A little bit of computer old days: Windows Media Player, with its reproduction skin and groovy-like screen. Listening to linkin park and seeing this was quite awesome. Because of its CD tracking, I remember some of the songs.
"In the End", and then "A place for my head", and then "Forgotten". The last one I didn't remembered the song, only the transition between the last one and this. Being a fast-paced song, it was remarkable that my mind could remember little of the song...
Yeah, remembering Linkin Park makes my memories go into my childhood days. Just because my friend of that occasion wanted to listen that. One of the things we do when we wanted to get out of those songs for children. Sounds kinda spooky, but on those days, music were for us a delightful hobby to enjoy. In fact, a post can resemble adventures of childhood and music, and radio stations and being "radio broadcasters..." and tell jokes and answering phone calls and all else. Of course playing music and songs.
In those days, I haven't learned English before, but only the fact this music was part of my life, I just couldn't leave behind. But actually, the lyrics are quite not bad. A metaphorical lyric, you feel like you are in a factory, singing those songs, seeing gears and moving metallic objects, and chains, in a beautiful way. Also the raping part..., meh, how I can't find appropriate words to describe it...? It's like, it sounds rhythmical, as part of the song, even if the pitch doesn't match with the music. I enjoy listening to this, it's like a poem of subtle demand and questions of life...
"-Those songs are good for AMV, specially for those of Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z. A good background for fighting anime scenes...."
"-So you viewed those videos...?"
"-My friend once showed me one of this...."
"-Oh, heheh, well, a little dark side showed from you...."
"-That's nothing with a little emotional retribution, remember in those days the meaning was ignored."
"-Ok, ok."
"-You like the songs too, right?"
"-Well, as you have mentioned before...."
"-Heheheh, it has rhythm after all...."
[RHYTHM practice R-H-Y-T-H-M, for English learners, start with R, end with M, split into two parts, at the middle of each add H, and concatenate with Y and T and you have "rhythm" *English Practice is on!*]
I'm still learning....
[More notes: Linkin Park is at first Nu Metal..., creating ambiance of personal alienation...?, wow...]
[Last Note: This post was made listening to Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory (2000)... heheh, in witch the mentioned songs appeared on this album.]
Back in the first days of the new millennium, where nothing seem to be something special, I was presented with a CD that had a few songs of Linkin Park, in the days they were famous. Of course the first song I can remember is "In the End", quite good song it was. As a little boy I was, the meaning of the song was unnoticed, only the rhythm and pace of the music and its rock. On the computer I listened to those songs, when Windows Media Player was well known to play CD music.
A little bit of computer old days: Windows Media Player, with its reproduction skin and groovy-like screen. Listening to linkin park and seeing this was quite awesome. Because of its CD tracking, I remember some of the songs.
"In the End", and then "A place for my head", and then "Forgotten". The last one I didn't remembered the song, only the transition between the last one and this. Being a fast-paced song, it was remarkable that my mind could remember little of the song...
Yeah, remembering Linkin Park makes my memories go into my childhood days. Just because my friend of that occasion wanted to listen that. One of the things we do when we wanted to get out of those songs for children. Sounds kinda spooky, but on those days, music were for us a delightful hobby to enjoy. In fact, a post can resemble adventures of childhood and music, and radio stations and being "radio broadcasters..." and tell jokes and answering phone calls and all else. Of course playing music and songs.
In those days, I haven't learned English before, but only the fact this music was part of my life, I just couldn't leave behind. But actually, the lyrics are quite not bad. A metaphorical lyric, you feel like you are in a factory, singing those songs, seeing gears and moving metallic objects, and chains, in a beautiful way. Also the raping part..., meh, how I can't find appropriate words to describe it...? It's like, it sounds rhythmical, as part of the song, even if the pitch doesn't match with the music. I enjoy listening to this, it's like a poem of subtle demand and questions of life...
"-Those songs are good for AMV, specially for those of Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z. A good background for fighting anime scenes...."
"-So you viewed those videos...?"
"-My friend once showed me one of this...."
"-Oh, heheh, well, a little dark side showed from you...."
"-That's nothing with a little emotional retribution, remember in those days the meaning was ignored."
"-Ok, ok."
"-You like the songs too, right?"
"-Well, as you have mentioned before...."
"-Heheheh, it has rhythm after all...."
[RHYTHM practice R-H-Y-T-H-M, for English learners, start with R, end with M, split into two parts, at the middle of each add H, and concatenate with Y and T and you have "rhythm" *English Practice is on!*]
I'm still learning....
[More notes: Linkin Park is at first Nu Metal..., creating ambiance of personal alienation...?, wow...]
[Last Note: This post was made listening to Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory (2000)... heheh, in witch the mentioned songs appeared on this album.]
Normal Talk
Friday, December 16, 2011
Bond of Friendship

So, in this day I will get on my motivation got from nowhere [-Wrong, you got it because something has come to you and said motivational words...], to talk again about friendship. It's my favorite topic so maybe it could be quite unusual when I want to talk about it, but, when this post is completed, I'll make sure motivation is still on my side.
There is a thing called a bond of friendship that we have to the other person when we establish common thing between them. Social Relation has all types of bonds or points of relation. The Graphical Representation of the Mind of the Bond of Friendship establishes that the connection of the relation is like a line, rope, string, thread, something that can connect two points.
The strength of the Bond can be viewed by current flow of energy transmitted by the thread, or by the strength applied to the rope, the more tight is the rope, the more resistant it is, the more the more fluent the demand of transmission needs.
If we imagine ourselves with a bunch of threads around our body tied on it, we could see a lot of bonds that we have with the other person. Classmates, friends, family, work buddies, other relations, each has a different bond, with different demands of our attention. The flow of energy depends of the strength of each bond. So, there can be certain bonds dropped in a certain way. Not used, but quite difficult to take off.
To satisfy the demand of the flow, a constant contact of the friendship is needed to maintain that bond. It is done by communication, activities and other things... The constant flow of the energy applied to feed the bond of friendship is quite important, and it's quite easy to do it. In the great definition that comes with the word "Friend", the bond is used to protect the friendship from gossip voices and confusing conclusions when things aren't good to perceive. The bond represents confidence and a point of motivation, a guard of emotions and a notion of hope when you need to get back on the adversities to jump again....
Why people can't make this happen? I'm no expert of that, only a observer of experiences, like everyone else, I suppose. Barriers are a good thing to block a bond of friendship. But when that bond is affected by the barrier is because it's vulnerable to that. I don't think bonds make barriers to block other bonds. That's not the function. So, where the barrier comes from? Good things make the bond go stronger, bad things make the barrier go stronger. It's up to us to make more good things on the friendship relation, so the barriers can be ignored and the flow can maintain the same.
Relation types cannot interfere neither on each bond, so that can't block the flow. But we can have another situation, when the flow of one bond is applicable to a specific one rather than other. Bond flow is constantly in movement, so time is considered to talk about the movement of state motivations of a friendship. Therefore, there can be times when the flow of some friendship is greater than another. It is also normal, that the flow can be slowed. It's fine if the bond is strong enough to stand by itself when it is needed. But then the bond has less and less flow, its strength might go down, and make the flow be limited by the strength supported within the bond. In other words, friendship when is not attended, can be a waste of time..., why support on a friendship when it can't supply my demands of relation?(Remember people, we are social entities, so we need relation in order to survive)
When we feel that, that's when we have doubts and a plethora of thoughts, dominating our mind trying to understand what happened. But there we have two options, right to use and good to apply. One is try to diminish to a minimum the flow but trying to make understand the other person the situation. If the bond was once strong, the understanding can be acceptable, otherwise it could end to suffering. But temporary suspend the flow of friendship may be difficult, but the options of searching new bonds of friendship can be applicable anytime, and if you have enough energy to make flow the new bonds. the other option is, again to talk again to the person and ask for a better flow of energy to make the flow stronger. If once the bond was strong, it could be understandable and make again the attention onto your point, otherwise, if it is ignored, it could break the bond on a strange pattern, difficult to repair to make it work again...
Yeah, Friendship Bonds are interesting. But it's difficult making them. Time is a variable, effort is another, state of contact is a important one, and confidence of guarding emotions and sharing important things the most important one. (Another of my silly programming things... like the Formula of Love... oh my... why I'm talking about that!...)
-"Someone has told me a Friendship Motivation, that's cool isn't it?"
-"Why you said so? You know what they say...."
-"That 'Not everybody would say that word that easily because it's not needed, just you need to decipher yourself'?"
-"Something like that. You have an awful demand of energy flow..., that's quite not good."
-"Hmm, it's still difficult...."
-"Even if you make the demand applicable, maintaining it for a long time would be uneventful...."
-"I know, and also that pointing my positions of flow onto a bond will be risky..."
-"You got the idea from the arguments given, that's good."
-"Only a problem, when do I expect the flow from someone to be lower than before? how to make new bonds to make even the flow potential...?"
-"You mean, making a stronger bond on other people...?"
-"Hmm, searching in an strange Space of Action for new Bonds is not my specialty...."
-"You need to learn how to do it, it can be useful when try to re encounter old friends..."
-"I hope so, with the experiences that I got, I may expand a little more my horizons, and make a little walk out of my Comfort Zone.... "
Friendship Talk
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sharing things to the world
Hello, now it’s December, last month of the year, how wonderful…. Anyway, it is supposed to get time to analyze and think what have become of us after another year living in this world…. Anybody would make appearance of the most important things happened around the world and making a good article about it. But what happened is now part of history, so, always going forward….
Monday, November 28, 2011
My “Hidden Power” Move

I don’t know if it is quite unusual or if it is normal to everybody to be lazy people, or if we don’t really get interested on what things we are doing, or the steps taken to reach a certain goal. Yeah, those things that make us think why we are doing those if they won’t appear in a long time after that…, but even if we don’t like them, we are tied to those activities. We feel the need to get that done, but we cannot evade the truth we cannot get a step into the success of that activity.
cases where it is entirely necessary to have the tasks done, we need to get all our concentration and interest
on that task. Doing so is difficult, but getting on the first step most always
helps making the second step. In cases where there are tasks so important, that
we must have it done before the next day, a strong motivation will make us forget all else and do the task at once.
motivation is one of the important things in order to have better vision of
options and possibilities. A strong mind
will overcome his defects and become into somebody who can make things
Do you
have a “Hidden Power”? I don’t want
to start a new methodology of motivation system, just something curious that
came with that word. Like Gohan in Dragon Ball, at sight he is just a wimpy
boy, but on the inside has a strong amount of energy, released when he gets
very angry. Or like in Pokémon that makes a special damage depending on special
circumstances. The idea goes somewhat
like those two examples.
can be capable to certain abilities while other people can be it with other
sort of abilities. When you know you can
have the potential of certain ability, you can use it and develop it, or
you can ignore it and have it at your own. Experiences of life may cause some
abilities to fade off, or not
getting the attention of something, or not having the right resource to
develop. It becomes hidden. If you
can have your time and try to reach
those hidden abilities, recover it and trying to make more effort to it,
maybe you can obtain good benefits for the ability obtained.
you heard of the bamboo, which waits
a certain time in order to grow? It can
be interesting viewing from that point; you maybe were waiting for the right
moment to get it to know. If you know the opportunity is now, that when we grow
-“And now you’ll
gonna tell you have that hidden power…”
-“Hey! Well,
of course it’s a point, but it’s also a motivation
of developing lost talents….”
-“Mmm, quite
amusing I would think. It’s just that you can’t get ‘those Powers’ that easily,
and even if you’re sleepy, you wouldn't get a good response of your body….”
“It might be
right, but at that chance you can have the power enough to think it’s good to
get a good rest before continuing….”
-“Ok…. So,
the results were….?”
-“… of the
Hidden Power Application…?”
-“ Oh, it can
be this post, the blog…”
-“Your blog
is not constant…”
-“Oh, my
efforts on School…”
-“School has owes
with you, expected more from you…”
-“Eh? Well,
it can be recovered…”
-“NO score
can’t be recovered one it’s settled!”
-“ O_o ..., I don’t understand your point…”
-“It’s easy:
effort comes when you have the will to do it!”
-“… I’ll need
to search more into my Hidden Power again…”
Power eats strong minds. That’s why he can’t get up. He’s still hungry… *unexpected
silly face*”
-“It’s a good
reason for my silly actions…, and of course I have a Hidden Power… ready to be
unleashed when I have the will and resource to make it happen.”
[By the way,
the Nerdy Part only complained about how I couldn't make things happen by the
time I made this post, not because of the Meaning of the Post. He can be a
little pushy about having things well and done, but what can you expect when
things aren't in good position to handle the situation…?]
Friday, November 11, 2011
Random post for special Occasion...
Well, time to be Random, and go through a series of silly events that everyone could think this is so dumb, maybe you may not get the attention to it. But nobody knows that between those words full of randomness, there are special words that somebody with lots of free time will get to read it. Or maybe you would find interesting everything I say because the Internet has lots of random things, and being an Internet user, some of this words are ineffective to us..., I guess so.
My writing has a purpose: expression of ideas and Idea analysis, and when I refer to "Idea Analysis" is the doing of processing information of every type. A good thinking is when you get a good conclusion from the things you know and using your mind for those activities are a good way to know the world and get far away from ignorant-based ideas...
My mind is very active, he doesn't know when to stop thinking, so I imagine places and people and events and other kind of data, and then it comes to my mind, one or two ideas comes related to that, as if they were into explaining the origin of the data. So you can be in a place where everything is happiness, or to a place where everything is pure darkness..., or you can be in a dark place but holding a sword of light that guides you along, or you just got into an adventure where you can fight monsters and other things in mind....
So, just a Random post for the Special Occasion. What special Occasion is? Well, just think about this day (the day this was posted), and tell, what was the most important thing you heard about this day?
[Not because I'm following everybody, but...]
{A little word from the Nerdy Part:
"It's just only a day, nothing special happened today, so keep off counting binary numbers, because if you think it very clearly, you can't consider 2 as a binary digit..."
My writing has a purpose: expression of ideas and Idea analysis, and when I refer to "Idea Analysis" is the doing of processing information of every type. A good thinking is when you get a good conclusion from the things you know and using your mind for those activities are a good way to know the world and get far away from ignorant-based ideas...
My mind is very active, he doesn't know when to stop thinking, so I imagine places and people and events and other kind of data, and then it comes to my mind, one or two ideas comes related to that, as if they were into explaining the origin of the data. So you can be in a place where everything is happiness, or to a place where everything is pure darkness..., or you can be in a dark place but holding a sword of light that guides you along, or you just got into an adventure where you can fight monsters and other things in mind....
So, just a Random post for the Special Occasion. What special Occasion is? Well, just think about this day (the day this was posted), and tell, what was the most important thing you heard about this day?
[Not because I'm following everybody, but...]
{A little word from the Nerdy Part:
"It's just only a day, nothing special happened today, so keep off counting binary numbers, because if you think it very clearly, you can't consider 2 as a binary digit..."
Sunday, October 30, 2011
"Let me tell you about HomeStuck"

I would start telling you how I began viewing this. At that time searching images in I came across one image of a boy with glasses and another one who was seeing him like he was a nerd. When I got into the description of the image, I saw the source of what this image came from. The image was a fan art of that page, [Refer to the Image Source to go to the page]. I was amazed a fan art get inspirations from that web page. So was my curiosity that I clicked on the link and came across to the page. At first it shows the start of a comic, with a .gif image of the boy with the glasses. I didn't want to lose time, so I clicked some pages they showed on the recent posts of the story. It was the part when they got something big inside a planet and gets out of there. My attention grew when at one point whey showed a Flash-animated scene with something funny on it. At that moment I thought this would be a good idea to follow that story. So I began reading from start.
Of course I must give my time
reading all those pages. Well, stared the comic with a boy named John, who was in his
house and was about to play a game. Well the thing is that everything on this
webcomic was determined by users’ commands, like we were giving the path the character would follow. The one who manages all those commands, Andrew Hussie, chooses the
most appropriate one (or the first one) to continue on the story. That’s why it’s
an interactive webcomic.
Giving the idea of what you are
going to see on this web comic is: game-like ambiance, programming data structures,
chat-like conversations, good animations (when it’s necessary) and also a long
amount of trolling, weird but awesome mind-blowing stuff and others things you’d think this
is out of this planet....
Image Source: MSPaintAdventures-HomeStuck [2009-2011]
The pages and have their own fan artists who had made this comic get to know to
all those people. It is cool something awesome like that get promoted by all
those fan art. Because it has simple well-made and clear images, and with all the Flash animation, it guides you to a world into the game, who turns out to be a quest
for discovery and amazing moves.
I don’t want at first to tell you
everything, neither spoilers (not now),
HomeStuck Kinda Last Information (If you really want to start without a single idea of this)
but I can tell you one thing that made me want to write this post before.
At the end of October, the webcomic concluded one Episode more, with a very good and planned animation. One image made me think that I have to get updated to the last part. Seems like after some more pages came to the last updated page where that animation appeared. Simply outstanding n_n. So,
but I can tell you one thing that made me want to write this post before.
At the end of October, the webcomic concluded one Episode more, with a very good and planned animation. One image made me think that I have to get updated to the last part. Seems like after some more pages came to the last updated page where that animation appeared. Simply outstanding n_n. So,
I would really recommend you go read this webcomic (if you HAVE free time) and go
and get updated to get the opportunity, because they will continue the webcomic
starting November 11th. You have chance to get amazed by the stuff
that happens there. So have fun. Later I may do another post about it. This is so amazing I can't leave this as the only one. Maybe I could tell my vision of that comic...
-“Yeah for John! I know you will like it
-“Yeah, seems interesting to me. The words
and the animation…”
-“I just got amazed for the last updated
page. So amazing. But it got me by surprise”
-“Why so?”
-“It’s just that after that I thought it
would continue, but, oh well. I got again into that again n_n”
Normal Talk
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Adventures in the World of RO
After so much time not playing this game, some event
made me install it again. Ragnarok Online (or RO), is the multiplayer RPG online game that has gotten my attention since I started to play. Some
friend invited me to play with him, and I thought it would be interesting to
play and so I got into installing it.
The installation
of the game and server was long (about an hour, my 1GB of RAM and my processor
wasn't fast enough...) but after that, the sign in and the creation of the
character. I saw that when you entered you start as Novice and if you choose your stats well, you can become a specific Job and training getting specific items
for the character. I liked the Mage types, so I aimed to be a Wizard and throw
magic to enemies. Even if that Job is a little difficult to train, I was
patient getting into the right enemy to destroy and not getting defeated. But
of course, many times I got defeated and, then you'll have to go again to the
training site.
The World of RO was quite good. The
character is sprite-like, but the background was 3D, in a way it could match
the character and enemies (most of it sprite-like). At certain times, enemies
appear in the map. Each enemy has specific stats similar to the players.
One you get to a
certain level, you could go fight tougher enemies, but in my case, my Wizard
can attack effectively enemies that don’t attack fast and strong, also the ones
who are very slow and the ones who don't attack in wide range. I like getting
items on Toy Factory because certain enemy throws a Blue Box containing various
things, and valuable things.
Right now, I have
a Wizard lv 90, with a good Magic
Attack Power and quite a fast casting. But you can improve your stats refining
your weapons en equipping, and adding cards into them.
The game is quite
addictive, but when you know well your time, it couldn't be a problem. I like
when you can know someone to play with and get party and gaining exp together,
and at parties or 10+, defeat powerful
-"Vacations are a good thing
to get some time to play..."
-"Why do you say it? You're
playing it now."
-"Yeah, but right now I
can't get full into that, I have other things..."
-"So, why are you
-"Only relax a little, I
don't want someone invite me to something and not be present because of the
normal activities."
-"I see..."
-"Need to get important
things first *smiles*"
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A little talk about Pokémon!

Now, what things
can you expect from Pokémon? It's a game, it's a cartoon, it's a collectible Card
game, they have all kind of stuff with Pokémon on it, and it's one of the most
representative things of the Nerdy Kind.
Why? Because of all the things that came into our minds when we saw those
things in our life and made changes that are now part of our personality, I
Who wouldn't want
to catch a Pokémon in real life,
become a Pokémon Trainer, explore
new worlds, get amazed at all these little creatures on forests, on deserts, on
rivers, or on trees? Also it was cool battling other trainers, gain badges and
getting in a competition where you could beat your rival at the final battle
and get your name at the Hall of Fame
with your trained Pokémon and become a Pokémon
And then do it
again for the next games and getting fun training it and beating trainers. All
the fun was for winning battles and feel you made an effort training Pokémon *quite a good smile :D *.
But yeah, even if
the sound of the repetitive action of throwing Poke balls and hearing the Evolution
Song and other similar things might sound boring, that's not true. You could get the fun for it. Most of
all, you'll get the fun at the next level when friends know when you talk about
Pokémon they immediately get the point.
I know friends
that use attack moves to refer to something in their conversations, quite good
thing they know it very well. In fact, they know more about Pokémon than I (but
I can get into the conversation and understand it also, so no worries...). It's
fun because it's part of our personality. Even if new Pokémon appeared got the
attention of a fewer ones, the First Generations will be remembered for the
ones who got influenced on those games and cartoons and other stuff.
-“So Pokémon, It’s my duty to
like you every day!”
-“So true.”
-“Next time, what would be the
best thing to talk in the Pokemon topic?”
-“Well, you can tell them how
good you are at Pokémon…”
-“Not quite as others, but I can
do my best…”
-“Or how about how many collections
you have in your room…”
-“I have a Pikachu, and a book of
-“Or how many games have you
-“Yeah, yeah, those are good
ideas. Maybe I can get another post for that….”
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Great events...
Original Title: “Great sudden events not always end as
you expected…”

I heard of that concert, and it
would be exclusive for some people, but they decided to give free tickets also
to the others at School. So with that I had the opportunity to go. The thought
of not going to a concert was present, and I thought how that opportunity is
there to be taken. I knew it was something interesting not to lose it.
So I
went to School and saw my companions and friends, and so classes began. It wasn’t
too long and then it finished. I feel that was short. So until the time of the
concert I waited some time, playing games and wandering about. When the time
came, my friends and I were ready to go to the place of the concert. I didn’t
know the place was quite big and wide, all people gathering here walking around
until the time of the concert begins. My friends and I entered with the tickets
given. And the first thing I saw were vending stands of food and souvenirs.
That was weird, that wasn’t on my mind that they could sell those things. After
some time we gather around in front of the main stage, and that’s when all
first they were playing some invited band until the great band appears, only to
get the admiration of fans and people there to wait more anxiously. And so
after a few songs, and after some minutes, the great band appeared on stage and
started to play.
I was really amazed about the concert: the instruments, the lights, the
effects, the smoke that was illuminated with the colorful lights, and of course
the ones who play the instruments, and the rhythm and the lyrics of the song.
An amazing show that I saw with both of my eyes. Although I was small enough to
not to get to see completely the stage, the music and the show was great to
something happened after the show, I didn't think I was making somebody to wait for
me. Make long story short, there it was in the car. Yeah, I feel strange at
that moment, so I would fill this paragraph into nonsense to start another one
properly about how strange I felt at that moment when I got into the car. The
lights and all the fun we had there were amazing, and they sang and danced and
throw toilet paper on the air… Ok, next paragraph.
felt strange when we were returning home, like ashamed of what I did, but at
the same time amazed from what I saw on stage, and at the same time, I didn’t
care about both of them. I just wanted to return home and spend the night and
that’s it. Well, I wanted to save those special things that happened last night
sending apart the moment after that. Because it would be awful to remember the
failure if I still thinking about the concert. But of course it has a relation,
but it wouldn’t affect me.
I wouldn’t receive something awful, crying was expected. So I waited for the
right moment. That kind of emotion seems to be unavoidable, if something like
making somebody worries about you and can’t communicate with him could make a
strong emotion. For the moment I was there in the living room, I forgot what
happened, as my regret became sadness and my sensation of guiltiness became tears...
the perspective of my personality, maybe I didn’t contemplate everything, but
of course it was unexpected what happened, and of course I would make
consideration next time I get the will to go again…
-“And so, there’re goes another adventure from this young boy...”
-“Who made an odd decision and went to the nowhere...”
-“It wasn’t…”
-“… and thought everything was going to be on plan…”
-“But I thought…”
-“… that of course it wasn’t planned on first place,…”
-“I know, but…”
-“…but ended unexpectedly. Seems normal to me.”
-“Oh…, I…”
-“Yeah, it was a good try for the first time, but you
could do better.”
-“..., still, I will get only the good moments of that!”
Monday, September 19, 2011
Convention Adventures 002
[NOTE: Considering as last entry : Convention Adventures 001]

Hello. I once again went to another convention this week, trying to conquer again the Increasing Potential of the Nerd-Type Status. What new things did I see? Not a lot of things I could tell, but the awesome thing were the people where I was along. And also it was awesome to buy some things. I guess I will talk about the key points of this convention.
I was happy to be with some friends at one time and at another time of the day. First we saw what they sell: t-shirts, figurines, plushies, posters, manga books, anime series, trading cards and related stuff. Also sushi and other Japanese food, and pizza... Also the most noticeable thing: the cosplay they have the people in the convention. Most of it anime characters, but I think there wasn't a lot of people cosplaying, or I think I didn't recognize a lot of characters. There was no Naruto character, neither a Mario character. I saw one Link and one Pikachu girl. The pokemon cosplay were more noticeable: Team Magma cosplay, some person with a blue cape holding a Piplup, the new characters of the Black/Withe version..... Also then was Sakura from CardCaptors, some Japanese school dressed girls, and a lot of people from colors of black and red (I was in a red t-shirt so...).
As always, there were the cosplay contest, a karaoke contest, a drawing contest, a videogame place and a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament. Some person came who makes dubbing in series and movies. And there was a Touhou dancing (I guess it was part of the cosplay contest) where a lot of girls danced to Cirno's Perfect Math Class (one of the most amazing things happened in the convention, of course I like Touhou Series...)
Also the things I bought: I got one Pikachu plushie *Yay for my nerdy accomplishment*. When I saw it I remembered the aspect of the first Pikachu when appeared on the Game Boy Red/Blue version, some Zelda Poster and some keychain.
Now, the things I liked from going there. It was always a doubtful idea of going alone and only see things and do nothing interesting. Luckily I was with people I know and also they know me. School and other things were something hard to get along or difficult to talk because of the time, but when we are here, we could be anything more than a simple student or a normal person. Even so, I know the things we understand also we can get into consideration and say awesome things because they have appeared. Like Pokemon stuff, recognize the characters is awesome to share. Also when I get to know more people that my friends know. Nothing is getting low, only we need a perfect moment to be what we really are. Conventions are important in order to be more open to the real me and everyone could understand I'm no weirdo in the group of the Nerd-Type Attribution.
And so, after I thought I have saw enough I returned home. When a convention ends, I could get more Motivation Points to continue on course into the Adventure. Sharing the things with my friends one more time, we return to our duties and make homework due tomorrow...
-"It's awful there're no many moments like this, but when they come, the Nerdy Kind will be attracted by the awesomeness of the event.."
-"And you took photos of those of the Touhou girls..."
-"Touhou girls will be cool, and Pokemon also will be cool!"
-"Oh, so when will be training your 'captured' Pikachu?"
-"Huh, but I have 'other' Pokemon to train..."
-"OK... so it will be my pleasure to train your Pikachu!"*rushes at the Pikachu*
-"Oh, Pikachu! What a cute little one we have here, let me teach you some awesome moves and you'll be a powerful Pokemon you'll see."
-"Oh, sure I can have it when you're occupied with your 'work', right?"
-"Well..., I t-think so..."
-"Of course, because you need time to train it..."
-"It's only a plushie..."
[By the way, most of Touhou characters are girls, and as you can see, my Nerdy Part can be nerdy at some times... *weird as it seems*]

Hello. I once again went to another convention this week, trying to conquer again the Increasing Potential of the Nerd-Type Status. What new things did I see? Not a lot of things I could tell, but the awesome thing were the people where I was along. And also it was awesome to buy some things. I guess I will talk about the key points of this convention.
I was happy to be with some friends at one time and at another time of the day. First we saw what they sell: t-shirts, figurines, plushies, posters, manga books, anime series, trading cards and related stuff. Also sushi and other Japanese food, and pizza... Also the most noticeable thing: the cosplay they have the people in the convention. Most of it anime characters, but I think there wasn't a lot of people cosplaying, or I think I didn't recognize a lot of characters. There was no Naruto character, neither a Mario character. I saw one Link and one Pikachu girl. The pokemon cosplay were more noticeable: Team Magma cosplay, some person with a blue cape holding a Piplup, the new characters of the Black/Withe version..... Also then was Sakura from CardCaptors, some Japanese school dressed girls, and a lot of people from colors of black and red (I was in a red t-shirt so...).
As always, there were the cosplay contest, a karaoke contest, a drawing contest, a videogame place and a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament. Some person came who makes dubbing in series and movies. And there was a Touhou dancing (I guess it was part of the cosplay contest) where a lot of girls danced to Cirno's Perfect Math Class (one of the most amazing things happened in the convention, of course I like Touhou Series...)
Also the things I bought: I got one Pikachu plushie *Yay for my nerdy accomplishment*. When I saw it I remembered the aspect of the first Pikachu when appeared on the Game Boy Red/Blue version, some Zelda Poster and some keychain.
Now, the things I liked from going there. It was always a doubtful idea of going alone and only see things and do nothing interesting. Luckily I was with people I know and also they know me. School and other things were something hard to get along or difficult to talk because of the time, but when we are here, we could be anything more than a simple student or a normal person. Even so, I know the things we understand also we can get into consideration and say awesome things because they have appeared. Like Pokemon stuff, recognize the characters is awesome to share. Also when I get to know more people that my friends know. Nothing is getting low, only we need a perfect moment to be what we really are. Conventions are important in order to be more open to the real me and everyone could understand I'm no weirdo in the group of the Nerd-Type Attribution.
And so, after I thought I have saw enough I returned home. When a convention ends, I could get more Motivation Points to continue on course into the Adventure. Sharing the things with my friends one more time, we return to our duties and make homework due tomorrow...
-"It's awful there're no many moments like this, but when they come, the Nerdy Kind will be attracted by the awesomeness of the event.."
-"And you took photos of those of the Touhou girls..."
-"Touhou girls will be cool, and Pokemon also will be cool!"
-"Oh, so when will be training your 'captured' Pikachu?"
-"Huh, but I have 'other' Pokemon to train..."
-"OK... so it will be my pleasure to train your Pikachu!"*rushes at the Pikachu*
-"Oh, Pikachu! What a cute little one we have here, let me teach you some awesome moves and you'll be a powerful Pokemon you'll see."
-"Oh, sure I can have it when you're occupied with your 'work', right?"
-"Well..., I t-think so..."
-"Of course, because you need time to train it..."
-"It's only a plushie..."
[By the way, most of Touhou characters are girls, and as you can see, my Nerdy Part can be nerdy at some times... *weird as it seems*]
Sunday, September 11, 2011
A "Perfect Friend" and a Second Chance

The problem was, they don't seem to share most of it with me. I could see it, those who I consider as friends, sharing more things to the other people, getting into the detail more, giving the time with them, and other similar things. Maybe they share the most important points; maybe they believe I won't give a good response of its awesome activities; maybe I’m not his best friend, only a friend of the moment, or maybe I don’t have something good to share or an interesting thing to comment.
“They are always the same. They have the same behavior: being silent with me, not saying something when we gather in a place, talking things I guess they don’t know what to say, because maybe that’s not the thing they want to talk or maybe their normal activities are not for my ears to listen….” Those were the words I conclude of all the gatherings I had with my friends. And I was trying to say something at that moment, something appropriate, similar to the conversation we were having now, to get the attention of my friend, to let him know my friendship is good and innocent. Nothing came to my mind, and they would say I was a timid boy, a boring person, someone whose life would not get the attention of anybody…, I don’t know if my life would be interesting, or worth of tell.
But, the thing is, they’re right. My life has little interesting things to share; I was poor of experiencing activities of life; my experiences of life were inferior to those of great notoriety. It’s confusing, because I don’t get quickly what things they like, and if I share those things they like, or something similar, would they get the idea of my sharing? So time got on me, but at that time I could finally know what things I could share, and get the confidence of sharing with my friend what I really like. But when thing happens happily, they would expand their horizon to the world and sees something better….
“They are always the same. They have the same behavior: finding other person, being in the group or in the same moment. That person joins in, and we have a fresh start, but the circumstances of life make a radical change, and the friend’s position get the attention more on the new person he has joined in. Maybe he knows that person in some place I didn't know, but new events would end in an awful moment….” Those are the words I got when I know I have lost a friend. And I defended my position of getting the idea of being friends, overcome the situation we were facing and getting again the attention of my friend, to let him know my friendship was still worth it, and I would never leave that. My defenses were broken, and I got hurt, because of that silly situation that wasn't so important; exaggerated the situation and blame the damage to them. And they could think I’m a perfectionist for a friendship….
Unfortunately, they’re right again. Those little things they did to me and didn't know they would hurt me would broke my emotional control and end a good friendship, because they acted like children and made a bad joke on me, didn't say sorry of that and ignored the situation… or because they didn't consider that friendship as such, or because they were wandering in their own minds, blocking a friendship they didn't want, or because they leave the state of moment of life unexpectedly, or because they didn't know that friendship was so important to me. That, because I only wanted to be with somebody at recess….
But all those conclusions made me think friendship it’s not about being perfect in finding something they would not hurt you once and being mad at him. It only occurred once, and others were because of misplacement of moment, or an end of a stage. But other than that, those were the friends I had at that time. Other people didn't become friends of mine, so the maintenance of friendship wasn't practiced a lot. Only if they had taught me or tell me what would be having a best friend beside you at that time.
Also, those made me think I could give a second chance on anybody I knew in past times, if they wanted to at least talk with me, or give me a message or other things if they have at least five minutes of their time. Give a second chance of those who had leaved the space of moment, and get there. Because, when I lose contact with a friend, I find difficult to talk with him again, even I want it so, I could get afraid of see what is going to happen. So a second chance is also a new opportunity to me to get in contact to people I know and I want to talk to him, so they can see that in the time I was so shy to talk to that person, I have a strong interest of knowing him more.
“- A second change means telling the people I’m not as shy as I used to be.”
“-And also to see you’re not the Mr. Perfect guy who didn't want to cry because of those shocking events….”
“-I was afraid at that time, but I didn't want them to be concerned on me….”
“-But now everything has changed, you have overgrown in time those moments…”
“-And what if I make somebody happy?”
“-I don’t think they would get the attention that way….”
“-Mmmm, but why I can’t select my own friends? I think they could be awesome if they were friends….”
“-Maybe they don’t consider that the same. Also the circumstances would not be appropriate….”
“- They only don’t have time for me. It’s not fair…”
I know I could be friends of anybody of the same sharing of ideas and also I could give the time on them if they consider the position I offer, only they need to understand I’m shy, so if you can get into my shyness, you will obtain my real personality. Also it would be fine not having any friend, because I spend emotional energy to maintain that friendship, if I don't get the retribution, my energy gets low, so a not refundable friendship is exhausting to me. But friendship is needed, because of the energy flow. Having not friends is fine, but the energy flow will not happen properly. Having friends will get fresh and positive energy, spendable to enjoy the best moments of life.
Friendship Talk
Monday, August 22, 2011
Remembering the first entries 001
Hello everyone. I hope you like the entries I write for the world [heheheh]. Well, I thought I could show you the entries I wrote since I started, and give you some reason why you need to go visit that entry. It will be fun, motivational, and with a bit of silly things.
1. Hello World! (Not simply a beginner's program...) My first entry of the blog, explaining a little bit of my purposes and also who I am.
2. Expressing Introversion out of your known space... When I talked about the discovery of anime and comics convention of the local region, much of the things that I wanted to be and in constant searching
3. A gaming conversation... That the time when I had a project of programming to resolve and finish, and my motivations on continuing it and the details we want to consider.
4. There's not an Absolute Introversion... Talking about relation between being alone and being with friends or other people, and my shy side mostly appears on those cases…
5. An Inspiration to Write Explaining more about the blog and my true reasons to blogging and expressing ideas
6. The Nerd’s Potential A anxious attempt on putting something for the Main Purpose and getting attention of what I like the most
9. Motivational Point - A Friend's Voice Continuing Motivational Point, referring to all friends I have/had, and it always stays in my mind…
10. Harry Potter and my Fascination of the Books Talking about Harry Potter, when the last movie was going to get in theaters, maybe I talk about minor spoilers…
11. A New Adventure awaits... [A Story] One of the stories I made for the blog, when inspiration gave its maximum point and threw a good story of sharing [THIS IS GOOD READING FOR YOUR MIND]
12. Blogging is just more than writing a single idea When I noticed I could do more than writing, but I explained the reasons of not putting images other than mine…
13. Media of Dramatic Idea Imposition Talking about series that gets attention to one of the specific things of the Nerd-Type in an unreal situation or an overstated event.
15. Outside your “own personal world” Talking about things happening not in your inner world that could be interesting to go visit. Kind a bit of nonsense also…
Well, 15 entries wrote until now, and with this will be 16[Not really for the entry count…] Wow, that is good, so I will continue on writing and getting the time on this, because we can get our hobby on the go with our free time we have left…
[And because this is not a proper entry, my Nerdy Part is sleeping a good rest…. I can sense he has plans of making his arguments better and stronger and nerdier….]
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Outside your “own personal world”

But in the Mental Representation, the connotation gives the concept of “inner world” as the graphical place of our idea and our experiences. The idea of resembling the mental dimension as a world is based on our mental association to all visual things that our eyes perceive, and then our mind remembers it being able to represent that image. Our compilation of those images, including sounds and feelings, becomes the world that symbolizes our personality. However, the way you see your inner world is the interpretation you will give to that world: or it helps you generate more ideas with a balanced mind, or it keeps you away from face upon reality.
In the world of awkward moments and social clumsiness, the limit of our real space is reduced to only have moments of personal issue. But at least we can enjoy great part of our solitude time. But also the position enjoys having fun with other people. But after you have realized it, you’ll understand that going out of your home in a time other than School and other important places is grateful to your mind…
So what’s the point about all this? I thought about my own world, but I don’t know if it is enough to have a cheerful and productive life.... But also, at any time possible you can take the opportunity to go outside and see beyond your vision of life. Maybe one of the most incredible places you can go is a local park. Being in touch with nature helps a lot arranging a fuzzy mind. Also it is great going shopping… and other things that don’t involve being home
Because, even if we have our world on Internet, different opinions can represent the vision of a different world far away from our homes. But it's enjoyable to hang up with friends if they share similar thoughts or ideas of a certain issue. So, in this time of constant changes, let's hope those ones don't differ from the idea of other people and remain the friendship we still have...
“That’s a good reason to go outside: to see your friends and have fun playing…”
“So you say you have friends?”
“I do have friends; I had some friends also who made their way into the future…”
“I guess they have changed a little…”
“You think so? I’ll be generous this time, and say you can be a better friend for them. You need to be there for them, make them pay attention to you. At least write something to state you’re still here…”
“But I’m always here on Internet. There’s no place else I could go, right?”
“I guess so. Only they don’t seem to pay attention to you. You need to confirm that.”
“What would happen if they don’t answer me after that?”
“Hmm, I guess that would be the end…, but you also be patient, and be insistent about your bond…”
“Hmm, I guess that would be the end…, but you also be patient, and be insistent about your bond…”
“Oh, anyhow, can I talk with you if something happens…?”
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