Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Friendship is...

Ok, for the occasion, just because Friendship indeed is important for me...
    What's Friendship? I talk a lot about it, but why I give so much importance for a thing that is only eventful and seems to be not everyday's event? Maybe because my weird misconception of the meaning of friendship. Or maybe because weird experiences of life that made me feel I need a constant search of the Friend of the Moment. After all those searches, I found my Introversion motion, and my only need to not to be lonely in a world of social interaction. Imagine yourself around all those people, and seeing them talk to others, you feel the need to do the same, to "adapt to society..." (deep thoughts..., heheheh) My motivation generator can make things possible, but outside you feel overwhelmed with all those interactions, and you being the weird one.
    The things I know about friendship is the interaction of people in activities, conversations, good laughs and sharing experiences. Feeling the great need of a friend in special moments is what gives an important change in life. But even if those friends are far away from you, there's no deny of the grateful experiences or events you have spent with them. 
    Maybe I'm too simple on friendship motion. I always think they expect so much from me, because they may think I don't say something interesting, or say nothing. I don't know if my sensitive feeling perceives them if they are not in a mood to talk. But that's maybe other option, I may don't feel the need to talk or I don't have the right thing to share or to express myself. Maybe I'm slow on maintaining a conversation, they get boring.... That's why I like to write and to draw. There's no need to hurry on expressing your ideas.
    So, friendship is, giving part of your time with another person for sharing activities:
    What I remember, a good friendship, when you know his house, comes over yours and start playing games, most kind of games. Pokemon Cards, videogames, soccer, typical childish games, more videogames, a little walking around your neighborhood, visiting your friends house, and having a great time. You know you have a friend because, even if he makes you cry or if he makes you feel anxious or disappointed about many things, he always has the look of concern and try to cheer you. That's when you feel better and forget what happened at this time.
    There's no need to talk about other things, even if the world needs to step up the level of Friendship of the Conversation Motion. They want to hear it from their own ears. But maybe if you try too harder, the obvious notice of others makes you feel shy about it. They know when you talk more often and say more logical things. But maybe you don't know if they want or objective ideas or awkward ideas. Their bubble of friendship grows stronger among them..., but you feel very shy to send them again another letter insisting on their friendship motion and how they are important to you. You may had a few..., but everything is confusing. Changing friends, being with new people and experiencing new things. Everything happens so fast, the moment of getting one it changes again.
    From the view of the Discrete Emotive Attribution, the actions made have a great deal of emotion and affection of the friend motion. Not that can became something else, but always want to express that great thing to be friends with others..., nobody said anything bad about my actions, so for the time being, I will continue. I know if the space is not possible, I should be doing alternative things to maintain the bond...
I may be shy, but I know I can be a good friend.
I may not say a thing, but I know I can express very good things from me.
I may be weird, but I know there's nothing to lose to understand a little.
I may be socially awkward..., but I know those things won't matter if you believe in true friendship.

Maybe I don't convince you, but that's ok if you are that way. I'm not so much from the indirect warnings, but direct expressions are not my thing... 
Even if I feel like giving up  on all this of friendship, because I get ideas around me without getting it clear, I won't.

"Only because I know that's a good thing, and you know it too. Only because I can give a lot for a good friendship, and video games are good too. (heheh)"