Saturday, January 14, 2012

Talking about making software

    When it comes to programming things like simple applications and other software that can be run by computers, my mind is engrossed in those kind of subjects. It seems like if I have the encounter of a tutorial on how to make applications on a computer, trying to follow it, and works as expected, I could get very focused on making my ideas flow on a thousand and more possibilities to make every kind of programs, or get focused on making a detailed game or something similar. (The reason that makes everything else less important..., but don't worry, I'll get my things organized.)

  I have ideas that can be great to do, but there are too many resources to follow and a variety of programming languages and plug-ins and other packages that one can add and make their job easier. But that's one of the main problems: which one is the most appropriate one to follow? What's the best programming language and the best resource that can match your vision of the final product, in other words, the runnable program? Following a bunch of web pages, it seems that they have its own way to handle the situation of making programs and how the resources can make the things more easy.    The first thing to view is: what are you going to do? It could be an application, a user interface, a game using graphics, a utility or an editor of something. Then, in which environment are you going to develop that program, and in which programming language? The range can be depending of the ability of each programming language and the disposition of time you are going to spend to make it. What we called IDE (Integrated Development Environment), like Eclipse, Net Beans, Visual Studio, among others; those can be useful in making the development more structured (an important issue to consider). Considering Languages: C is the basic thing to learn, Java is kinda easy to understand if you get the thing on Object-Oriented Programming, and C++ is both of them with a great advantage to make a .exe file, and C Sharp if your programs will consist on Text Boxes and Buttons.... And then, the view of the program: Is your program going to be a executable? Does it depends on images, external resources, audio and other media? Do you want that your program runs only on which computers? Is going to be into a cellular, smartphone or tablet as an application? More importantly, do you care a lot about security of your program? And, does your program can be as useful as beneficial in terms of buying it, or just for the fun of programming?
    And that's just the beginning. Making programs, even the simpliest one, can be difficult if you don't have clear ideas on what you what. And in terms of graphics and other media, you'll have to add the design of images, such as characters, backgrounds, effects, objects, fonts, audio, music. And also if the program can manage file saving, such as get the high punctuation, the result of a file, saving preferences, game status and databases. Adding to that includes that you need the time for School and other activities....
    So then, what's the motivation into making something that can be like a path full of rocks walking on bare foot? When someone decides adventuring into the world of programming, hoping to find the most weird bugs and hours of uneventful situations of warnings and errors, is because he wants his program to be running like every other program, because he likes to do it. Also if your graphics are as good to make a good handle of all those images, background tiles, and sprites and other objects....
    Someone that enters a career that includes computer programming, has the vision that he can make programs worth the value of his effort. As students, the vision of the world of programming is quite blurry, but at least our abilities are going to be needed in one or two things, for the good thing of making the world continue its flow of activity.... But what do they say on the news? What's the most listened thing that has our attention at this moment? It's correct that new technologies are increasing, and we sure need to adapt to those specifications. The question we need to do is: what is the value that developers of software have, depending on their abilities they have, that makes companies want to hire them? Students can't see that value, until they enter the struggle of entering the World of software companies.

"A lot of competition for the one who can make the path into those objectives...."
"And a consideration made, result of the research on what is to come in future creations, right?"
"You know, what is like to make a game that has all your abilities and playing it at your own...?"
"Or at least making so that someone can play it too! You have something in mind...."
"Heheh, playing your game, sure everyone is going to like it...."
"Huh...?, but of course development and planning is difficult to make, and also the vision people has pointing games, including its graphics"
"They need to have a certain impact on them, and a good plot to develop..."
"Ah..., too much to do.... But of course it'll be interesting playing it."
"Yeah, let's see how high we can get...."
"How high...?"
"Oh, heheh.... I mean, let's go the highest point of our mission!"

[My thing is programming, and software development, because it is the aim I'm gonna get, so it's better be prepared when I get to that point... heheh]
[Of course, writing and drawing are hobbies, I enjoy doing it too, and of course, time is needed, so that's going to be tough but very amazing!]