Saturday, October 22, 2011

A little talk about Pokémon!

Once again with my Nerdy Issues, well, you can't get tired of that, right? As you can see for the title, it's Pokémon time! Yeah, I wanted to do a Pokémon post. I could tell so many things about what things Pokémon made me a joyful boy in my childhood and how amazing Pokémon was at that age (and it's still awesome).

                Now, what things can you expect from Pokémon? It's a game, it's a cartoon, it's a collectible Card game, they have all kind of stuff with Pokémon on it, and it's one of the most representative things of the Nerdy Kind. Why? Because of all the things that came into our minds when we saw those things in our life and made changes that are now part of our personality, I guess....

                Who wouldn't want to catch a Pokémon in real life, become a Pokémon Trainer, explore new worlds, get amazed at all these little creatures on forests, on deserts, on rivers, or on trees? Also it was cool battling other trainers, gain badges and getting in a competition where you could beat your rival at the final battle and get your name at the Hall of Fame with your trained Pokémon and become a Pokémon Master...!

                And then do it again for the next games and getting fun training it and beating trainers. All the fun was for winning battles and feel you made an effort training Pokémon *quite a good smile :D *.

                But yeah, even if the sound of the repetitive action of throwing Poke balls and hearing the Evolution Song and other similar things might sound boring, that's not true. You could get the fun for it. Most of all, you'll get the fun at the next level when friends know when you talk about Pokémon they immediately get the point.

                I know friends that use attack moves to refer to something in their conversations, quite good thing they know it very well. In fact, they know more about Pokémon than I (but I can get into the conversation and understand it also, so no worries...). It's fun because it's part of our personality. Even if new Pokémon appeared got the attention of a fewer ones, the First Generations will be remembered for the ones who got influenced on those games and cartoons and other stuff.

-“So Pokémon, It’s my duty to like you every day!”
-“So true.”
-“Next time, what would be the best thing to talk in the Pokemon topic?”
-“Well, you can tell them how good you are at  Pokémon…”
-“Not quite as others, but I can do my best…”
-“Or how about how many collections you have in your room…”
-“I have a Pikachu, and a book of Pokémon,…”
-“Or how many games have you played…”
-“Yeah, yeah, those are good ideas. Maybe I can get another post for that….”